33 research outputs found

    Evaluasi Kinerja Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Purbalingga

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    Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Purbalingga merupakan Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD) di bawah SETDA Kabupaten Purbalingga yang memiliki 2 urusan dasar yaitu Urusan Pendidikan mempunyai tugas pokok meningkatkan derajat pendidikan dan kualitas pendidikan masyarakat, melaksanakan pembangunan pendidikan dalam penyelenggaraan pemerintahan daerah dan Urusan Kebudayaan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui kontribusi kinerja pribadi dan kinerja kelompok para Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN) pada kinerja Organisasi Perangkat Daerah (OPD). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada pegawai Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Purbalingga, terdiri dari 40 Responden meliputi: Kepala Dinas, Sekretaris Dinas, Kepala Bidang, Ka Subag, Kepala Seksi, Pengawas, Staf Dinas, Tenaga Kependidikan serta pamong budaya di lingkungan Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Purbalingga. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan pendekatan naturalistic untuk menemukan permasalahan atau fenomena berkonteks khusus terkait realitas sosial yang ada serta menarik realitas tersebut ke permukaan sebagai ciri, karakter, model, sifat, gambaran atau tanda tentang situasi kondisi tertentu. Penulis menggunakan teknik pengumpulan data berupa interview/wawancara mendalam, observasi, dokumentasi dan study pustaka. Hasil analisis menunjukkan Kinerja Organisasi Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kabupaten Purbalingga Sangat Baik sebagaimana tampak pada capaian nilai Akuntabilitas Kinerja Instansi Pemerintah (AKIP) yang terakumulasi dari capaian kinerja Bidang/seksi (kelompok) sebagai akumulasi/kumpulan dari capaian kinerja individu sesuai Perjanjian Kinerja dan Indikator Kinerja Utama yang disepakati bersama dengan atasan langsung dengan pegawai yang bersangkutan. Capaian kinerja individu menentukan capaian kinerja kelompok dan kinerja organisasi

    Implications of the Dynamic Capability of Thinking Again, the General Election Commission's (KPU) Rumah Pintar Pemilu (RPP) Program in Voter Participation in 2018 Elections

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    Anticipating the low voter participation in elections, the General Elections Commission (KPU) of the Republic of Indonesia initiated a political education program for voters to increase voter participation by making a pilot project for the establishment of the Election Rumah Pintar Pemilu (RPP) with a target of 549 houses to be built including one in the central KPU, 34 RPP in provinces, and the rest in districts/cities throughout Indonesia. People, on the other hand, are more interested in learning about the election through other media rather than visiting the election smart house. How the implications of the dynamic capability of the smart home election program think again in increasing voter participation in the 2018 regional head election is interesting to examine using a case study method involving informants from the Public Relations and Technical Division of the Indonesian KPU and Regional KPU. The results showed that the implementation of the provision of RPP KPU RI throughout Indonesia starting from 2015 to 2018 had reached 514 RPP at the provincial, city, and district levels. Of the 8 RPPs that were observed directly, starting from the RPP KPU RI, RPP KPU Serang City, Lebak Regency, North Sumatra Province, Bogor City, Garut Regency and East Lombok Regency, and East Barito Regency RPP. Only the RPP of the KPU RI and the City of Bogor have sufficient complete facilities, while the 5 RPPs are still not in accordance with the standards of the Guidelines for the Provision of the KPU RI. In providing the RPP, the Indonesian KPU carried out top-down communication through official letters and meetings with the regional KPU in 2015, which was then realized in its establishment from 2016 to 2018 using the RI KPU budget taken from the voter education budget. The difficulty in providing KPU’s RPP is that the KPU building or office is borrowed from the local government, and there is no special staff for the regional KPU to handle the RPP and the activities in it. Willingness and skills of implementers who do not understand politics, democracy and voter education, and the bureaucratic structure in regional KPUs do not support the RPP as a means of voter education and as an effort to increase the number of voter participation in the 2018 direct regional head elections so that voter participation does not reach the target of the KPU RI. In the 2018 Pilkada, which had a target voter turnout of 77.5%; however, participation was only 73.24%. At 2015 regional election participation rate was 69%. The implementation of the election smart home program needs to be evaluated thoroughly because the amount of support issued does not increase voter participation and intelligence. Keywords: implications, election smart house, participation, voter

