45 research outputs found

    Respiratory tract burn injuries

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    Oparzenia inhalacyjne są głębokimi urazami obarczonymi znaczną śmiertelnością, które w istotny sposób pogarszają rokowanie chorych z ciężkimi oparzeniami ciała. Zmiany zachodzące pod wpływem urazu inhalacyjnego obejmują: obrzęk i martwicę błony śluzowej oskrzeli, zwiększenie przepływu krwi przez naczynia płucne i wzrost ich przepuszczalności, gromadzenie się w świetle oskrzeli wałeczków zbudowanych ze śluzu, obumarłych komórek, włóknika i neutrofili oraz uogólnioną reakcję zapalną mediowaną przez cytokiny. W wyniku opisanych procesów dochodzi do zaburzeń wymiany gazowej w płucach i w konsekwencji do niedotlenienia tkanek. Wprowadzenie standaryzowanych procedur diagnostyki endoskopowej u chorych z podejrzeniem oparzenia dróg oddechowych pozwoliło na szybkie rozpoznanie tego urazu i wdrożenie specjalistycznego leczenia, skutkującego zmniejszeniem liczby zgonów z powodu oparzeń. Stosowane metody terapeutyczne nie zawsze są skuteczne, a przy tym obarczone powikłaniami wynikającymi z instrumentacji dróg oddechowych. Istnieje więc konieczność stałej modyfikacji postępowania i poszukiwania nowych metod leczenia. Obserwowane korzystne efekty wczesnych zabiegów tlenoterapii hiperbarycznej dają nadzieję na szybkie wprowadzenie tej metody do standardów leczenia oparzeń inhalacyjnych. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 298–304Respiratory tract burns are one of the most serious injuries of human organism. They often accompany severe skin burns, increasing morbidity and mortality. Pathologic events happening in the lungs in the course of inhalation injury consist of: edema and necrosis of bronchial mucosa, increase of bronchial blood flow and vascular permeability, recruitment of inflammatory mediators, and obturation of bronchial tract with the casts composed of mucus, tissue debris, neutrophils and fibrin. The above mentioned processes lead to progressive disturbances of pulmonary gas exchange and tissue hypoxia. Introduction of standardized bronchoscopic procedures resulted in the possibility of early diagnosis and treatment of inhalation injuries. There are many treatment options, some of them combined with early and late complications, the optimal treatment protocol is still lacking. Early hyperbaric oxygen therapy is one of the most promising methods of treatment leading to decrease of mortality due to inhalation injury. Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol. 2011; 79, 4: 298–30


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    Gain prediction theory of single foil Gas Electron Multiplier detector was developed. Gas electron multiplier (GEM) detector with single foil was developed. Soft X-ray spectra with an energy of 5.9 keV emitted by the isotope Fe-55 were measured. On this basis, the dependence of gain and energy resolution from the detector voltage was determined. The simple theory of gain dependence on various detector parameters was developed. Preliminary results of the study confirmed the potential usefulness of the GEM detector as a substitute for the multiwire proportional chamber.Opracowano teorię wzmocnienia jednofoliowego detektora z gazowym powielaniem elektronów. Opracowano detektor z gazowym powielaniem elektronów z pojedynczą folią. Zmierzono widmo miękkiego promieniowania X, o energii 5,9 keV, emitowanego przez izotop Fe-55. Na tej podstawie wyznaczono zależność wzmocnienia i energetycznej zdolności rozdzielczej od napięcia zasilającego detektor. Opracowano prosta teorią zależności wzmocnienia od różnych parametrów detektora. Wstępne rezultaty badań potwierdzają potencjalną przydatność detektora GEM jako substytutu wielodrutowej komory proporcjonalnej

    Independent Component Analysis-motivated Approach to Classificatory Decomposition of Cortical Evoked Potentials

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    BACKGROUND: Independent Component Analysis (ICA) proves to be useful in the analysis of neural activity, as it allows for identification of distinct sources of activity. Applied to measurements registered in a controlled setting and under exposure to an external stimulus, it can facilitate analysis of the impact of the stimulus on those sources. The link between the stimulus and a given source can be verified by a classifier that is able to "predict" the condition a given signal was registered under, solely based on the components. However, the ICA's assumption about statistical independence of sources is often unrealistic and turns out to be insufficient to build an accurate classifier. Therefore, we propose to utilize a novel method, based on hybridization of ICA, multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEA), and rough sets (RS), that attempts to improve the effectiveness of signal decomposition techniques by providing them with "classification-awareness." RESULTS: The preliminary results described here are very promising and further investigation of other MOEAs and/or RS-based classification accuracy measures should be pursued. Even a quick visual analysis of those results can provide an interesting insight into the problem of neural activity analysis. CONCLUSION: We present a methodology of classificatory decomposition of signals. One of the main advantages of our approach is the fact that rather than solely relying on often unrealistic assumptions about statistical independence of sources, components are generated in the light of a underlying classification problem itself

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Segmentation of Coffee Consumers Using Sustainable Values: Cluster Analysis on the Polish Coffee Market

