20 research outputs found

    Neural-Symbolic Recommendation with Graph-Enhanced Information

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    The recommendation system is not only a problem of inductive statistics from data but also a cognitive task that requires reasoning ability. The most advanced graph neural networks have been widely used in recommendation systems because they can capture implicit structured information from graph-structured data. However, like most neural network algorithms, they only learn matching patterns from a perception perspective. Some researchers use user behavior for logic reasoning to achieve recommendation prediction from the perspective of cognitive reasoning, but this kind of reasoning is a local one and ignores implicit information on a global scale. In this work, we combine the advantages of graph neural networks and propositional logic operations to construct a neuro-symbolic recommendation model with both global implicit reasoning ability and local explicit logic reasoning ability. We first build an item-item graph based on the principle of adjacent interaction and use graph neural networks to capture implicit information in global data. Then we transform user behavior into propositional logic expressions to achieve recommendations from the perspective of cognitive reasoning. Extensive experiments on five public datasets show that our proposed model outperforms several state-of-the-art methods, source code is avaliable at [https://github.com/hanzo2020/GNNLR].Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, conferenc

    Neuro-Symbolic Recommendation Model based on Logic Query

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    A recommendation system assists users in finding items that are relevant to them. Existing recommendation models are primarily based on predicting relationships between users and items and use complex matching models or incorporate extensive external information to capture association patterns in data. However, recommendation is not only a problem of inductive statistics using data; it is also a cognitive task of reasoning decisions based on knowledge extracted from information. Hence, a logic system could naturally be incorporated for the reasoning in a recommendation task. However, although hard-rule approaches based on logic systems can provide powerful reasoning ability, they struggle to cope with inconsistent and incomplete knowledge in real-world tasks, especially for complex tasks such as recommendation. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a neuro-symbolic recommendation model, which transforms the user history interactions into a logic expression and then transforms the recommendation prediction into a query task based on this logic expression. The logic expressions are then computed based on the modular logic operations of the neural network. We also construct an implicit logic encoder to reasonably reduce the complexity of the logic computation. Finally, a user's interest items can be queried in the vector space based on the computation results. Experiments on three well-known datasets verified that our method performs better compared to state of the art shallow, deep, session, and reasoning models.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    A sequential model of bargaining in logic programming

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    This paper proposes a sequential model of bargaining specifying reasoning processes of an agent behind bargaining procedures. We encode agents’ background knowledge, demands, and bargaining constraints in logic programs and represent bargaining outcomes in answer sets. We assume that in each bargaining situation, each agent has a set of goals to achieve, which are normally unachievable without an agreement among all the agents who are involved in the bargaining. Through an alternating-offers procedure, an agreement among bargaining agents may be reached by abductive reasoning.We show that the procedure converges to a Nash equilibrium if each agent makes rational offers/counter-offers in each round. In addition, the sequential model also has a number of desirable properties, such as mutual commitments, individual rationality, satisfactoriness, and honesty

    A sequential model for reasoning about bargaining in logic programs

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    This paper presents a sequential model of bargaining based on abductive reasoning in ASP. We assume that each agent is represented by a logic program that encodes the background knowledge of the agent. Each agent has a set of goals to achieve but these goals are normally unachievable without an agreement from the other agent. We design an alternating-offers procedure that shows how an agreement between two agents can be reached through a reasoning process based on answer set programming and abduction. We prove that the procedure converges to a Nash equilibrium if each player makes rational offer/counter-offer at each round

    Language splitting and relevance-based belief change in Horn logic

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    This paper presents a framework for relevance-based belief change in propositional Horn logic.We firstly establish a parallel interpolation theorem for Horn logic and show that Parikh’s Finest Splitting Theorem holds with Horn formulae. By reformulating Parikh’s relevance criterion in the setting of Horn belief change, we construct a relevance-based partial meet Horn contraction operator and provide a representation theorem for the operator. Interestingly, we find that this contraction operator can be fully characterised by Delgrande and Wassermann’s postulates for partial meet Horn contraction as well as Parikh’s relevance postulate without requiring any change on the postulates, which is qualitatively different from the case in classical propositional logic

    Indoor Mobile Robot Positioning Based on Wireless Fingerprint Matching

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    This paper discusses the design of an indoor mobile robot positioning system. The problem of indoor positioning is solved through Wi-Fi fingerprint positioning to implement a low cost deployment. A wireless fingerprint matching algorithm based on the similarity of unequal length sequences is presented. Candidate sequences selection is defined as a set of mappings, and detection errors caused by wireless hotspot stability and the change of interior pattern can be corrected by transforming the unequal length sequences into equal length sequences. The presented scheme was verified experimentally to achieve the accuracy requirements for an indoor positioning system with low deployment cost

    Research on an artificial intelligence-based myopic maculopathy grading method using EfficientNet

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    Purpose: We aimed to develop an artificial intelligence-based myopic maculopathy grading method using EfficientNet to overcome the delayed grading and diagnosis of different myopic maculopathy degrees. Methods: The cooperative hospital provided 4642 healthy and myopic maculopathy color fundus photographs, comprising the four degrees of myopic maculopathy and healthy fundi. The myopic maculopathy grading models were trained using EfficientNet-B0 to EfficientNet-B7 models. The diagnostic results were compared with those of the VGG16 and ResNet50 classification models. The leading evaluation indicators were sensitivity, specificity, F1 score, area under the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve area under curve (AUC), 95% confidence interval, kappa value, and accuracy. The ROC curves of the ten grading models were also compared. Results: We used 1199 color fundus photographs to evaluate the myopic maculopathy grading models. The size of the EfficientNet-B0 myopic maculopathy grading model was 15.6 MB, and it had the highest kappa value (88.32%) and accuracy (83.58%). The model's sensitivities to diagnose tessellated fundus (TF), diffuse chorioretinal atrophy (DCA), patchy chorioretinal atrophy (PCA), and macular atrophy (MA) were 96.86%, 75.98%, 64.67%, and 88.75%, respectively. The specificity was above 93%, and the AUCs were 0.992, 0.960, 0.964, and 0.989, respectively. Conclusion: The EfficientNet models were used to design grading diagnostic models for myopic maculopathy. Based on the collected fundus images, the models could diagnose a healthy fundus and four types of myopic maculopathy. The models might help ophthalmologists to make preliminary diagnoses of different degrees of myopic maculopathy