451 research outputs found

    Geocoding of German Administrative Data

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    Abstract de la ponencia[EN] Wherever we choose to move, we often find ourselves living close to people with similar social status, income or ethnicity. While many mechanisms have already been proposed to explain the driving factors of segregation, including the willingness to pay for local amenities, a preference for ethnical homogeneity, or the spatial distribution of jobs there is still missing an unified empirical framework to assess the relative importance of these mechanisms. Improvements in urban research requires data at a very granular spatial resoultion. We use geo-tagged administrative micro data to obtain more insights into urban research and develop an empirical framework to measure urban segregation. Our analysis is based on the Integrated Employment Biographies (IEB) from the Institute of Employment Research (IAB). The data excerpt used here is restricted to all main records effective on June 30th 2009. We identified the primary notification for the observation period and restrict our analysis to this. This subset of data has been linked to geocoded address material from the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (GAB) by a deterministic linkage. The individual data have been aggregated into grid cells with an edge length of 500 meters. The median daily wage has been calculated within each grid cell as well as the percentage of employees earning below several low-earning thresholds, including 2/3 of the national median gross daily wage, 2/3 of the city-specific median gross daily wage. The data from grid cells were used to produce various city-wide segregation indexes. This allows consistent comparisons of segregation in a larger cross-section of cities for the first time. We visually demonstrate the potential of our approach comparing segregation patterns in the the three largest cities in Germany. We find substantial variation across cities in both the spatial pattern of sorting and the extent of separation between social groups. This variation can be used to analyze social segregation and its relations to the local economical and demographical characteristics as well as to help city governments to reduce inequality.Vom Berge, P.; Wurdack, A. (2016). Geocoding of German Administrative Data. En CARMA 2016: 1st International Conference on Advanced Research Methods in Analytics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 123-123. https://doi.org/10.4995/CARMA2016.2015.3127OCS12312

    Comparing Labor Market Participation Rates of Ethnic Populations with Innovative Administrative Data for Migration Studies

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    The integration of different ethnic groups into the labour market is a crucial issue, as high labor participation rates guarantee the accumulation of human capital and support the continuous integration in societies. In Germany, unfortunately, the availability of detailed data sources on migration is limited. Due to the fact that transnational attributes are classified as sensitive information with high disclosure risks, public use files usually do not contain the relevant information. Thus, researchers often have to apply for restricted data access in order to study migration topics. One of these data files was recently developed within the grant “Biographical Data of Selected Social Insurance Agencies in Germany (BASiD)”. Because it makes it possible to distinguish between Germans, foreigners, naturalized citizens, and ethnic German immigrants, the new dataset offers unique opportunities for analyses in the field of migration. Using this data source, our analysis of employment rates from 1965 to 2007 has shown, among other things, that ethnic Germans have about the same level of employment as Germans, while immigrants lag significantly behind. Our article demonstrates how BASiD enables analyses of difficulties, characteristics, and resources of immigrants in general and transmigrants in particular

    BASiD - Biografiedaten ausgewählter Sozialversicherungsträger in Deutschland

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    "The Research Data Centre of the Federal Employment Agency in the Institute for Employment Research (FDZ BA/IAB) and the Research Data Centre of the German Pension Insurance (FDZ-RV) offer longitudinal individual-level datasets. These datasets contain on the one hand information of the social security notifications and on the other hand characteristics of the administrative procedures of both institutions. In each institution only information for accomplishment of their own current tasks is kept. The ambition of this project is to compile a common dataset which contains data of the RV and the BA respectively the IAB. The richness of information on individuals will be increased, through filling up gaps in the single data sources by using the information of the other data source, which will provide new potentials for scientific research. The combination of different data sources also supports the improvement of the quality of administrative records. The data are provided to the scientific community as a Scientific Use File as well as a weak anonymous dataset accessible by on-site use. This datareport describes the Biographical Data of selected Social Insurance Agencies in Germany (BASiD) 1951-2009." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))IAB-Biografiedaten, Datensatzbeschreibung, Datenaufbereitung, Datenanonymisierung, Datendokumentation, Datenqualität, Datenzugang, Biografieforschung, Sozialdaten, Stichprobe

    Chemical Composition of the Walls of Certain Algae

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    Author Institution: Ohio State Universit

    Anomalous dispersion and negative-mass dynamics of exciton polaritons in an atomically thin semiconductor

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    Dispersion engineering is a powerful and versatile tool that can vary the speed of light signals and induce negative-mass effects in the dynamics of electrons, quasiparticles, and quantum fluids. Here, we demonstrate that dissipative coupling between bound electron-hole pairs (excitons) and photons in an optical microcavity can lead to the formation of exciton polaritons with an inverted dispersion of the lower polariton branch and hence, a negative mass. We perform a direct measurement of the anomalous dispersion in an atomically thin WS2_2 crystal embedded in a planar microcavity, and demonstrate that the propagation direction of the negative-mass polaritons is opposite to their momentum. Our study introduces a new concept of non-Hermitian dispersion engineering for exciton polaritons and shows a pathway for realising new phases of quantum matter in a solid state.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Fabrication of high-quality PMMA/SiOx_x spaced planar microcavities for strong coupling of light with monolayer WS2_2 excitons

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    Exciton polaritons in atomically-thin transition metal dichalcogenide crystals (monolayer TMDCs) have emerged as highly promising to enable topological transport, ultra-efficient laser technologies, and collective quantum phenomena such as polariton condensation and superfluidity at room temperature. However, integrating monolayer TMDCs into high-quality planar microcavities to achieve the required strong coupling between the cavity photons and the TMDC excitons (bound electron-hole pairs) has proven challenging. Previous approaches had to compromise between the adverse effects on the strength of light-matter interactions in the monolayer, the cavity photon lifetime, and the lateral size of the microcavity. Here, we demonstrate a scalable approach to fabricating high-quality planar microcavities with integrated monolayer WS2_2 layer-by-layer by using polymethyl methacrylate/silicon oxide (PMMA/SiOx_x) as cavity spacer. Because the exciton oscillator strength is well protected by the PMMA layer against the required processing steps, the microcavities investigated in this work, which have quality factors of above 10310^3, can operate in the strong light-matter coupling regime at room temperature. This is an important step towards fabricating patterned microcavities for engineering the exciton-polariton potential landscape, which is essential for enabling many proposed technologies
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