126,177 research outputs found

    Higgs algebraic symmetry of screened system in a spherical geometry

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    The orbits and the dynamical symmetries for the screened Coulomb potentials and isotropic harmonic oscillators have been studied by Wu and Zeng [Z. B. Wu and J. Y. Zeng, Phys. Rev. A 62,032509 (2000)]. We find the similar properties in the responding systems in a spherical space, whose dynamical symmetries are described by Higgs Algebra. There exists a conserved aphelion and perihelion vector, which, together with angular momentum, constitute the generators of the geometrical symmetry group at the aphelia and perihelia points (r˙=0)(\dot{r}=0).Comment: 8 pages, 1 fi

    Copyleft e maremoto

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    99 p.Libro ElectrónicoSe presentan diferentes artículos con casos relacionados con el derecho y acceso a la infornmación desde diferentes escenarios como lo son el derecho a la lectura, y los derechos de autor como lo son el copyright y el copyleftEl Derecho a la Lectura 9 Richard Stallman Copyright y Maremoto 23 Wu Ming 1 El Copyleft explicado a los niños 35 Wu Ming 1 Copiar, robar, mandar 45 César Rendueles El futuro digital y el pasado analógico 71 Kembrew McLeod Glosario Básico 9

    Spatial Geometry and the Wu-Yang Ambiguity

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    We display continuous families of SU(2) vector potentials Aia(x)A_i^a(x) in 3 space dimensions which generate the same magnetic field Bai(x)B^{ai}(x) (with det B0B\neq 0). These Wu-Yang families are obtained from the Einstein equation Rij=2GijR_{ij}=-2G_{ij} derived recently via a local map of the gauge field system into a spatial geometry with 22-tensor Gij=BaiBajdetBG_{ij}=B^a{}_i B^a{}_j\det B and connection Γjki\Gamma_{jk}^i with torsion defined from gauge covariant derivatives of BB.Comment: Based on talks given by R. Khuri at PASCOS-94, Syracuse University, May 1994 and at Gursey Memorial Conference I, Istanbul, June 1994, 7 pages, TeX (typo in first Author's name is corrected.

    Lee, Yun Tso; Hongying, Wu. Chile y China: Cuarenta años de política exterior. Una trayectoria de continuidad y perseverancia. Santiago, Ril Editores, 2011 (244 p.). ISBN 978-956-284-824-4

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    Lee, Yun Tso; Hongying, Wu Chile y China: Cuarenta años de política exterior. Una trayectoria de continuidad y perseverancia. Santiago, Ril Editores, 2011 (244 p.). ISBN 978-956-284-824-

    Does Mole’s Argument That Cognitive Processes Fail to Suffice for Attention Fail?

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    Is attention a cognitive process? I reconstruct and critically assess an argument first proposed by Christopher Mole that it cannot be so. Mole’s argument is influential because it creates theoretical space for a unifying analysis of attention at the subject level (though it does not entail it). Prominent philosophers working on attention such as Wayne Wu and Philipp Koralus explicitly endorse it, while Sebastian Watzl endorses a related version, this despite their differing theoretical commitments. I show that Mole’s argument is invalid, amend it to secure its validity, but argue that it still fails. I consider the extent to which the failure of Mole’s argument spreads to the versions offered by Wu, Koralus and Watlz. Mole’s argument fails because it equivocates between the set of conditions that suffice for constituting attention and the subset of those conditions which are salient, but insufficient, for constituting it. Reflection on this distinction has consequences for the individuation not just of attentional processes but all cognitive processes

    Contemporary Flat-Tax Reforms in Eastern Europe. Causes of Diverse Approaches : A comparison of Slovakia, Czech Republic and Germany.

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    The paper deals with the issue of contemporary flat-tax reforms in Eastern Europe and aims to account for the different approaches that various European countries adopted towards the idea of a flat-tax. Empirically, the work is based on detailed studies of Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany. The analysis considers three factors being decisive for the flat-tax feasibility: 1./ party system institutionalization, 2./ coalition/opposition cohesiveness, 3./ labor union institutionalization. First, the study is concerned with each of the factor's influence on the political decision-making process in the three country cases. Secondly, on country paired comparisons the findings for each of the countries are mutually contrasted. Although all identified factors seem to be at play with regard to flat-tax feasibility, I argue that it is either the strength or the weakness of labor unions' institutionalization and welfare identity that underlie the political decision-making in the East and the West and as a result determine the flat-tax (un-)feasibility. The absence of welfare identity in the East allows for higher coalition cohesion in favor and weaker opposition against the flattax adoption in contrast to the West.Series: Discussion Papers SFB International Tax Coordinatio

    Fonctions de la musique dans la socialisation des élèves de cycle 1

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    Ce travail vise à déterminer si les activités musicales jouent un rôle dans la socialisation des élèves de cycle 1. Les deux thèmes émergeant de ma problématique sont donc la socialisation et les activités musicales (plus précisément les activités du carré), puis la relation qu’elles entretiennent. Pour aborder le thème de socialisation, je décris premièrement son développement chez l’enfant de cycle 1, puis ce qui est attendu à ce niveau à l’école primaire de la 1H à la 4H. Ensuite, en m’appuyant sur divers ouvrages théoriques, je décris quelques aspects didactiques de la musique, son enseignement tel qu’il est actuellement perçu par les enseignants, les attentes du plan d’études romand (PER) au niveau de l’apprentissage de cette discipline, puis les activités du carré (cf. p. 9), qui sont des activités à visée intégratives basées sur une communication sensorielle et sur un climat d’empathie. En ce qui concerne la partie méthodologique, j’ai enseigné les activités du carré à une classe de 3-4H durant six semaines, à raison d’une fois par semaine. Les interventions ont été filmées, puis j’ai analysé les performances de sept élèves afin d’observer s’il y avait une évolution au niveau de leur socialisation au fil des leçons. J’ai pu remarquer une évolution chez cinq élèves au niveau des critères de socialisation que j’avais fixés, mais je ne peux malheureusement pas assurer que cette évolution soit constante, car je n’ai pas pu continuer à intervenir dans cette classe plus longtemps. Au niveau de la participation des élèves, j’ai pu constater qu’au fil des leçons, toujours plus d’élèves se proposaient pour faire un exemple devant la classe, ce qui montre, qu’à ce niveau-là, il y a une évolution générale de leur socialisation