1,194 research outputs found

    Searching a biomedical database from Bulgaria : the ABS database

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    The University of Sofia, Bulgaria, disseminates local biomedical literature (1994 to present) through a free online database, ABS. We systematically searched ABS to identify citations to controlled trials and find what proportion of these studies are to be found on MEDLINE. We searched using Bulgarian and English phrases; manually selected citations of controlled trials and sought these citations on MEDLINE. Using the two languages we found a total of 628 unique citations, of which 47 of which seem to be relevant controlled trials (precision 7.48%, 13% of ABS citations were found on MEDLINE). The trials in ABS commonly focused on evaluation of care for people with cardiovascular or urological problems

    Searching a biomedical database from Bulgaria : the ABS database

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    The University of Sofia, Bulgaria, disseminates local biomedical literature (1994 to present) through a free online database, ABS. We systematically searched ABS to identify citations to controlled trials and find what proportion of these studies are to be found on MEDLINE. We searched using Bulgarian and English phrases; manually selected citations of controlled trials and sought these citations on MEDLINE. Using the two languages we found a total of 628 unique citations, of which 47 of which seem to be relevant controlled trials (precision 7.48%, 13% of ABS citations were found on MEDLINE). The trials in ABS commonly focused on evaluation of care for people with cardiovascular or urological problems

    The Leeds Evaluation of Efficacy of Detoxification Study (LEEDS) prisons project pilot study: protocol for a randomised controlled trial comparing dihydrocodeine and buprenorphine for opiate detoxification

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    Background In the United Kingdom (UK), there is an extensive market for the class 'A' drug heroin. Many heroin users spend time in prison. People addicted to heroin often require prescribed medication when attempting to cease their drug use. The most commonly used detoxification agents in UK prisons are buprenorphine, dihydrocodeine and methadone. However, national guidelines do not state a detoxification drug of choice. Indeed, there is a paucity of research evaluating the most effective treatment for opiate detoxification in prisons. This study seeks to address the paucity by evaluating routinely used interventions amongst drug using prisoners within UK prisons. Methods/Design The Leeds Evaluation of Efficacy of Detoxification Study (LEEDS) Prisons Pilot Study will use randomised controlled trial methodology to compare the open use of buprenorphine and dihydrocodeine for opiate detoxification, given in the context of routine care, within HMP Leeds. Prisoners who are eligible and give informed consent will be entered into the trial. The primary outcome measure will be abstinence status at five days post detoxification, as determined by a urine test. Secondary outcomes during the detoxification and then at one, three and six months post detoxification will be recorded


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    poster abstractHispanics in the USA often suffer poor oral health. More appropriate solutions may be designed if we move beyond the simplistic interpretation of poor oral outcomes being associated with 1-2 variables, e.g., language; such an approach has failed to provide consistent interpretations, and offers no points for intervention. We propose to examine a constellation of variables interwoven into multilevel strategies under a new(er) paradigm, social network theories (http://cmol.nbi.dk/models/infoflow/infoflow.html). Objectives: To qualitatively identify domains of variables modulating oral health outcomes among 1st-2nd generation MexicanAmerican immigrants. Methods: Through key informant interviews, we ascertained KAB variables in immigrant families originating in Jalisco, Mexico. This community has had a strong, revolving presence for decades in a well-delimited location in Indianapolis, IN, around St. Patrickā€™s parish. We did not conduct clinical exams but used questions from American national surveys to document health perceptions, availability of dental services/insurance, presence of dental pain and impaired function in adults and children, and family structure and sociodemographic profiles during a Catholic festival (no incentives, no appointments). Data were content-analyzed. Results: Data were collected from 22 parent-child dyads (15 female adults, 7 male; mean age 24Ā±6.3yrs; data from the oldest child and the interviewee). Frequencies of dental emergencies and acute problems varied markedly, with recurrence patterns. A minority exhibited consistent dental attendance, often enabled by public/private dental insurance. Time in the USA varied considerably, with 1st and 2nd generation immigrant parents and children sharing the household. Occupations ranged from manual to clerical, and education from elementary to college among adults. Conclusion: Interviews were feasible and acceptable, and the experience informed future fieldwork considerations. We are using the variables to design a social networks study to characterize the evolution of patterns between families in Indianapolis and among peers living in Jalisco, aiming to measure impacts ascribable to immigration along acculturation spectra

    How Does Self-Control Promote Health Behaviors? A Multi-Behavior Test of Five Potential Pathways

