206 research outputs found

    Understanding the temporal dynamics of a lowland river fish community at a hazardous intake and floodgate to inform safe operation

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    Entrainment and mortality of freshwater fish at hazardous pumping station intakes used for Flood Risk Management (FRM) are of global concern. Although upstream and downstream passage of diadromous fish has received considerable attention, the ecological behaviours of river-resident fish at these structures and how to protect these species from entrainment is poorly-understood. At a lowland flood-relief pumping station and floodgate situated off-channel (River Foss) to the main-river Yorkshire Ouse (York, England), multi-beam sonar (Dual-Frequency Identification Sonar: DIDSON) was used over a pluriannual (three years) period to investigate diel movements of river-resident fish in response to the variations in temperature, hydrology and pump and floodgate operation, and to determine fish-friendly management options. Diel lateral movements of thousands of river-resident fish between the main-river, floodgate operated channel (River Foss) and off-channel pump forebay were predominantly during the crepuscular period and daytime, proposing important considerations for when managers should operate pumps and associated flood infrastructure. Seasonal diel movements increased throughout winter during a baseline year (no pump operation) and overwintering behaviour was influenced by cooling river temperatures. A Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) revealed fish entered the off-channel forebay when river levels were stable and not when they were rising or falling, suggesting hydrological stability was important for the ecological function of this fish community. Two years of impact data (pumps operated) then revealed pump operations severely disrupted the ecological functions of local fish populations, which was also uniquely quantified over two independent 24h periods during which temporal fish counts were reduced by 85%. A trial period where the floodgate was lowered ahead of dawn significantly reduced fish immigration into the hazardous forebay when compared to two different hydrological periods. Modifying when the floodgate and pumps operate, including lowering the floodgate ahead of fish immigration at dawn, and starting pumps during the night (but not day), are therefore promising non-engineered management options to prevent immigration of fish into the hazardous off-channel pump forebay and to reduce entrainment and mortality risk during pump operation

    Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia as an Index of Vagal Activity during Stress in Infants: Respiratory Influences and Their Control

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    Respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is related to cardiac vagal outflow and the respiratory pattern. Prior infant studies have not systematically examined respiration rate and tidal volume influences on infant RSA or the extent to which infants' breathing is too fast to extract a valid RSA. We therefore monitored cardiac activity, respiration, and physical activity in 23 six-month old infants during a standardized laboratory stressor protocol. On average, 12.6% (range 0–58.2%) of analyzed breaths were too short for RSA extraction. Higher respiration rate was associated with lower RSA amplitude in most infants, and lower tidal volume was associated with lower RSA amplitude in some infants. RSA amplitude corrected for respiration rate and tidal volume influences showed theoretically expected strong reductions during stress, whereas performance of uncorrected RSA was less consistent. We conclude that stress-induced changes of peak-valley RSA and effects of variations in breathing patterns on RSA can be determined for a representative percentage of infant breaths. As expected, breathing substantially affects infant RSA and needs to be considered in studies of infant psychophysiology

    The influence of passive wedge-wire screen aperture and flow velocity on juvenile European eel exclusion, impingement and passage

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    The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is a critically endangered catadromous fish. The decline has partly been attributed to water management infrastructure that abstract water from rivers for potable and industrial water supply, irrigation, hydroelectric power generation and flood defence; eels can be impinged on weedscreens and trashracks and entrained in pumps and turbines. The Eel Regulations (England and Wales) 2009 stipulates measures are required to provide safe (upstream and downstream) passage of eels past such hazardous intakes. Preventing impingement and entrainment of upstream migrating (glass eel and elver) and river-resident (yellow) juvenile eels at hazardous intakes may require fine-mesh aperture screens and low approach velocities due to eels' small size and relatively poor swimming capacity but quantitative evidence is lacking. Here, passive wedge-wire screen aperture (1, 2, 3 and 5 mm) and depth-averaged flow velocities (0, 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2 m∙s−1) both influenced the fate (i.e., impingement or passage) and behaviour (i.e., migratory separation or behavioural avoidance) of two size classes of juvenile eels (60–80 mm glass eels and 100–160 mm elvers) in an experimental flume. One and 2 mm aperture screens were required to physically exclude 60–80 mm and 100–160 mm. Up to 90% and 100% of the 60–80 mm and 100–160-mm size class eels were impinged at 0.2 m∙s−1 depth-averaged flow velocity, which also positively influence number of screen contacts per eel and time to eel fate (from first contact). A small proportion of 60–80 mm eels (9.2%) did not approach the screen due to migratory separation (i.e., positive rheotaxis) and eels narrower than the screen aperture did not always pass through the screen, and thus other biological or hydraulic processes may also influence screen passage. It is hoped that these findings help improve screening guidance for regulators, key stakeholders and water abstraction managers to further improve protective measures required for critically endangered eels

