327 research outputs found

    A 52-Year-Old Woman with a Palpable Abdominal Mass

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    A 52-year-old woman presented with a history of diabetes mellitus under medical treatment and a surgical history of a cesarean section 20 years ago. The patient was referred to our emergency department because of a 2-week hypermenorrhea and unspecific abdominal pain without nausea and vomiting, fever, or other symptoms. She did not complain of weight loss

    Modeling Noise Coupling Between Package and PCB Power/Ground Planes with an Efficient 2-D FDTD/Lumped Element Method

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    An efficient numerical approach based on the 2-D finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method is proposed to model the power/ground plane noise or simultaneously switching noise (SSN), including the interconnect effect between the package and the print circuit board (PCB). The space between the power and ground planes on the package and PCB are meshed with 2-D cells. The equivalent R-L-C circuits of the via and the solder balls connecting the package and PCB can be incorporated into a 2-D Yee cell based on a novel integral formulation in the time domain. An efficient recursive updating algorithm is proposed to fit the lumped networks into the Yee equations. A test sample of a ball grid array (BGA) package mounted on a PCB was fabricated. The power/ground noise coupling behavior was measured and compared with the simulation. The proposed method significantly reduces the computing time compared with other full-wave numerical approaches

    A 5-Month-Old Infant with Right Scrotum Swelling

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    Case presentation:A five-month-old male infant (gestational age 28 weeks, birthweight 1020 gm) with posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus subsequent to prematurity had a left sided ventriculoperitoneal shunt 3 months after birth. Frontal radiography of the chest and abdomen check-up after operation are shown in figure 1. He was referred to our emergency department with a history of right scrotal swelling for several days. Physical examination, he appeared malnourished. He was afebrile. The right scrotum was found to be distended. Bilateral testicles were palpable on both sides. There were no features of shunt malfunction. A complete blood cell count showed the following: leukocyte count, 7900/mm3; segmented neutrophils, 65%; hemoglobin level of 9.3 mg/dL; hematocrit, 25.9%; and platelet, 190000/uL. Other laboratory studies included: glucose, 92 mg/dL; serum urea nitrogen, 10 mg/dL; serum creatinine, 0.2 mg/dL; sodium, 140 mEq/L; potassium, 3.9 mEq/L; C-reactive protein, 2.9mg/L; and prothrombin time with an international normalized ratio of 1.2. His abdomen x-ray is shown in figure 2. 

    A 33-year-old Man with Abdominal Pain

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    A 33-year-old man presented to the emergency department ED) with complaint of 2-day history of abdominal pain. His pain developed with gradual onset prominently in epigastric area after eating dried mushrooms. The pain was diffuse, persistent, radiating to the back and aggravated by meal. He had been tolerating only liquids and had complaints of nausea and vomiting. He had no history of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, alcohol consumption, malignancy, or prior surgery. On arrival his blood pressure was 128/72 mmHg, with a heart rate of 101 beats/minute and a respiratory rate of 20 breaths/minute. He was afebrile. Physical examination revealed diffuse abdominal distention, hyper-pitched bowel sounds, and tenderness more marked over the umbilicus with no guarding or rebound tenderness. A complete blood cell count showed the following: leukocyte count 12600 /mm3; segmented neutrophils 90%; hemoglobin level of 14 mg/dl; hematocrit 30%; and platelet 420000/µL. Other laboratory studies included: glucose 101 mg/dL; serum urea nitrogen 45 mg/dL; serum creatinine 2.0 mg/dL; sodium 148 mEq/L; potassium 3.1 mEq/L; serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) 38 U/L and lipase 30 U/L. Figure 1 shows patient’s plain upright abdominal X-ray as well as coronal and axial cuts of abdominal CT scan

    Long-term Characteristics of Healthcare-associated Infections in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

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    Background/PurposeHealthcare-associated infections in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) are associated with a significant risk of morbidity and mortality. Knowledge regarding pathogens, primary sources of infection and antibiotic resistance in the NICU is essential for developing management strategies. This study aimed to analyze the long-term characteristics of healthcare-associated infections in a tertiary referral center in southern Taiwan.MethodsInfants < 30 days old, with positive blood, cerebrospinal fluid, urine or tissue fluid cultures during hospitalization in the NICU of National Cheng Kung University Hospital from July 1989 to June 2008 were included in the study.ResultsIn total, 1,417 organisms and episodes were identified during the study period. Gram-positive organisms, Gram-negative organisms and fungi constituted 923 (65.1%), 358 (25.3%) and 136 (9.6%) of the pathogens, respectively. Of the Gram-positive organisms, coagulase-negative staphylococci (51.5%), Staphylococcus aureus (34.8%) and Enterococcus spp. (6.1%) were the major pathogens; and 27% of Staphylococcus aureus isolates were oxacillin-resistant. For the Gram-negative organisms, Klebsiella pneumoniae (22%), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (21.8%), Escherichia coli (16.7%) and Enterobacter cloacae (16.7%) were dominant. Also, Candida albicans accounted for 50% of fungal infections. The most common source of infection was bloodstream infection (59.0%), and 5.6% of these were catheter-related. Skin and soft tissue infections were also frequent (26.3%).ConclusionBloodstream and skin/soft tissue infections caused by commensal species play an important role in healthcare-associated infections in the NICU. New measures should be developed in response to the changing patterns in the NICU

