18 research outputs found

    Influence of MLS laser radiation on erythrocyte membrane fluidity and secondary structure of human serum albumin

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    The biostimulating activity of low level laser radiation of various wavelengths and energy doses is widely documented in the literature, but the mechanisms of the intracellular reactions involved are not precisely known. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the influence of low level laser radiation from an multiwave locked system (MLS) of two wavelengths (wavelength = 808 nm in continuous emission and 905 nm in pulsed emission) on the human erythrocyte membrane and on the secondary structure of human serum albumin (HSA). Human erythrocytes membranes and HSA were irradiated with laser light of low intensity with surface energy density ranging from 0.46 to 4.9 J cm(−2) and surface energy power density 195 mW cm(−2) (1,000 Hz) and 230 mW cm(−2) (2,000 Hz). Structural and functional changes in the erythrocyte membrane were characterized by its fluidity, while changes in the protein were monitored by its secondary structure. Dose-dependent changes in erythrocyte membrane fluidity were induced by near-infrared laser radiation. Slight changes in the secondary structure of HSA were also noted. MLS laser radiation influences the structure and function of the human erythrocyte membrane resulting in a change in fluidity

    Epidermal growth factor (EGF) augments the invasive potential of human glioblastoma multiforme cells via the activation of collaborative EGFR/ROS-dependent signaling

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    Abnormal secretion of epidermal growth factor (EGF) by non-neuronal cells (e.g., gliomaassociated microglia) establishes a feedback loop between glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) invasion and a functional disruption of brain tissue. Considering the postulated significance of this vicious circle for GBM progression, we scrutinized mechanisms of EGF-dependent pro-invasive signaling in terms of its interrelations with energy metabolism and reactive oxygen species (ROS) production. The effects of EGF on the invasiveness of human glioblastoma T98G cells were estimated using time-lapse video microscopy, immunocytochemistry, cell cycle assay, immunoblot analyses, and Transwell® assay. These techniques were followed by quantification of the effect of EGFR (Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor) and ROS inhibitors on the EGF-induced T98G invasiveness and intracellular ROS, ATP, and lactate levels and mitochondrial metabolism. The EGF remarkably augmented the proliferation and motility of the T98G cells. Responses of these cells were accompanied by cellular rear–front polarization, translocation of vinculin to the leading lamellae, and increased promptness of penetration of micropore barriers. Erlotinib (the EGFR inhibitor) significantly attenuated the EGF-induced T98G invasiveness and metabolic reprogramming of the T98G cells, otherwise illustrated by the increased mitochondrial activity, glycolysis, and ROS production in the EGF-treated cells. In turn, ROS inhibition by N-acetyl-L-cysteine (NAC) had no effect on T98G morphology, but considerably attenuated EGF-induced cell motility. Our data confirmed the EGFR/ROS-dependent pro-neoplastic and pro-invasive activity of EGF in human GBM. These EGF effects may depend on metabolic reprogramming of GBM cells and are executed by alternative ROS-dependent/-independent pathways. The EGF may thus preserve bioenergetic homeostasis of GBM cells in hypoxic regions of brain tissue

    Effectiveness of laser therapy in the elimination of prosthetic stomatitis symptoms in a group of female patients with osteoporosis and unfavourable prosthetic foundation conditions

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    Introduction. Irreversible changes in bone mass and structure of the masticatory system occurring in patients with osteoporosis affect the results of prosthetic treatment and many patients suffer due to stomatopathy symptoms. Laser therapy has an anti-inflammatory, analgetic, and anti-edematous effect. Aim of the study. The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of laser therapy in the elimination of prosthetic stomatitis symptoms in a group of female patients with osteoporosis and unfavourable prosthetic foundation conditions. Material and methods. The study concerned two groups of patients (20 women); one with osteoporosis or osteopenia and the other healthy group with an unfavourable state of prosthetic foundation. Prosthetic treatments were performed. Patients were asked to assess the presence of pain. A clinical assessment of the state of the prosthetic foundation was performed. As an additional comprehensive treatment biostymulation laser therapy was performed using a Doris CLT-1106 laser. Results. The study revealed a reduction of pain and prosthetic stomatitis symptoms in both groups. A regeneration of tissues in the prosthetic foundation was observed. The questionnaire study confirmed the positive effects of laser therapy. The functional aspects of prosthetic appliances in patients with osteoporosis were rated as satisfactor