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    Producers and retailers are the driving force behind the adoption of the idea of sustainability. It has been found that while preparing their product range offer, many still pay attention to the same set of criteria: size of the customers’ earnings, how often they shop, and how much they buy when shopping. In general, sustainable values applied by consumers in their purchasing decisions are rarely taken into account in consumer segmentation. The aim of this study is to recognize if values such as environmental protection, producers’ ethical behavior, fair trade or maximizing the utility function of consumption are important factors in the purchasing process of coffee and if they can be used as segmentation variables. The discussed findings come from a standardized online survey conducted on a sample of 800 Polish coffee consumers in July 2018. The obtained results are discussed by employing multi-dimensional analyses, such as exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and cluster analysis (CA). In consequence, six segments of coffee consumers are identified and described: “responsible, aspiring to be connoisseurs„, “loyal coffee enthusiasts„, “pragmatic users„, “coffee laypersons„, “sophisticated connoisseurs„, and “consumerists, connoisseurs, but not at any price„. Among the identified segments, the most often indicated sustainable consumption values refer to “responsible, aspiring to be connoisseurs„, and the least often to “consumerists, connoisseurs, but not at any price„. The conclusions may be used by manufacturing and trade enterprises operating in the coffee market to respond to the identified needs and expectations of consumers

    Transparent Electrodes with Nanotubes and Graphene for Printed Optoelectronic Applications

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    We report here on printed electroluminescent structures containing transparent electrodes made of carbon nanotubes and graphene nanoplatelets. Screen-printing and spray-coating techniques were employed. Electrodes and structures were examined towards optical parameters using spectrophotometer and irradiation meter. Electromechanical properties of transparent electrodes are exterminated with cyclical bending test. Accelerated aging process was conducted according to EN 62137 standard for reliability tests of electronics. We observed significant negative influence of mechanical bending on sheet resistivity of ITO, while resistivity of nanotube and graphene based electrodes remained stable. Aging process has also negative influence on ITO based structures resulting in delamination of printed layers, while those based on carbon nanomaterials remained intact. We observe negligible changes in irradiation for structures with carbon nanotube electrodes after accelerated aging process. Such materials demonstrate a high application potential in general purpose electroluminescent devices


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    The article concerns the research on the properties of core-shell superparamagnetic nanoparticles in the context of their use in medicine for diagnostics and therapy. The article presents a system for impedance (AC) spectroscopy of nanoparticles with a new arrangement of receive coils. A significant modification was the position of the reference coil in relation to the receive coils as well as the method of winding and routing the wires on the carcass. The 3D printing technique was used in the production of the measuring coil system. The aim of the work was to experimentally verify the developed measurement system and analyze its properties. The system tests were carried out at low frequencies ranging from 2 to 50 kHz. Complex magnetic susceptibility was measured for superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in polymer shells in a physiological saline solution. The obtained results confirmed the relevance of the concept of the measurements. In summary, the observed properties of the realized system are discussed and further directions of its development are proposed.Artykuł dotyczy badań właściwości nanocząstek superparamagnetycznych typu rdzeń-powłoka w kontekście wykorzystania ich w medycynie do diagnostyki jak i terapii. W artykule przedstawiono układ do spektroskopii impedancyjnej (AC) nanocząstek z nowym układem cewek odbiorczych. Istotną modyfikacją była pozycja cewki referencyjnej względem cewek odbiorczych jak również sposób nawijania i prowadzenia przewodów na karkasie. W realizacji układu cewek pomiarowych wykorzystana została technika druku 3D. Celem pracy była eksperymentalna weryfikacja opracowanego układu pomiarowego i analiza jego własności. Testy układu zostały przeprowadzone dla niskich częstotliwości w zakresie od 2 do 50 kHz. Pomiary zespolonej podatności magnetycznej dokonano dla nanocząstek superparamagnetycznych tlenku żelaza w otoczkach polimerowych w roztworze soli fizjologicznej. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdziły poprawność koncepcji realizacji pomiarów. W podsumowaniu omówiono zaobserwowane własności zrealizowanego układu i zaproponowano dalsze kierunki jego rozwoju

    Screen-Printed Resistive Pressure Sensors Containing Graphene Nanoplatelets and Carbon Nanotubes

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    Polymer composites with nanomaterials such as graphene nanoplatelets and carbon nanotubes are a new group of materials with high application possibilities in printed and flexible electronics. In this study such carbon nanomaterials were used as a conductive phase in polymer composites. Pastes with dispersed nanomaterials in PMMA and PVDF vehicles were screen printed on flexible substrates, and used as an active layer in pressure sensors, exploiting contact resistance phenomena. The relationship between resistance and pressure is nearly linear on a logarithmic scale for selected types of samples, and their response is several times higher than for similar sensors with graphite layers. The use of surfactants allowed us to fabricate evenly dispersed nanomaterials with different amount of nanoplatelets and nanotubes in the composites. The samples contained from 1.25 wt.% to 2 wt.% of graphene and 1 wt.% to 0.5 wt.% of nanotubes and exhibited diverse sheet resistivity. Experiments revealed the relationship between morphology and loading of functional phase in the polymer matrix and the sensors’ sensitivity