    The Influence of Antenatal Partner Support on Pregnancy Outcomes

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    BACKGROUND: While there has been considerable attention given to the multitude of maternal factors that contribute to perinatal conditions and poor birth outcomes, few studies have aimed to understand the impact of fathers or partners. We examined associations of antenatal partner support with psychological variables, smoking behavior, and pregnancy outcomes in two socioeconomically distinct prebirth cohorts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data were from 1764 women recruited from an urban-suburban group practice (Project Viva) and 877 women from urban community health centers (Project ACCESS), both in the Boston area. Antenatal partner support was assessed by the Turner Support Scale. Multivariable linear and logistic regression analyses determined the impact of low antenatal partner support on the outcomes of interest. RESULTS: In early pregnancy, 6.4% of Viva and 23.0% of ACCESS participants reported low partner support. After adjustment, low partner support was cross-sectionally associated with high pregnancy-related anxiety in both cohorts (Viva AOR 1.8; 95% CI: 1.0-3.4 and ACCESS AOR 1.9; 95% CI: 1.1-3.3) and with depression in ACCESS (AOR 1.9; 95% CI: 1.1-3.3). In Viva, low partner support was also related to depression mid-pregnancy (AOR 3.1; 95% CI: 1.7-5.7) and to smoking (AOR 2.2; 95% CI: 1.3-3.8). Birth weight, gestational age, and fetal growth were not associated with partner support. CONCLUSIONS: This study of two economically and ethnically distinct cohorts in the Boston area highlights higher levels of antenatal anxiety, depression, and smoking among pregnant women who report low partner support. Partner support may be an important and potentially modifiable target for interventions to improve pregnancy outcomes

    First direct evidence of adult European eels migrating to their breeding place in the Sargasso Sea

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    The European eel (Anguilla anguilla) is critically endangered (according to the most recent IUCN assessment) and has suffered a 95% decline in recruitment since the 1980s, attributed in part to factors occurring during the marine phases of its life-cycle. As an adult, the European eel undertakes the longest spawning migration of all anguillid eels, a distance of 5000 to 10,000 km across the Atlantic Ocean to the Sargasso Sea. However, despite the passage of almost 100 years since Johannes Schmidt proposed the Sargasso Sea as the breeding place of European eels on the basis of larval surveys, no eggs or spawning adults have ever been sampled there to confirm this. Fundamental questions therefore remain about the oceanic migration of adult eels, including navigation mechanisms, the routes taken, timings of arrival, swimming speed and spawning locations. We attached satellite tags to 26 eels from rivers in the Azores archipelago and tracked them for periods between 40 and 366 days at speeds between 3 and 12 km day(-1), and provide the first direct evidence of adult European eels reaching their presumed breeding place in the Sargasso Sea

    Computational fluid dynamics simulations of water flow on a studded upstream eel pass

