32 research outputs found

    Towards efficient horizontal federated learning

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    The advance of Machine Learning (ML) techniques has become the driving force in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) applications. However, it also brings about new problems as ML models and algorithms are more data-hungry than ever. First, the sources of data are often geographically distributed and thus gathering all the data for centralised training incurs heavy traffic and prohibitive communication costs. Second and more importantly, moving data out of local devices are now prohibited in many situations due to privacy concerns. As a promising solution, Federated Learning (FL) is a framework proposed by Google for learning from decentralised data without data sharing. Nonetheless, many challenges remain especially regarding how to facilitate efficient FL in different circumstances. The work presented in this thesis is mainly focused on optimising the efficiency of Horizontal Federated Learning, the most commonly used paradigm of FL, from three perspectives: i) redesigning the device– server synchronisation mechanism of FL for failure-tolerant collaborative training over unreliable, heterogeneous end devices (clients), ii) integrating FL with the Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) architecture to utilise the edge layer for robustness, resource efficiency and fast convergence, and iii) optimising the client selection policy in FL through the evaluation of clients’ training value based on the learnt representations of their associated data. Results of extensive experiments are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches. In addition to algorithm design and experimental observations, this thesis also discusses the research spectrum of FL and overviews its development in the industry including popular platforms, systems and emerging applications. Based on the work presented, key conclusions and insights are provided with a research outlook for the future study of FL

    SAFA : a semi-asynchronous protocol for fast federated learning with low overhead

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    Federated learning (FL) has attracted increasing attention as a promising approach to driving a vast number of end devices with artificial intelligence. However, it is very challenging to guarantee the efficiency of FL considering the unreliable nature of end devices while the cost of device-server communication cannot be neglected. In this paper, we propose SAFA, a semi-asynchronous FL protocol, to address the problems in federated learning such as low round efficiency and poor convergence rate in extreme conditions (e.g., clients dropping offline frequently). We introduce novel designs in the steps of model distribution, client selection and global aggregation to mitigate the impacts of stragglers, crashes and model staleness in order to boost efficiency and improve the quality of the global model. We have conducted extensive experiments with typical machine learning tasks. The results demonstrate that the proposed protocol is effective in terms of shortening federated round duration, reducing local resource wastage, and improving the accuracy of the global model at an acceptable communication cost

    FedProf: Selective Federated Learning with Representation Profiling

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    Federated Learning (FL) has shown great potential as a privacy-preserving solution to learning from decentralized data that are only accessible to end devices (i.e., clients). In many scenarios however, a large proportion of the clients are probably in possession of low-quality data that are biased, noisy or even irrelevant. As a result, they could significantly slow down the convergence of the global model we aim to build and also compromise its quality. In light of this, we propose FedProf, a novel algorithm for optimizing FL under such circumstances without breaching data privacy. The key of our approach is a data representation profiling and matching scheme that uses the global model to dynamically profile data representations and allows for low-cost, lightweight representation matching. Based on the scheme we adaptively score each client and adjust its participation probability so as to mitigate the impact of low-value clients on the training process. We have conducted extensive experiments on public datasets using various FL settings. The results show that FedProf effectively reduces the number of communication rounds and overall time (up to 4.5x speedup) for the global model to converge and provides accuracy gain.Comment: 23 pages (references and appendices included

    PETformer: Long-term Time Series Forecasting via Placeholder-enhanced Transformer

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    Recently, the superiority of Transformer for long-term time series forecasting (LTSF) tasks has been challenged, particularly since recent work has shown that simple models can outperform numerous Transformer-based approaches. This suggests that a notable gap remains in fully leveraging the potential of Transformer in LTSF tasks. Consequently, this study investigates key issues when applying Transformer to LTSF, encompassing aspects of temporal continuity, information density, and multi-channel relationships. We introduce the Placeholder-enhanced Technique (PET) to enhance the computational efficiency and predictive accuracy of Transformer in LTSF tasks. Furthermore, we delve into the impact of larger patch strategies and channel interaction strategies on Transformer's performance, specifically Long Sub-sequence Division (LSD) and Multi-channel Separation and Interaction (MSI). These strategies collectively constitute a novel model termed PETformer. Extensive experiments have demonstrated that PETformer achieves state-of-the-art performance on eight commonly used public datasets for LTSF, surpassing all existing models. The insights and enhancement methodologies presented in this paper serve as valuable reference points and sources of inspiration for future research endeavors

