74 research outputs found

    Energetic and Socioeconomic Justification for Solar-Powered Desalination Technology for Rural Indian Villages

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    This paper provides justification for solar-powered electrodialysis desalination systems for rural Indian villages. It is estimated that 11% of India’s 800 million people living in rural areas do not have access to an improved water source. If the source’s quality in regards to biological, chemical, or physical contaminants is also considered, this percentage is even higher. User interviews conducted by the authors and in literature reveal that users judge the quality of their water source based on its aesthetic quality (taste, odor, and temperature). Seventy-three percent of Indian villages rely on groundwater as their primary drinking supply. However, saline groundwater underlies approximately 60% of the land area in India. Desalination is necessary in order to improve the aesthetics of this water (by reducing salinity below the taste threshold) and remove contaminants that cause health risks. Both technical and socioeconomic factors were considered to identify the critical design requirements for inland water desalination in India. An off-grid power system is among those requirements due to the lack of grid access or intermittent supply, problems faced by half of Indian villages. The same regions in India that have high groundwater salinity also have the advantage of high solar potential, making solar a primary candidate. Within the salinity range of groundwater found in inland India, electrodialysis would substantially reduce the energy consumption to desalinate compared to reverse osmosis, which is the standard technology used for village-level systems. This energy savings leads to a smaller solar array required for electrodialysis systems, translating to reduced capital costs.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tata Center for Technology and DesignMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Progra

    Village-Scale Electrodialysis Desalination: Field Trial Validation

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    This paper presents the design and initial testing of a villagescale photovoltaic (PV) powered electrodialysis reversal (EDR) desalination system for rural India. The system was built by the authors and tested at the Brackish Groundwater National Desalination Research Facility in New Mexico. EDR has the potential to be more cost effective than currently installed village-scale reverse osmosis (RO) systems in offgrid locations due to the lower specific energy consumption of EDR versus RO at high recovery ratios. Lower energetic demand leads to lower solar power system costs for off-grid areas. The system tested in this study is designed to validate that energetic, product water quality, and water recovery requirements can be met. An analytical model of the system that accounts for the composition of natural groundwater is presented and compared to initial experimental results. Additionally, results from the USAID Desal Prize are presented showing the system's performance in regards to recovery ratio and product water quality. This paper presents the design methodology, resulting system parameters, and experimental results for an initial village-scale PV-EDR field trial.Jain Irrigation Systems Ltd.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tata Center for Technology and DesignMassachusetts Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Progra


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    Increased global water demand coupled with limited water resources has led to acute water shortage in many regions, significantly affecting a griculture, which is the world’s largest consumer of water. Groundwater resources are thus increasingly being used to meet irrigation requirements. However, groundwater resources around the world tend to be saline ( 0.5 ≤ S ≤ 5 g/kg ) rquiring desalination before use. Furthermore, with decreasing water availability, demands for producing permeate from the feed at higher recoveries (>85%) is also increasing. In this work, a thermodynamic least work analysis for desalination and pumping ground water is developed first. Then, the actual energy required by high recovery desalination technologies such as brackish water reverse osmosis (RO), closed circuit reverse osmosis (CCRO) and electrodialysis reversal (EDR) are compared with the thermodynamic least work of desalination from 50-95% recovery. CCRO consumed the least energy until a recovery of 92% after which EDR consumed the least energy. While the energy required for RO and CCRO changed with recovery, EDR energy consumption remained approximately constant at 0.85 kWh/m³. Water table depth was also found to significantly contribute to the total energy consumed, with the power required to pump groundwater being comparable to the desalination power requirements at water table depths greater than 50 m. Thus, the choice of selection of desalination technologies is particularly crucial for water table depths less than 50 m

    Feasibility Study of an Electrodialysis System for In-Home Water Desalination and Purification in Urban India

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    Desalination of high salinity water is an effective way of improving the aesthetic quality of drinking water and has been demonstrated to be a characteristic valued by consumers. Across India, 60% of the groundwater, the primary water source for millions, is brackish or contains a high salt content with total dissolved solids (TDS) ranging from 500 parts per million (ppm) to 3,000ppm. The government does not provide sufficient desalination treatment before the water reaches the tap of a consumer. Therefore consumers have turned to in-home desalination. However, current products are either expensive or have low recovery, product water output per untreated feed water, (∼30%) wasting water resources. Electrodialysis (ED) is a promising technology that desalinates water while maintaining higher recovery (up to 95%) compared to existing consumer reverse osmosis (RO) products. This paper first explores the in-home desalination market to determine critical design requirements for an in-home ED system. A model was then used to evaluate and optimize the performance of an ED stack at this scale and designated salinity range. Additionally, testing was conducted in order to validate the model and demonstrate feasibility. Finally, cost estimates of the proposed in-home ED system and product design concept are presented. The results of this work identified a system design that provides consumers with up to 80% recovery of feed water with cost and size competitive to currently available in-home RO products