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    The European eel population has undergone a significant decline in recruitment over the last 3–4 decades. Anthropogenic riverine barriers that disrupt the eel's life cycle when migrating upstream are contributory factors in this decline. The development of eel passage facilities is one of many attempts to mitigate this problem. In upstream passes, eels rely on a substrate in the base of the pass to assist their ascent by climbing and/or swimming. This study numerically evaluates, using computational fluid dynamics, the hydrodynamic characteristics of water flow on a studded substrate, under a range of installation angles and water flowrates. To assess and predict the efficiency of the pass, simulated flow field data were used to create pass-ability maps by comparing simulated velocity data with eel swimming capabilities. An 11° installation angle with a ramp flowrate of 1.12 × 10−3 m3/s per metre width was shown to be likely most suitable for 70 mm long eels, and could be used by eels with sizes up to 150 mm. The numerical study has also shown that under specific water flowrates, installation angles of 30° or more can make the water level fluctuate and splash out of the eel pass, resulting in potential inefficiency in ramp water supply, while posing additional challenges for eels ascending the pass

    Environmental DNA metabarcoding provides enhanced detection of the European eel Anguilla anguilla and fish community structure in pumped river catchments

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    © 2020 Fisheries Society of the British Isles The European eel Anguilla anguilla (eel hereafter) is critically endangered and has a catadromous life cycle, which means adult eels that live in pumped catchments must pass through pumps during their downstream spawning migration. Policy makers are currently lacking detailed site-by-site eel distribution information to estimate the overall impact of individual pumping stations on eel escapement, and as such lack the data to enable informed prioritisation of pumping station management and targeted mitigation. This study investigated whether environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding can provide increased detection sensitivity for eel and fish community structure in highly regulated pumped catchments, when compared directly to current standard practice fish survey protocols (seine netting/electric fishing). Eels were detected in 14 of 17 sites (82.4%) using eDNA metabarcoding in contrast to 3 of 17 sites (17.6%) using traditional catch methods. In addition, when using eDNA monitoring, species richness was higher in 16 of 17 sites (94.1%), and site occupancy was greater than or equal to traditional methods for 23 of 26 of the fish species detected (88.5%). Although eDNA methods presented significantly higher average species richness and species site occupancy overall, eDNA and catch methods were positively correlated in terms of species richness and site occupancy. It was therefore found that eDNA metabarcoding was a high-sensitivity method for detecting eels in pumped catchments while also increasing the detection of overall fish community structure compared to traditional catch methods. In addition, this study highlights how eDNA monitoring is especially suited to increase the detection of particular species, with traditional methods sufficient for others. This high sensitivity, coupled with the ability to sample multiple sites in a short time frame, suggests that eDNA metabarcoding workflows could be invaluable tools when prioritising pumping station management

    Synergistic Effects of Traffic-Related Air Pollution and Exposure to Violence on Urban Asthma Etiology

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    Background: Disproportionate life stress and consequent physiologic alteration (i.e., immune dysregulation) has been proposed as a major pathway linking socioeconomic position, environmental exposures, and health disparities. Asthma, for example, disproportionately affects lower-income urban communities, where air pollution and social stressors may be elevated. Objectives: We aimed to examine the role of exposure to violence (ETV), as a chronic stressor, in altering susceptibility to traffic-related air pollution in asthma etiology. Methods: We developed geographic information systems (GIS)–based models to retrospectively estimate residential exposures to traffic-related pollution for 413 children in a community-based pregnancy cohort, recruited in East Boston, Massachusetts, between 1987 and 1993, using monthly nitrogen dioxide measurements for 13 sites over 18 years. We merged pollution estimates with questionnaire data on lifetime ETV and examined the effects of both on childhood asthma etiology. Results: Correcting for potential confounders, we found an elevated risk of asthma with a 1-SD (4.3 ppb) increase in NO2 exposure solely among children with above-median ETV [odds ratio (OR) = 1.63; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.14–2.33)]. Among children always living in the same community, with lesser exposure measurement error, this association was magnified (OR = 2.40; 95% CI, 1.48–3.88). Of multiple exposure periods, year-of-diagnosis NO2_2 was most predictive of asthma outcomes. Conclusions: We found an association between traffic-related air pollution and asthma solely among urban children exposed to violence. Future studies should consider socially patterned susceptibility, common spatial distributions of social and physical environmental factors, and potential synergies among these. Prospective assessment of physical and social exposures may help determine causal pathways and critical exposure periods
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