    Orderly arranged NLO materials on exfoliated layeredtemplates based on dendrons with alternating moietiesat the periphery†

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    Nonlinear optical dendrons with alternating terminal groups of the stearyl group (C18) and chromophorewere prepared through a convergent approach. These chromophore-containing dendrons were used asthe intercalating agents for montmorillonite via an ion-exchange process. An orderly exfoliatedmorphology is obtained by mixing the dendritic structure intercalated layered silicates with a polyimide.As a result, optical nonlinearity, i.e. the Pockels effect was observed for these nanocomposites withoutresorting to the poling process. EO coefficients of 9–22 pm V 1 were achieved despite that relativelylow NLO densities were present in the nanocomposites, particularly for the samples comprising thedendrons with alternating moieties. In addition, the hedging effects of the stearyl group on the selfalignmentbehavior, electro-optical (EO) coefficient and temporal stability of the dendron-intercalatedmontmorillonite/polyimide nanocomposites were also investigated

    Various criteria in the evaluation of biomedical named entity recognition

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    BACKGROUND: Text mining in the biomedical domain is receiving increasing attention. A key component of this process is named entity recognition (NER). Generally speaking, two annotated corpora, GENIA and GENETAG, are most frequently used for training and testing biomedical named entity recognition (Bio-NER) systems. JNLPBA and BioCreAtIvE are two major Bio-NER tasks using these corpora. Both tasks take different approaches to corpus annotation and use different matching criteria to evaluate system performance. This paper details these differences and describes alternative criteria. We then examine the impact of different criteria and annotation schemes on system performance by retesting systems participated in the above two tasks. RESULTS: To analyze the difference between JNLPBA's and BioCreAtIvE's evaluation, we conduct Experiment 1 to evaluate the top four JNLPBA systems using BioCreAtIvE's classification scheme. We then compare them with the top four BioCreAtIvE systems. Among them, three systems participated in both tasks, and each has an F-score lower on JNLPBA than on BioCreAtIvE. In Experiment 2, we apply hypothesis testing and correlation coefficient to find alternatives to BioCreAtIvE's evaluation scheme. It shows that right-match and left-match criteria have no significant difference with BioCreAtIvE. In Experiment 3, we propose a customized relaxed-match criterion that uses right match and merges JNLPBA's five NE classes into two, which achieves an F-score of 81.5%. In Experiment 4, we evaluate a range of five matching criteria from loose to strict on the top JNLPBA system and examine the percentage of false negatives. Our experiment gives the relative change in precision, recall and F-score as matching criteria are relaxed. CONCLUSION: In many applications, biomedical NEs could have several acceptable tags, which might just differ in their left or right boundaries. However, most corpora annotate only one of them. In our experiment, we found that right match and left match can be appropriate alternatives to JNLPBA and BioCreAtIvE's matching criteria. In addition, our relaxed-match criterion demonstrates that users can define their own relaxed criteria that correspond more realistically to their application requirements

    Isolation and Characterization of Polymorphic Microsatellite Loci from Metapenaeopsis barbata Using PCR-Based Isolation of Microsatellite Arrays (PIMA)

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    The red-spot prawn, Metapenaeopsis barbata, is a commercially important, widely distributed demersal species in the Indo-West Pacific Ocean. Overfishing has made its populations decline in the past decade. To study conservation genetics, eight polymorphic microsatellite loci were isolated. Genetic characteristics of the SSR (simple sequence repeat) fingerprints were estimated in 61 individuals from adjacent seas of Taiwan and China. The number of alleles, ranging from 2 to 4, as well as observed and expected heterozygosities in populations, ranging from 0.048 to 0.538, and 0.048 and 0.654, respectively, were detected. No deviation from Hardy–Weinberg expectations was detected at either locus. No significant linkage disequilibrium was detected in locus pairs. The polymorphic microsatellite loci will be useful for investigations of the genetic variation, population structure, and conservation genetics of this species

    A strong-motion hot spot of the 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake (M_w = 6.4)

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    Despite a moderate magnitude, M_w = 6.4, the 5 February 2016 Meinong, Taiwan, earthquake caused significant damage in Tainan City and the surrounding areas. Several seismograms display an impulsive S-wave velocity pulse with an amplitude of about 1 m s-1, which is similar to large S-wave pulses recorded for the past several larger damaging earthquakes, such as the 1995 Kobe, Japan, earthquake (M_w = 6.9) and the 1994 Northridge, California, earthquake (M_w = 6.7). The observed PGV in the Tainan area is about 10 times larger than the median PGV of M_w = 6.4 crustal earthquakes in Taiwan. We investigate the cause of the localized strong ground motions. The peak-to-peak ground-motion displacement at the basin sites near Tainan is about 35 times larger than that at a mountain site with a similar epicentral distance. At some frequency bands (0.9 - 1.1 Hz), the amplitude ratio is as large as 200. Using the focal mechanism of this earthquake, typical “soft” and “hard” crustal structures, and directivity inferred from the observed waveforms and the slip distribution, we show that the combined effect yields an amplitude ratio of 17 to 34. The larger amplitude ratios at higher frequency bands can be probably due to the effects of complex 3-D basin structures. The result indicates that even from a moderate event, if these effects simultaneously work together toward amplifying ground motions, the extremely large ground motions as observed in Tainan can occur. Such occurrences should be taken into consideration in hazard mitigation measures in the place with frequent moderate earthquakes
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