    Optimization of Services and Accessibility Webinar Tutorials on Satisfaction Using the Microsoft Teams Application for Universitas Terbuka Students

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    This research aims to determine the effect of webinar tutorial facilities and accessibility on student satisfaction in applying Microsoft Teams. This type of research is survey research that is quantitative with multiple linear regression analysis. Where the service and accessibility of the webinar tutorial are independent variables, and student satisfaction with using the Microsoft Teams application is the dependent variable. The research population is the Universitas Terbuka students in the 2022.2 academic year who follow the webinar tutorial for scientific papers. Obtained the sample from students of the public administration study program by filling out google forms. This study tries to show a positive influence between the service and accessibility of webinar tutorials on student satisfaction after applying Microsoft Teams. The study is expected to produce new findings on the benefits and accessibility of webinar tutorials to provide satisfaction to Universitas Terbuka students in using the Microsoft Teams application

    Kapabilitas Dinamik Pemerintahan Daerah Dalam Mengembangkan Daya Saing Ekonomi Kreatif Di Kota Depok

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    The development of sustainability and resilience of the creative economy competitiveness facing various forms of environmental change can be done through the working of capable dynamic governance capabilities and supported by the management of creative economy’s able people and agile processes based on optimal information technology support. In the dynamic governance context, the dynamic capability of the Depok City governance which capable, plays an important role in producing an adaptive policy for the development of sustainable and highly resilient creative economy competitiveness. The purpose of this study is to explore and demonstrate the dynamic capability model of government in Depok City to develop the competitiveness of the creative economy sector. The dynamic capability of government proposed by Neo and Chen (2007) for national scale issue. Therefore, this research brought up the issue of the dynamic capability of government for the local scale. The main theory as the discourse in this research was the dynamic capability framework in the context of the dynamic governance which was developed by Neo and Chen (2007). The dynamic capability developed by Neo and Chen (2007) operates in the realm of government, for as one of the development of the dynamic capability concept in the business realm proposed by Teece, et al (1997). The dynamic capabilities of governance by Neo and Chen (2007) consist of the capabilities of think ahead, think again and think across. The dynamic capability of government in the context of dynamic governance by Neo and Chen (2007) is the government ability for integrating, building, then reconfiguring the internal and external competencies so the government can adapt the programs and the public policies to its resources through the paths of change that have been formulated and implemented to achieve long-term national development goals. The research locus in Depok City. The research lasted from January 2020 to October 2021. The focus of research is on the dynamic capabilities of the Depok City government in managing the competitive power of the creative economy sector, managing able people and agile processes in developing the competitiveness of the Depok City creative economy sector, as well as the existing model and recommendation model for dynamic capability of Depok City Governance to increase the competitiveness of the creative economy sector. The research method used qualitative methods, supported by interactive data analysis techniques modeled by Miles, Huberman and Saldana (2014) and data management tools using NVivo R1. The research revealed that: (1). The dynamic capabilities Depok City governance tend to be did not capable for the current moment so that these did not have firm foundation, in dealing with uncertainty environmental changes. These conducted to the phenomena of the condition of the strategic planning capability (think ahead) which was optimally supported by information technology, but on the other hand, currently, the monitoring and evaluation capabilities (think again) did not optimal due to the unequal use of information technology in the monitoring and evaluation system and the absence of creative economy regulatory innovations. Likewise, the capability of inter-institutional synergy (think across) did not optimal yet, due to the lack of intensive collaboration among stakeholders, nor the formation of a structured institution that accommodated collaboration among creative economy stakeholders in the City of Depok. (2). The management of able people and agile processes that have not been optimal in developing the competitive power of the creative economy sector in Depok City conduct to the limited number of able people in the creative economy sector and the absence of special regulatory innovations for the creative economy. (3) The dynamic capability model of the Depok City government in developing competitiveness did not capable, considering the conditions above, currently. Therefore, this study revealed recommendation model for the dynamic capability of the government "Gong Si Bolong" as a reconstruction model of the dynamic governance capability framework Neo and Chen's (2007), by adding of information technology element, that includes pentahelix collaboration in the dynamic governance capability, which is supported by local culture, in the form of a deliberative democratic culture that internalized in a pluralistic society (melting pot society). This finding confirms and develops to the concept of local dynamic governance capability, local economy development and the concept of collaboration in local governance. To develop sustainable competitiveness of the creative economy sector, the Depok City governance needs to strengthen the dynamic capability of the governance which are supported by the use of information technology, the constructive local culture for organizational culture and institutionalize pentahelix collaboration. The capable dynamic capability governance can obtain the competitive advantage for the local creative economy sector

