529 research outputs found
Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak Untuk Aplikasi Laba Rugi Pada CV. Primamedia Digital Printing Bandar Lampung
CV. Primamedia Digital Printing merupakan Perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa percetakan sepertipembuatan banner, spanduk, stiker dan poster. Kegiatan pencatatan proses bisnis yang dilakukan di CV.Primamedia Digital Printing seperti mencatat data pendapatan dan pengeluaran serta penyusunan laporanbelum memanfaatkan aplikasi, hal ini sering menimbulkan permasalahan seperti kesalahan pencatatan, sulitdalam pencarian dan penyimpanan data, lambatnya dalam pembuatan laporan laba rugi yang benar dankesalahan disebabkan faktor karyawan atau alat kerja yang belum memadai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalahrekayasa perangkat lunak yang menghasilkan aplikasi Laba Rugi pada CV. Primamedia Digital Printing.Kegiatan penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pengembangan Extreme Programming, dimana tahapanperancangan sistem yang digambarkan menggunakan Use Case, Activity Diagram dan Class Diagram. Tahappembangunan sistem menggunakan Netbeans IDE dengan Aplikasi Java Desktop dan MySQL. Hasil peneltianini adalah terwujudnya perangkat lunak untuk aplikasi pengolahan data laba rugi pada CV. Primamedia DigitalPrinting yang dapat memudahkan dalam menginputan kegiatan bisnis hingga penyusunan laporan laba rugiyang akurat
Effect Foot Soak Using Warm Water Mixed with Salt and Lemongrass to Decrease Pressure in Hypertension Patients in the Podorejo Ngaliyan
The incidence of hypertension in the region Podorejo RW 8 Ngalliyan in 2014 as many as 85 people, increase in 2015 as many as 110 people from stage I – III, the researchers are interested to doing therapy using warm water with a mixture of salt and lemon grass to lower blood pressure. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect between soaking feet using warm water with a mixture of salt and cymbopogon nardus l. rendle with reduction of blood pressure in patients with hypertension in region Podorejo RW 8 Ngaliyan. Quantitative research manifold quasi experiment with design Time Series Design Without Control. Sampling technique used Purposive Sampling counted 80 people. Data obtained by statistical test using Wilcoxon test. Based on Wilcoxon test showed Z = -8,127 (sistolik) Z = -5,587 (diastolik) and ρ value = 0,000 with α = 0,05. Where ρ value 0,000 < 0,05, so that H0 rejected Ha be accepted. There is any any effect of soaking feet using warm water with a mixture of salt and lemon grass toward reduction of blood pressure in patients with hypertension in region RW 8 Podorejo Ngaliyan. Nurses are expected to be used as a therapy to help people with hypertension to lower blood pressure
Analisis Penerapan Layanan Pendaftaran Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak Orang Pribadi secara E-registration (Studi pada Kantor Pelayanan Pajak Pratama Surabaya Wonocolo)
This research aims to know and describe the process of implementation and the result of implementation individual taxpayer identification number registration service with e-registration that is done by pratama surabaya tax service office.The kind of research that was used a descriptive. The results of the research have been process of implementation individual taxpayer identification number registration service through e-registration by pratama surabaya tax service office has been good and match with SE-20/PJ/2013. It is proved with increasing the taxpayer and the user electronic registration service with e-registration each years with the contribution realization increase each years. Obstacles that arose from the implementation of this program are user's are depended to the system and connecting of internet, the number of human resources and the level of understanding about taxpayer while supporter factor come from surabaya government, the citizens awareness and time efficiency that is nedeed
Pengaruh Jenis Ketebalan Kain Denim terhadap Hasil Jadi Manipulating Fabric Stuffing Half-Round pada Tas Casual Wanita
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hasil jadi manipulating fabric stuffing half-round pada tas casual wanita dengan ketebalan denim bahan tipis, sedang, dan tebal, untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh ketebalan denim bahan tipis, sedang, dan tebal terhadap hasil jadi manipulating fabric stuffing half-round pada tas casual wanita, untuk mengetahui hasil jadi yang paling baik manipulating fabric stuffing half-Round dengan ketebalan denim bahan tipis, sedang dan tebal pada tas casual wanita. Jenis penelitian termasuk penelitian eksperimen. Metode pengumpulan data adalah observasi dengan instrumen penelitian daftar cek list. Analisis data menggunakan Anava tunggal dengan taraf signifikan <0,05 menggunakan bantuan program SPSS17. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hasil jadi penerapan manipulating fabric stuffing half-round pada tas casual wanita menggunakan jenis denim yang berbeda, ditinjau dari aspek bentuk half-round yang terbaik pada denim tebal dengan mean 3,5. Aspek kerataan half-round yang terbaik pada denim tebal dengan mean 3,43. Aspek kepadatan stuffing half-round dengan mean 3,46. Terdapat pengaruh ketebalan kain terhadap hasil jadi manipulating fabric stuffing half-round pada tas casual wanita yaitu aspek bentuk half-round, kerataan half-round, dan kepadatan stuffing half-round. Hasil jadi manipulating fabric stuffing half-round yang paling baik yaitu menggunakan denim tebal karena memperoleh mean tertinggi dari ketiga aspek yang diteliti yaitu aspek bentuk half-round, kerataan half-round, dan kepadatan stuffing half-round.
Kata kunci: Jenis ketebalan kain denim, hasil jadi, tas casual wanita.
Analisis Dampak Perkembangan Pariwisata terhadap Perubahan Kondisi Sosial Ekonomi Masyarakat Desa Kersik Tuo Kecamatan Kayu Aro Kabupaten Kerinci
Tourism is an important sector developed by the government in the hope that it can have a positive impact on changing socio-economic conditions in a better direction. The development of Mount Kerinci natural tourism over the past six years is expected to have a positive impact on changes in the socio-economic conditions of the Kersik Tuo Village community as a center for mobility and transit for tourists, namely changes in business opportunities and employment opportunities for the community. Based on the results of the study, currently the development of tourism has succeeded in increasing business opportunities which previously had 7 business opportunities to become 14 business opportunities, and employment opportunities which initially only had 4 types of employment opportunities then increased to 10 types of employment opportunities. With increasing business opportunities and employment opportunities means that the development of tourism has had a positive impact on changes in the socio-economic conditions of the Grit Tuo Village community
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