10 research outputs found

    Identification of symplasmic domains in the embryo and seed of Sedum acre L. (Crassulaceae)

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    Our study demonstrated that symplasmic communication between Sedum acreseed compartments and the embryo proper is not uniform. The presence of plasmodesmata (PD) constitutes the structural basis for information exchange between cells, and symplasmic communication is involved in the regulation of cell differentiation and plant development. Most recent studies concerning an analysis of symplasmic communication between seed compartments and the embryo have been predominantly performed on Arabidopsis thaliana. The results presented in this paper describe the analysis of symplasmic communication on the example of Sedum acre seeds, because the ultrastructure of the seed compartments and the embryo proper, including the PD, have already been described, and this species represents an embryonic type of development different to Arabidopsis. Moreover, in this species, an unusual electron-dense dome associated with plasmodesmata on the border between the basal cell/chalazal suspensor cells and the basal cell/the endosperm has been described. This prompted the question as to whether these plasmodesmata are functional. Thus, the aim of this study was to describe the movement of symplasmic transport fluorochromes between different Sedum seed compartments, with particular emphasis on the movement between the basal cell and the embryo proper and endosperm, to answer the following questions: (1) are seeds divided into symplasmic domains; (2) if so, are they stable or do they change with the development? The results have shown that symplasmic tracers movement: (a) from the external integument to internal integument is restricted; (b) from the basal cell to the other part of the embryo proper and from the basal cell to the endosperm is also restricted; (c) the embryo is a single symplasmic domain with respect to molecules of a molecular weight below 0.5 kDa

    Some aspects of symplasmic communication during somatic embryogenesis of tree fern Cyathea delgadii

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    doi wspólne dla całości materiałów konferencyjnychSesja posterowa - XIV Overall Polish in vitro Culture and Plant Biotechnology Conference Structural, physiological and molecular bases of plant differentiation September 14-17, 2015, Pozna

    Development of Embryo Suspensors for Five Genera of Crassulaceae with Special Emphasis on Plasmodesmata Distribution and Ultrastructure

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    The suspensor in the majority of angiosperms is an evolutionally conserved embryonic structure functioning as a conduit that connects ovule tissues with the embryo proper for nutrients and growth factors flux. This is the first study serving the purpose of investigating the correlation between suspensor types and plasmodesmata (PD), by the ultrastructure of this organ in respect of its full development. The special attention is paid to PD in representatives of Crassulaceae genera: Sedum, Aeonium, Monanthes, Aichryson and Echeveria. The contribution of the suspensor in transporting nutrients to the embryo was confirmed by the basal cell structure of the suspensor which produced, on the micropylar side of all genera investigated, a branched haustorium protruding into the surrounding ovular tissue and with wall ingrowths typically associated with cell transfer. The cytoplasm of the basal cell was rich in endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, dictyosomes, specialized plastids, microtubules, microbodies and lipid droplets. The basal cell sustained a symplasmic connection with endosperm and neighboring suspensor cells. Our results indicated the dependence of PD ultrastructure on the type of suspensor development: (i) simple PD are assigned to an uniseriate filamentous suspensor and (ii) PD with an electron-dense material are formed in a multiseriate suspensor. The occurrence of only one or both types of PD seems to be specific for the species but not for the genus. Indeed, in the two tested species of Sedum (with the distinct uniseriate/multiseriate suspensors), a diversity in the structure of PD depends on the developmental pattern of the suspensor. In all other genera (with the multiseriate type of development of the suspensor), the one type of electron-dense PD was observed

    Symplasmic Isolation Contributes to Somatic Embryo Induction and Development in the Tree Fern Cyathea delgadii Sternb

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    In this report, we describe studies on symplasmic communication and cellular rearrangement during direct somatic embryogenesis (SE) in the tree fern Cyathea delgadii. We analyzed changes in the symplasmic transport of low-molecular-weight fluorochromes, such as 8-hydroxypyrene-1,3,6-trisulfonic acid, trisodium salt (HPTS) and fluorescein (delivered to cells as fluorescein diacetate, FDA), within stipe explants and somatic embryos originating from single epidermal cells and developing during 16-d long culture. Induction of SE is preceded by a restriction in fluorochrome distribution between certain explant cells.Microscopic analysis showed a series of cellular changes like a decrease in vacuole size, increase in vacuole numbers, and increased density of cytoplasm and deposition of electron-dense material in cell walls that may be related with embryogenic transition. In somatic embryos, the limited symplasmic communication between cells was observed first in linear tri-cellular embryos. Further development of the fern embryo was associated with the formation of symplasmic domains corresponding to the four segments of the plant body.Using symplasmic tracers, we provided evidence that the changes in plasmodesmata permeability are corelated with somatic-to-embryogenic transition and somatic embryo development

    Auxin biosynthesis maintains embryo identity and growth during BABY BOOM-induced somatic embryogenesis

