330 research outputs found

    Divertor IR Thermography on Alcator C-Mod

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    Radial localization of electron temperature pedestal and ELM-like events using ECE measurements at Wendelstein 7-X

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    A magnetic configuration scan was performed at Wendelstein 7-X stellarator by varying the rotational transform to analyze the plasma confinement for magnetic configurations with different edge magnetic island locations and sizes. For the magnetic configurations, where the 5/5 island chain was moved inside the last closed flux surface, it was observed with electron cyclotron emission measurements that an electron temperature, Te, pedestal develops in the plasma buildup phase and followed by the edge localized mode (ELM)-like crashes. From the mapping of the island to the plasma radius from HINT equilibrium, it was found that the Te pedestal is formed at the island location on the high field side of the plasma. The ELM-like crashes occur at the location of the pedestal and the transport barrier is broken typically with an energy loss of 3-4% during a single ELM-like event. The frequency and the amplitude of the ELM-like crashes were observed to be changing with island size, plasma heating power and density. Additionally during the plasma decay, after the heating was switched-off, a transition to degraded plasma confinement state was observed with changed Te profile gradients, faster decay rate of diamagnetic energy, and increased H-alpha levels

    Formation and Study of a Spherical Plasma Liner for Plasma-Jet-Driven Magneto-Inertial Fusion

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    Plasma-jet-driven magneto-inertial fusion (PJMIF) is an alternative approach to controlled nuclear fusion which aims to utilize a line-replaceable dense plasma liner as a repetitive spherical compression driver. In this experiment, first measurements of the formation of a spherical Argon plasma liner formed from 36 discrete pulsed plasma jets are obtained on the Plasma Liner Experiment (PLX). Properties including liner uniformity and morphology, plasma density, temperature, and ram pressure are assessed as a function of time throughout the implosion process and indicate an apparent transition from initial kinetic inter-jet interpenetration to collisional regime near stagnation times, in accordance with theoretical expectation. A lack of primary shock structures between adjacent jets during flight implies that arbitrarily smooth liners may be formed by way of corresponding improvements in jet parameters and control. The measurements facilitate the benchmarking of computational models and understanding the scaling of plasma liners towards fusion-relevant energy density