173,745 research outputs found

    Precise near-earth navigation with GPS: A survey of techniques

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    The tracking accuracy of the low earth orbiters (below about 3000 km altitude) can be brought below 10 cm with a variety of differential techniques that exploit the Global Positioning System (GPS). All of these techniques require a precisely known global network of GPS ground receivers and a receiver aboard the user satellite, and all simultaneously estimate the user and GPS satellite orbits. Three basic approaches are the geometric, dynamic, and nondynamic strategies. The last combines dynamic GPS solutions with a geometric user solution. Two powerful extensions of the nondynamic strategy show considerable promise. The first uses an optimized synthesis of dynamics and geometry in the user solution, while the second uses a novel gravity-adjustment method to exploit data from repeat ground tracks. These techniques will offer sub-decimeter accuracy for dynamically unpredictable satellites down to the lowesst possible altitudes

    An extended finite element method with smooth nodal stress

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    The enrichment formulation of double-interpolation finite element method (DFEM) is developed in this paper. DFEM is first proposed by Zheng \emph{et al} (2011) and it requires two stages of interpolation to construct the trial function. The first stage of interpolation is the same as the standard finite element interpolation. Then the interpolation is reproduced by an additional procedure using the nodal values and nodal gradients which are derived from the first stage as interpolants. The re-constructed trial functions are now able to produce continuous nodal gradients, smooth nodal stress without post-processing and higher order basis without increasing the total degrees of freedom. Several benchmark numerical examples are performed to investigate accuracy and efficiency of DFEM and enriched DFEM. When compared with standard FEM, super-convergence rate and better accuracy are obtained by DFEM. For the numerical simulation of crack propagation, better accuracy is obtained in the evaluation of displacement norm, energy norm and the stress intensity factor

    Calculating the relative entropy of entanglement

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    We extend Vedral and Plenio's theorem (theorem 3 in Phys. Rev. A 57, 1619) to a more general case, and obtain the relative entropy of entanglement for a class of mixed states, this result can also follow from Rains' theorem 9 in Phys. Rev. A 60, 179.Comment: 2 pages, RevTex, an important reference adde

    Study of pickup of cometary ions in turbulent solar winds

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    The influence of moderately strong magnetic disturbances on the ion pickup process near a comet is studied by a test-particle method. The research is motivated by recent observations with ICE and Giotto at Giacobini-Zinner and Halley. In this numerical study, the intrinsic hydromagnetic turbulence is modelled based on the Giotto and ICE data. The time evolution of the distribution function of the newborn ions is investigated. It is found that, when the level of the intrinsic turbulence is sufficiently high, the pickup ions can form a shell distribution function rapidly. The typical time scale for such a process is of the order of a couple of ion gyroperiods. On the other hand, if the turbulence is not strong, the pickup ions usually form an incomplete shell in the initial stage. The results seem to be consistent with available observations

    Deriving a geocentric reference frame for satellite positioning and navigation

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    With the advent of Earth-orbiting geodetic satellites, nongeocentric datums or reference frames have become things of the past. Accurate geocentric three-dimensional positioning is now possible and is of great importance for various geodetic and oceanographic applications. While relative positioning accuracy of a few centimeters has become a reality using very long baseline interferometry (VLBI), the uncertainty in the offset of the adopted coordinate system origin from the geocenter is still believed to be on the order of 1 meter. Satellite laser ranging (SLR), however, is capable of determining this offset to better than 10 cm, but this is possible only after years of measurements. Global Positioning System (GPS) measurements provide a powerful tool for an accurate determination of this origin offset. Two strategies are discussed. The first strategy utilizes the precise relative positions that were predetermined by VLBI to fix the frame orientation and the absolute scaling, while the offset from the geocenter is determined from GPS measurements. Three different cases are presented under this strategy. The reference frame thus adopted will be consistent with the VLBI coordinate system. The second strategy establishes a reference frame by holding only the longitude of one of the tracking sites fixed. The absolute scaling is determined by the adopted gravitational constant (GM) of the Earth; and the latitude is inferred from the time signature of the Earth rotation in the GPS measurements. The coordinate system thus defined will be a geocentric Earth-fixed coordinate system

    Membrane topology of the ArsB protein, the membrane subunit of an anion-translocating ATPase

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    The ars operon of the conjugative R-factor R773 encodes an oxyanion pump that catalyzes extrusion of arsenicals from cells of Escherichia coli. The oxyanion translocation ATPase is composed of two polypeptides, the catalytic ArsA protein and the intrinsic membrane protein, ArsB. The topology of regions of the ArsB protein in the inner membrane was determined using a variety of gene fusions. Random gene fusions with lacZ and phoA were generated using transposon mutagenesis. A series of gene fusions with blaM were constructed in vitro using a beta-lactamase fusion vector. To localize individual segments of the ArsB protein, a ternary fusion method was developed, where portions of the arsB gene were inserted in-frame between the coding regions for two heterologous proteins, in this case a portion of a newly identified arsD gene and the blaM sequence encoding the mature beta-lactamase. The location of a periplasmic loop was determined from V8 protease digestion of an ArsA-ArsB chimera. From analysis of data from 26 fusions, a topological model of the ArsB protein with 12 membrane-spanning regions is proposed

    Accelerating charging dynamics in sub-nanometer pores

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    Having smaller energy density than batteries, supercapacitors have exceptional power density and cyclability. Their energy density can be increased using ionic liquids and electrodes with sub-nanometer pores, but this tends to reduce their power density and compromise the key advantage of supercapacitors. To help address this issue through material optimization, here we unravel the mechanisms of charging sub-nanometer pores with ionic liquids using molecular simulations, navigated by a phenomenological model. We show that charging of ionophilic pores is a diffusive process, often accompanied by overfilling followed by de-filling. In sharp contrast to conventional expectations, charging is fast because ion diffusion during charging can be an order of magnitude faster than in bulk, and charging itself is accelerated by the onset of collective modes. Further acceleration can be achieved using ionophobic pores by eliminating overfilling/de-filling and thus leading to charging behavior qualitatively different from that in conventional, ionophilic pores