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    Somatic embryogenesis is a type of plant cell totipotency where embryos develop from non-reproductive (vegetative) cells without fertilization. Somatic embryogenesis can be induced in vitro by auxins, and by ectopic expression of embryo-expressed transcription factors like the BABY BOOM (BBM) AINTEGUMENTA-LIKE APETALA2/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (AP2/ERF) domain protein. These different pathways are thought to converge to promote auxin response and biosynthesis, but the specific roles of the endogenous auxin pathway in somatic embryogenesis induction have not been well-characterized. Here we show that BBM transcriptionally regulates the YUCCA3 (YUC3) and YUC8 auxin biosynthesis genes during BBM-mediated somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) seedlings. BBM induced local and ectopic YUC3 and YUC8 expression in seedlings, which coincided with increased DR5 auxin response and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) biosynthesis and with ectopic expression of the WOX2 embryo reporter. YUC-driven auxin biosynthesis was required for BBM-mediated somatic embryogenesis, as the number of embryogenic explants was reduced by ca. 50% in yuc3 yuc8 mutants and abolished after chemical inhibition of YUC enzyme activity. However, a detailed YUC inhibitor time-course study revealed that YUC-dependent IAA biosynthesis is not required for the re-initiation of totipotent cell identity in seedlings. Rather, YUC enzymes are required later in somatic embryo development for the maintenance of embryo identity and growth. This study resolves a long-standing question about the role of endogenous auxin biosynthesis in transcription factor-mediated somatic embryogenesis and also provides an experimental framework for understanding the role of endogenous auxin biosynthesis in other in planta and in vitro embryogenesis systems

    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts

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    The 42nd Symposium Chromatographic Methods of Investigating Organic Compounds : Book of abstracts. June 4-7, 2019, Szczyrk, Polan

    Rhodamine-Tagged Polymethacrylate Dyes as Alternative Tools for Analysis of Plant Cells

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    A rhodamine B (RhB)-based initiator for atom transfer radical polymerization (ATRP) was synthesized and applied for preparation of poly(2-trimethylammoniumethyl methacrylate) (PChMA), poly(2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMA) and poly(2-trimethylsilyloxyethyl methacrylate) (PHEMATMS). Polymer fluorescence was confirmed by determination of quantum yield by comparative method with piroxicam as the standard exhibiting dependency of emission intensity on the polymer chain hydrophilicity and the kind of solvent. The RhB functionalized polymers were used for biological tests in plant materials except for RhB-PHEMATMS because of weak fluorescence. These two polymers slightly differed in cellular localization. RhB-PChMA was mostly observed in cell walls of root tissues and cotyledon epidermis. It was also observed in cytoplasm and cell organelles of root cap cells and rhizodermis, in contrast with cytoplasm of cotyledon epidermis. RhB-PHEMA was also present in apoplast. A strong signal in protoxylem cell walls and a weak signal in cell walls of rhizodermis and cortex were visible. Moreover, it was also present in cell walls of cotyledon epidermis. However, RhB-PHEMA was mostly observed in cytoplasm and cell organelles of all root tissues and epidermis of cotyledons. Both RhB-polymers did not cause cell death which means that they can be used in living plant material

    Seed maturation and post-harvest ripening negatively affect arabidopsis somatic embryogenesis

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    Plant development is highly malleable, as evidenced by the ability of cultured cells, tissues and organs to regenerate into whole plants in vitro. The ability of plants to regenerate in vitro is influenced by many different factors, including the donor plant growth conditions and the type of explant. Empirical trial and error manipulation of these and other culture parameters is the basis for improving plant regeneration protocols, but the mechanisms underlying the effects of these parameters on plant regeneration are unknown. Somatic embryogenesis (SE) is a type of in vitro plant regeneration where somatic/vegetative cells are induced to form embryos. Here we show that seed maturation is one of the parameters that affects the ability of germinating embryos to undergo auxin-induced somatic embryogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Late maturation stage seeds harvested from yellow siliques have a higher capacity for somatic embryogenesis than seeds harvested later from brown siliques, a process that can be mimicked by post-harvest storage. Physiological and genetic analyses suggest that an oxidizing environment and ABA metabolism enhance the rate at which germinating embryos lose capacity to reactivate embryogenic growth. Our data suggest that there is a narrow window during late seed maturation in which embryogenic competence is reduced, and that this process also takes place, albeit more slowly, during seed storage. This knowledge provides a framework for identifying new plant totipotency factors and for directing efficient SE in systems that make use of mature seed explants.</p

    Sustainable Drying and Torrefaction Processes of Miscanthus for Use as a Pelletized Solid Biofuel and Biocarbon-Carrier for Fertilizers

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    Miscanthus is resistant to dry, frosty winters in Poland and most European Union countries. Miscanthus gives higher yields compared to native species. Farmers can produce Miscanthus pellets after drying it for their own heating purposes. From the third year, the most efficient plant development begins, resulting in a yield of 25–30 tons of dry matter from an area of 1 hectare. Laboratory scale tests were carried out on the processes of drying, compacting, and torrefaction of this biomass type. The analysis of the drying process was conducted at three temperature levels of the drying agent (60, 100, and 140 °C). Compaction on a hydraulic press was carried out in the pressure range characteristic of a pressure agglomeration (130.8–457.8 MPa) at different moisture contents of the raw material (0.5% and 10%). The main interest in this part was to assess the influence of drying temperature, moisture content, and compaction pressure on the specific densities (DE) and the mechanical durability of the pellets (DU). In the next step, laboratory analyses of the torrefaction process were carried out, initially using the Thermogravimetric Analysis TGA and Differential Scaning Calorimeter DSC techniques (to assess activation energy (EA)), followed by a flow reactor operating at five temperature levels (225, 250, 275, 300, and 525 °C). A SEM analysis of Miscanthus after torrefaction processes at three different temperatures was performed. Both the parameters of biochar (proximate and ultimate analysis) and the quality of the torgas (volatile organic content (VOC)) were analyzed. The results show that both drying temperature and moisture level will affect the quality of the pellets. Analysis of the torrefaction process shows clearly that the optimum process temperature would be around 300–340 °C from a mass loss ratio and economical perspective