    SegRNN: Segment Recurrent Neural Network for Long-Term Time Series Forecasting

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    RNN-based methods have faced challenges in the Long-term Time Series Forecasting (LTSF) domain when dealing with excessively long look-back windows and forecast horizons. Consequently, the dominance in this domain has shifted towards Transformer, MLP, and CNN approaches. The substantial number of recurrent iterations are the fundamental reasons behind the limitations of RNNs in LTSF. To address these issues, we propose two novel strategies to reduce the number of iterations in RNNs for LTSF tasks: Segment-wise Iterations and Parallel Multi-step Forecasting (PMF). RNNs that combine these strategies, namely SegRNN, significantly reduce the required recurrent iterations for LTSF, resulting in notable improvements in forecast accuracy and inference speed. Extensive experiments demonstrate that SegRNN not only outperforms SOTA Transformer-based models but also reduces runtime and memory usage by more than 78%. These achievements provide strong evidence that RNNs continue to excel in LTSF tasks and encourage further exploration of this domain with more RNN-based approaches. The source code is coming soon

    Developing an unsupervised real-time anomaly detection scheme for time series with multi-seasonality

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    On-line detection of anomalies in time series is a key technique used in various event-sensitive scenarios such as robotic system monitoring, smart sensor networks and data center security. However, the increasing diversity of data sources and the variety of demands make this task more challenging than ever. Firstly, the rapid increase in unlabeled data means supervised learning is becoming less suitable in many cases. Secondly, a large portion of time series data have complex seasonality features. Thirdly, on-line anomaly detection needs to be fast and reliable. In light of this, we have developed a prediction-driven, unsupervised anomaly detection scheme, which adopts a backbone model combining the decomposition and the inference of time series data. Further, we propose a novel metric, Local Trend Inconsistency (LTI), and an efficient detection algorithm that computes LTI in a real-time manner and scores each data point robustly in terms of its probability of being anomalous. We have conducted extensive experimentation to evaluate our algorithm with several datasets from both public repositories and production environments. The experimental results show that our scheme outperforms existing representative anomaly detection algorithms in terms of the commonly used metric, Area Under Curve (AUC), while achieving the desired efficiency

    Performance of the 1-ton Prototype Neutrino Detector at CJPL-I

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    China Jinping Underground Laboratory (CJPL) provides an ideal site for solar, geo-, and supernova neutrino studies. With a prototype neutrino detector running since 2017, containing 1-ton liquid scintillator (LS), we tested its experimental hardware, performed the physics calibration, and measured its radioactive backgrounds, as an early stage of the Jinping Neutrino Experiment (JNE). We investigated the radon background and implemented the nitrogen sealing technology to control it. This paper presents the details of these studies and will serve as a key reference for the construction and optimization of the future large detector at JNE

    Multi-label classification for biomedical literature: an overview of the BioCreative VII LitCovid Track for COVID-19 literature topic annotations

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    The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has been severely impacting global society since December 2019. The related findings such as vaccine and drug development have been reported in biomedical literature—at a rate of about 10 000 articles on COVID-19 per month. Such rapid growth significantly challenges manual curation and interpretation. For instance, LitCovid is a literature database of COVID-19-related articles in PubMed, which has accumulated more than 200 000 articles with millions of accesses each month by users worldwide. One primary curation task is to assign up to eight topics (e.g. Diagnosis and Treatment) to the articles in LitCovid. The annotated topics have been widely used for navigating the COVID literature, rapidly locating articles of interest and other downstream studies. However, annotating the topics has been the bottleneck of manual curation. Despite the continuing advances in biomedical text-mining methods, few have been dedicated to topic annotations in COVID-19 literature. To close the gap, we organized the BioCreative LitCovid track to call for a community effort to tackle automated topic annotation for COVID-19 literature. The BioCreative LitCovid dataset—consisting of over 30 000 articles with manually reviewed topics—was created for training and testing. It is one of the largest multi-label classification datasets in biomedical scientific literature. Nineteen teams worldwide participated and made 80 submissions in total. Most teams used hybrid systems based on transformers. The highest performing submissions achieved 0.8875, 0.9181 and 0.9394 for macro-F1-score, micro-F1-score and instance-based F1-score, respectively. Notably, these scores are substantially higher (e.g. 12%, higher for macro F1-score) than the corresponding scores of the state-of-art multi-label classification method. The level of participation and results demonstrate a successful track and help close the gap between dataset curation and method development. The dataset is publicly available via https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/lu/LitCovid/biocreative/ for benchmarking and further development