1,223 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of the temperature distribution in a two-phase closed thermosyphon

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    Interest in the use of heat pipe technology for heat recovery and energy saving in a vast range of engineering applications has been on the rise in recent years. Heat pipes are playing a more important role in many industrial applications, particularly in improving the thermal performance of heat exchangers and increasing energy savings in applications with commercial use. In this paper, a comprehensive CFD modelling was built to simulate the details of the two-phase flow and heat transfer phenomena during the operation of a wickless heat pipe or thermosyphon, that otherwise could not be visualised by empirical or experimental work. Water was used as the working fluid. The volume of the fluid (VOF) model in ANSYS FLUENT was used for the simulation. The evaporation, condensation and phase change processes in a thermosyphon were dealt with by adding a user-defined function (UDF) to the FLUENT code. The simulation results were compared with experimental measurements at the same condition. The simulation was successful in reproducing the heat and mass transfer processes in a thermosyphon. Good agreement was observed between CFD predicted temperature profiles and experimental temperature data.The Saudi Cultural Bureau in London, the Ministry of Higher Education and the Mechanical Engineering Department, Umm Al-Qura University

    Evidence from the Very Long Baseline Array that J1502SE/SW are Double Hotspots, not a Supermassive Binary Black Hole

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    SDSS J150243.09+111557.3 is a merging system at z = 0.39 that hosts two confirmed AGN, one unobscured and one dust-obscured, offset by several kiloparsecs. Deane et al. recently reported evidence from the European VLBI Network (EVN) that the dust-obscured AGN exhibits two flat-spectrum radio sources, J1502SE/SW, offset by 26 mas (140 pc), with each source being energized by its own supermassive black hole (BH). This intriguing interpretation of a close binary BH was reached after ruling out a double-hotspot scenario, wherein both hotspots are energized by a single, central BH, a configuration occuring in the well-studied Compact Symmetric Objects. When observed with sufficient sensitivity and resolution, an object with double hotspots should have an edge-brightened structure. We report evidence from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) for just such a structure in an image of the obscured AGN with higher sensitivity and resolution than the EVN images. We thus conclude that a double-hotspot scenario should be reconsidered as a viable interpretation for J1502SE/SW, and suggest further VLBA tests of that scenario. A double-hotspot scenario could have broad implications for feedback in obscured AGNs. We also report a VLBA detection of high-brightness-temperature emssion from the unobscured AGN that is offset several kiloparsecs from J1502SE/SW.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure, accepted by ApJL on 2014 July 2

    Parent Practices and Identity Outcomes in Arab Youth

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    TITLE: Parent Practices and Identity Outcomes in Arab Youth By: Nancy H. Wrobel, Univeristy of Michigan - Dearborn Description: The presentation addresses some cultural distinctions in parenting practices and outcomes in families in Arab countries as well as immigrant families. Parenting styles as well as parent control, consisstency and acculturation are considered. Keywords: Arab. Arab-American, youth, child, adolescent, parenting styles, identity, acculturatio

    Outflow-Dominated Emission from the Quiescent Massive Black Holes in NGC 4621 and NGC 4697

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    The nearby elliptical galaxies NGC 4621 and NGC 4697 each host a supermassive black hole with a mass more than 1e8 Solar masses. Analysis of archival Chandra data and new NRAO Very Large Array data shows that each galaxy contains a low-luminosity active galactic nucleus (LLAGN), identified as a faint, hard X-ray source that is astrometrically coincident with a faint 8.5-GHz source. The latter has a diameter less than 0.3 arcsec (26 pc for NGC 4621, 17 pc for NGC 4697). The black holes energizing these LLAGNs have Eddington ratios L(2-10 keV) / L(Edd) ~ 1e-9, placing them in the so-called quiescent regime. The emission from these quiescent black holes is radio-loud, with log Rx = log nuLnu(8.5 GHz) / L(2-10 keV) ~ -2, suggesting the presence of a radio outflow. Also, application of the radio-X-ray-mass relation from Yuan & Cui for quiescent black holes predicts the observed radio luminosities nuLnu(8.5 GHz) to within a factor of a few. Significantly, that relation invokes X-ray emission from the outflow rather than from an accretion flow. The faint, but detectable, emission from these two massive black holes is therefore consistent with being outflow-dominated. Observational tests of this finding are suggested.Comment: 11 pages; 4 figures: emulateapj; to appear in Ap

    Transient siRNA-mediated protein knockdown in mouse followed by feeding/starving cycle and liver tissue analysis.

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    We present a protocol for in vivo siRNA-mediated knockdown of a gene of interest in mouse liver using systemic delivery via intravenous injection. We describe a step-by-step protocol for delivery of siRNA particles, with tips on how to optimize dosage. We detail steps for feeding/starving cycles as well as for liver tissue isolation, followed by gene expression analysis, measured at the mRNA and protein levels. For complete information on the generation and use of this protocol, please refer to Wrobel et al. (2020).We are grateful for funding from the UK Dementia Research Institute (funded by the MRC, Alzheimer’s Research UK and the Alzheimer’s Society) (to DCR), the Roger de Spoelberch Foundation (DCR), the European Molecular Biology Organisation (EMBO long-term fellowship to LW ALTF 135-2016). We thank the University of Cambridge core mice facility staff
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