    Development of a Village-Scale, Solar-Powered Reverse Osmosis System

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    This paper details the development of a photovoltaic reverse osmosis water desalination system for a groundwater well in Bercy, Haiti. The well was constructed to provide potable drinking and agricultural water for the 300-person community. However, its water has a salinity level of 5,290 ppm, rendering it harmful for both human consumption and soil fertility. This reverse osmosis system is designed to be low-cost and operational off-grid while providing 900 gallons per day of desalinated water for the community. The system is composed of a photovoltaic power system, a submersible solar pump, and three reverse osmosis membranes. The system is designed to have a material cost significantly below that of any commercially-available system of similar scale. Furthermore, it has an average water production cost of $1.21/m3 and an average specific energy of 1.2 kWh/m3. Its performance was tested in the laboratory by connecting the desalination module to a DC power supply, demonstrating good agreement with its modeled performance. The installation of the full system with the PV module will take place on-site in the summer of 2016. Following implementation, the system will be monitored and compared against predicted performance. The first attempt is meant to serve as a verification and validation of the system as a whole. However, successful operation within the given cost target could pave the way for wider use of off-grid reverse osmosis systems at many remote locations with limited freshwater access around the world.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Tata Center for Technology and Desig

    Inadequate access to potable water impacts early childhood development in low-income areas in Cape Town, South Africa

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    BACKGROUND : Water and sanitation are vital to human health and well-being. While these factors have been studied in relation to health, very little has been done to consider such environmental risk factors with child development. Here, we investigated possible relations between household water access/storage and early childhood development in four low-income settlements in the City of Cape Town, Western Cape province of South Africa. Our objectives were 1) to determine water access/storage practices in dwellings of children; 2) to assess early childhood development; and 3) and to understand the relationship between water access/storage practices in relation to early childhood development. METHODS : We used a questionnaire to assess household water risk factors and the International Development and Early Learning Assessment (IDELA) tool to assess child early learning / cognitive, socio-emotional and motor development. RESULTS : Mean age of the children (N = 192) was 4 years and 55% were female. The mean IDELA score was 48% (range: 36–54%) where the higher the score, the better the child’s development. Around 70% of households had a tap inside their dwelling and half said that they stored water with the largest percentage of storage containers (21%) being plastic/no lid. Child IDELA scores were lower for children living in households that did not have an indoor tap and for households who stored water. CONCLUSIONS : Given the risks associated with climate change and the already poor conditions many children face regarding water and sanitation, research is needed to further investigate these relations to provide evidence to support appropriate interventions and ensure healthy child development.The British Academy for the Humanities and Social Sciences and the South African Medical Research Council.https://www.annalsofglobalhealth.orgam2024Geography, Geoinformatics and MeteorologySDG-04:Quality EducationSDG-06:Clean water and sanitatio

    EarthFinder Probe Mission Concept Study: Characterizing nearby stellar exoplanet systems with Earth-mass analogs for future direct imaging

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    EarthFinder is a NASA Astrophysics Probe mission concept selected for study as input to the 2020 Astrophysics National Academies Decadal Survey. The EarthFinder concept is based on a dramatic shift in our understanding of how PRV measurements should be made. We propose a new paradigm which brings the high precision, high cadence domain of transit photometry as demonstrated by Kepler and TESS to the challenges of PRV measurements at the cm/s level. This new paradigm takes advantage of: 1) broad wavelength coverage from the UV to NIR which is only possible from space to minimize the effects of stellar activity; 2) extremely compact, highly stable, highly efficient spectrometers (R>150,000) which require the diffraction-limited imaging possible only from space over a broad wavelength range; 3) the revolution in laser-based wavelength standards to ensure cm/s precision over many years; 4) a high cadence observing program which minimizes sampling-induced period aliases; 5) exploiting the absolute flux stability from space for continuum normalization for unprecedented line-by-line analysis not possible from the ground; and 6) focusing on the bright stars which will be the targets of future imaging missions so that EarthFinder can use a ~1.5 m telescope.Comment: NASA Probe Mission concept white paper for 2020 Astrophysics National Academies Decadal Surve

    EarthFinder Probe Mission Concept Study: Characterizing nearby stellar exoplanet systems with Earth-mass analogs for future direct imaging

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    EarthFinder is a NASA Astrophysics Probe mission concept selected for study as input to the 2020 Astrophysics National Academies Decadal Survey. The EarthFinder concept is based on a dramatic shift in our understanding of how PRV measurements should be made. We propose a new paradigm which brings the high precision, high cadence domain of transit photometry as demonstrated by Kepler and TESS to the challenges of PRV measurements at the cm/s level. This new paradigm takes advantage of: 1) broad wavelength coverage from the UV to NIR which is only possible from space to minimize the effects of stellar activity; 2) extremely compact, highly stable, highly efficient spectrometers (R>150,000) which require the diffraction-limited imaging possible only from space over a broad wavelength range; 3) the revolution in laser-based wavelength standards to ensure cm/s precision over many years; 4) a high cadence observing program which minimizes sampling-induced period aliases; 5) exploiting the absolute flux stability from space for continuum normalization for unprecedented line-by-line analysis not possible from the ground; and 6) focusing on the bright stars which will be the targets of future imaging missions so that EarthFinder can use a ~1.5 m telescope
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