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    Background Self-control is generally defined as the capacity to override impulses and is a robust predictor of health behaviors. This paper integrates trait, reasoned action, and habit approaches to develop and test a mechanistic account of how self-control influences health actions. Purpose We tested five potential pathways from self-control to behavior, termed the valuation, prioritization, habituation, translation, and inhibition routes. Methods At baseline, participants (N = 663 adults) completed survey measures of reasoned action approach variables and habits in relation to eight health behaviors and the Brief Self-Control Scale. Three months later, participants reported their behavior. Multi-level modeling was used to test pathways across behaviors. Results Supporting the valuation route, affective attitude, cognitive attitude, descriptive norms, and perceived behavioral control mediated the self-control-intention relation, and intentions and perceived behavioral control mediated the relationship between self-control and health behaviors. Self-control also predicted the priority accorded to different considerations during intention formation. Higher self-control was associated with stronger prediction by cognitive attitudes and perceived behavioral control and weaker prediction by habits and injunctive norms. Self-control predicted habit formation, and habits mediated the self-control-behavior relation. Finally, self-control was associated with the improved translation of intentions into health behaviors and with greater inhibition of affective and habitual influences. Findings for the different pathways were not moderated by whether approach (health-protective behaviors) or avoidance responses (health-risk behaviors) were at issue. Conclusions The present research offers new insights into why self-control promotes health behavior performance, and how deficits in self-control might be offset in future behavior-change interventions

    A pragmatic randomized trial comparing tablet computer informed consent to traditional paper-based methods for an osteoporosis study

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    AbstractObjectiveMethods to improve informed consent efficiency and effectiveness are needed for pragmatic clinical trials. We compared informed consent using a tablet computer to a paper approach to assess comprehension and satisfaction of patients and clinic staff for a future osteoporosis clinical trial.MethodsNine community-based practices identified and recruited patients to compare the informed consent processes (tablet vs. paper) in a mock osteoporosis clinical trial. The tablet informed consent included an animation summarizing the trial, complete informed consent document, and questions to assess and reinforce comprehension of the study. Participants were women age ā‰„55 years with ā‰„1 year of alendronate use. We surveyed participants to assess comprehension and satisfaction and office staff for satisfaction and perceived time demands.ResultsThe nine practices enrolled 33 participants. There was not a significant difference in comprehension between the tablet vs. paper informed consent [mean (SD) tablet: 12.2 (1.0) vs. paper: 11.4 (1.7)]. Office staff preferred the tablet to the paper informed consent for identifying potential study participants (two-sided t-test pĀ =Ā 0.02) despite an increased perceived time spent to complete the tablet process [tablet: 28.3Ā min (SD 16.3) vs. paper: 19.0Ā min (SD 6.9); pĀ =Ā 0.08].ConclusionsAlthough, there were no significant differences in participant satisfaction and comprehension with the tablet informed consent compared to a paper informed consent, patients and office staff trended towards greater satisfaction with the tablet informed consent. Larger studies are needed to further evaluate the utility of electronic informed consent in pragmatic clinical trials

    The innovation of the symbiosome has enhanced the evolutionary stability of nitrogen fixation in legumes

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    Nitrogen-fixing symbiosis is globally important in ecosystem functioning and agriculture, yet the evolutionary history of nodulation remains the focus of considerable debate. Recent evidence suggesting a single origin of nodulation followed by massive parallel evolutionary losses raises questions about why a few lineages in the N2-fixing clade retained nodulation and diversified as stable nodulators, while most did not. Within legumes, nodulation is restricted to the two most diverse subfamilies, Papilionoideae and Caesalpinioideae, which show stable retention of nodulation across their core clades. We characterize two nodule anatomy types across 128 species in 56 of the 152 genera of the legume subfamily Caesalpinioideae: fixation thread nodules (FTs), where nitrogen-fixing bacteroids are retained within the apoplast in modified infection threads, and symbiosomes, where rhizobia are symplastically internalized in the host cell cytoplasm within membrane-bound symbiosomes (SYMs). Using a robust phylogenomic tree based on 997 genes from 147 Caesalpinioideae genera, we show that losses of nodulation are more prevalent in lineages with FTs than those with SYMs. We propose that evolution of the symbiosome allows for a more intimate and enduring symbiosis through tighter compartmentalization of their rhizobial microsymbionts, resulting in greater evolutionary stability of nodulation across this species-rich pantropical legume clade

    ep ā†’ ep Ļ€ā° Reaction Studied in the Ī”(1232) Mass Region Using Polarization Asymmetries

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    Measurements of the angular distributions of target and double-spin asymmetries for the Ī”+(1232) in the exclusive channel ā†’ p(ā†’e,e\u27p)Ļ€0 obtained at the Jefferson Lab in the Q2 range from 0.5 to 1.5 GeV2/c2 are presented. Results of the asymmetries are compared with the unitary isobar model [D. Drechsel , Nucl. Phys. A645, 145 (1999)], dynamical models [T. Sato and T. S. Lee, Phys. Rev. C 54, 2660 (1996); S. S. Kamalov , Phys. Lett. B 27, 522 (2001)], and the effective Lagrangian theory [R. M. Davidson , Phys. Rev. D 43, 71 (1991)]. Sensitivity to the different models was observed, particularly in relation to the description of background terms on which the target asymmetry depends significantly
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