    Budaya Organisasi Jurnalisme Warga dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan Indonesia

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    Jurnalisme warga telah membuka peluang bagi kaum perempuan untuk mengekspresikan aspirasinya dan terlibat dalam proses demokratisasi Peran jurnalisme warga bagi pemberdayaan perempuan, antara lain:. Pertama, jurnalisme warga telah menguatkan keberanian dan kemampuan inspiratif untuk menyuarakan kepedulian sosial, demokrasi dan isu-isu sosial lainnya serta kepemimpinan yang visioner dalam membangun lingkungan, berbagi pengetahuan untuk memotret kondisi dan situasi lingkungannya (knowledge management). Kedua, pembentukan watak sisi humanis kaum perempuan terhadap perjalanan suatu masyarakatnya makin menguatkan jati diri kaum perempuan Indonesia dan empati sosial masyarakat Indonesia. Ketiga, jurnalisme warga menjadi wadah demokrasi kaum perempuan yang menumbuhkan nilai-nilai toleransi akan kemajemukan masyarakat Indonesia. Didalamnya ada kebersamaan dalam perjuangan kesetaraan jender dalam segala bidang dan sinergitas perubahan sosial ke arah keharmonisan kehidupan masyarakat majemuk. Hal ini mendorong internalisasi dan sosialisasi nilai-nilai civic intelligence, civic responsibility dan civic participation dalam komunitas citizen journalism kaum perempuan. Salah satu pengaruh citizen journalism adalah terbentuknya modal sosial di kalangan jaringan kaum perempuan dalam komunitas jurnalisme warga. Hal ini terlihat dari peran budaya organisasi jurnalisme warga yang akan membentuk perilaku kaum perempuan untuk sadar lingkungan, dimana dia berada. Budaya organisasi citizen journalism akan menguatkan proses demokratisasi peran perempuan dalam aspek sosial dan politik. Hal merujuk pada pemikiran bahwa budaya organisasi merupakan suatu proses dalam membentuk kehidupan organisasi secara komunikatif (Littlejohn dalam Toha, 2002). Tentunya, budaya organisasi menjadi suatu sistem makna bersama yang dianut para anggotanya yang membedakan antara organisasi satu dengan organisasi lainnya yang membentuk kehidupan organisasi secara komunikatif dan menguatkan modal sosial. Wujud atau bentuk budaya organisasi citizen journalism di atas, akan saling berinteraksi dan saling mempengaruhi perilaku dan kinerja kaum perempuan pada organisasi citizen journalism. Sehingga modal sosial yang terbentuk dalam jejaring komunitas jurnalisme warga kaum perempuan Indonesia bersifat multidimensi, berkarakteristik masyarakat gemeinschaft yang keanggotaannya berdasarkan kedekatan emosional yang alamiah.dan secara operasional modal sosial, menunjuk pada normanorma dan jaringan-jaringan yang memungkinkan terjadinya aksi kolektif. Lebih lanjut Rachbini (2007) menyatakan, manfaat utama dari modal sosial adalah: (a) meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas jaringan, (b) meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas komunikasi, serta (c) meningkatkan kualitas dan kuantitas inisiatif, inovasi dan kemampuan adaptasi terhadap perubahan lingkungan. Modal sosial jurnalisme warga kaum perempuan menuju masyarakat informasi diindikasikan dengan adanya semangat kebersamaan, pengetahuan kolektif lingkungan, 2 interaksi sosial melalui partisipasi kaum perempuan dalam jurnalisme warga yang berdasarkan saling percaya antarkomponen masyarakat, peristiwa-peristiwa yang monumental dalam sejarah perjalanan bangsa Indonesia dan ikatan sebagai satu kelompok jejaring jurnalisme warga, adalah kekayaan yang dapat menjadi kekuatan kaum perempuan Indonesia untuk mengarungi siklus kehidupannya di era globalisasi ini. Modal sosial tersebut dapat melahirkan sinergi antarkomponen masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu, modal sosial pada organisasi yang hidup dan harus bertahan hidup di era globalisasi, sangatlah esensial. Fenomena yang terjadi dewasa ini, setiap organisasi menghadapi masalah krisis modal sosial. Seperti yang disampaikan oleh Fukuyama, bahwa masa kini terjadi guncangan besar ketika sistem kapitalisme meluas menyebabkan kedangkalan atau merosotnya kekuatan modal sosial. Hal ini ditandai dengan meningkatnya angka kriminalitas dan berbagai penyakit sosial lainnya di masyarakat, yang dapat diminimalisasi, salah satunya melalui peran kaum perempuan Indonesia dalam jurnalisme warga. Jurnalisme warga (citizen journalism) memunculkan modal sosial kaum perempuan sehingga perempuan menjadi terberdayakan. Modal sosial menjadi trigger munculnya pemberdayaan perempuan, yang menjadi salah satu faktor pembangunan sumber daya manusia di Indonesia, yang linier dengan pembangunan nasional

    Praktek Reformasi Administrasi di Beberapa Negara (Kasus China, Ameriksa Serikat, Indonesia dan Thailand)

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    Artikel ini membahas tentang praktek reformasi administrasi di beberapa negara (Kasus China, Ameriksa Serikat, Indonesia dan Thailand). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah literature review. Hasil pembahasan menemukan bahwa praktek reformasi administrasi di negara China, Ameriksa Serikat, Indonesia dan Thailand dipengaruhi oleh nilai-nilai budaya, pilihan politik dan kesiapan para birokrat dan masyarakat dalam melaksanakan reformasi administrasi. Kesimpulannya bahwa reformasi administrasi bagi masing-masing negara merupakan kebutuhan untuk perbaikan layanan kepada publik, efektifitas program dan efisiensi kelembagaan negara dalam melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya sesuai konstitusi. Implikasinya, perlu penelitian lanjutan kondisi ke depan tentang praktek reformasi administrasi yang mendukung tata Kelola pembangunan berkelanjutan sesuai kondisi lingkungan di masa depan

    Praktik Reformasi Administrasi di Beberapa Negara (Kasus China, Amerika Serikat, Indonesia dan Thailand)

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    Dalam sistem administrasi negara di berbagai negara, penyediaan layanan publik, sering kali menjadi permasalahan yang bersifat makro dan Iaten. Oleh sebab itu, perlu penanganan dan tindakan pemerintah yang lebih serius. Pada hakikatnya, pemecahan masalah-masalah administrasi publik yang menyangkut layanan publik, perlu dimulai dan diciptakan dari tahap penetapan visi dan misi pemerintah masing-masing negara. Artinya, perlu program mendasar dan khusus dari pemerintah untuk menangani masalah-masalah administrasi negara

    Empowered Rural Young Generation by e-Enterpreneurship Learning

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    The rural young generations in Indonesia faces many problems by poverty structural, inadeguate education information access, job trainings, job opportunities and others. The root of the problems is imbalance between development outcomes and its distributions for urban and rural areas. The impact of those circumstances raises the trend of poor consumptive life style of rural young generations. This paper is a discourse about the alternatives solutions for these problems in point of MDG 2015’s view. The e-Enterpreneurship learning is a link and match mature-education form in business area and civic economic for the potential young generations, particularly in the marginal society at rural areas in Indonesia. The focus of an e-enterpreneurship learning is empowered potential business of each areas connected with hobbies and potencies for each of the rural young generations. The rural youth enterpreneurship as a possibility potential positive impact, it can reduce the rural jobless young workforces and stimulates improvement of rural youth life-quality. For the conclucion, the empowerment of young generations in economic as enterpreneur which can be facilitated by distance e-enterpreneurship learning, in partnership between The Open University of Indonesia and other stakeholders concerned