    Adverse effects and risk of recurrence of acne lesions after termination of treatment with Isotretinoin - survey study

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    Trądzik pospolity to przewlekła dermatoza o charakterze zapalnym, która objawia się zmianami w obrębie jednostki włosowo-łojowej charakteryzowanymi jako zaskórniki i zmiany zapalne. Choroba ta najczęściej ujawnia się w okresie dojrzewania. Do głównych czynników wyzwalających zalicza się predyspozycje genetyczne, dietę, zaburzenia hormonalne, używki i środki lecznicze/pielęgnacyjne. W terapii miejscowej i/lub ogólnoustrojowej trądziku pospolitego najczęściej wykorzystywane są antybiotyki z grupy makrolidowych i linkozamidowych, leki antyandrogenowe i retinoidy. Jednym z najskuteczniejszych retinoidów doustnych jest izotretynoina. Lek wykazuje działanie keratolityczne, przeciwzapalne, ograniczające proliferację sebocytów i namnażanie Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes). Stosowanie izotretynoiny wiąże się z wystąpieniem skutków ubocznych w trakcie leczenia oraz często po jego zakończeniu.W niniejszej pracy dokonano analizy skuteczności izotretynoiny podawanej doustnie w trądziku pospolitym, a także ryzyka nawrotu choroby po odstawieniu leku. Ponadto przeanalizowano najczęściej występujące efekty uboczne występujące w trakcie terapii oraz po jej zakończeniu. Analizę przeprowadzono w oparciu o odpowiedzi udzielone w kwestionariuszu ankietowym przez osoby z trądzikiem pospolitym, które zakończyły doustną terapię izotretynoiną. Finalnie do badania zakwalifikowano 101 respondentów (n=101). Zebrane dane pokrywają się z informacjami pozyskanymi ze źródeł naukowych i pozwalają stwierdzić, iż korzyści płynące z leczenia izotretynoiną przewyższają ryzyko nawrotu choroby, które wynosi 40,6%. Remisja objawów trądziku wystąpiła u 59,40% pacjentów zakwalifikowanych do analizy. Większość pacjentów, którzy odnotowali ponowne pojawienie się zmian trądzikowych, określiła nawrót choroby jako łagodniejszy w porównaniu do jej pierwotnego stadium. Do ponownego pojawienia się zmian dochodziło zwykle przed upływem 24 miesięcy od zakończenia leczenia izotretynoiną. Efekty uboczne wystąpiły u 97% ankietowanych, a najczęstszymi występującymi w trakcie leczenia były dysfunkcje skóry, zaburzenia psychiczne, zaburzenia wzroku oraz bóle kostno-stawowe i/lub mięśniowe. Po zakończeniu leczenia pacjenci najczęściej skarżyli się na zaburzenia wzroku, dysfunkcje skóry i pogorszenie stanu psychicznego.W oparciu o udzielone przez respondentów odpowiedzi można stwierdzić, że izotretynoina stosowana zgodnie z zaleceniami i wskazaniami rejestracyjnymi jest skutecznym lekiem w walce z trądzikiem pospolitym. Należy jednak pamiętać, że działanie leku wykazuje zmienność osobniczą, a jego stosowanie wiąże się z wysokim ryzykiem wystąpienia skutków ubocznych.Acne vulgaris is a chronic inflammatory disease that manifests itself as acne lesions within the pilosebaceous unit, characterized as comedo and inflammatory lesions. Frequently, when reducing, they usually remain as hiperpigmentations and scars. Disease mostly affects humans in puberty. Primary triggering factors are heredity, diet, hormonal imbalances, drugs, medicaments/cosmetics. In terms of treatment, commonly prescribed drugs include macrolide and lincosamide antibiotics, antiandrogenic hormonal treatment, topical and oral retinoids. One of the most efficient retinoid agents is isotretinoin – stereoisomer of retinoic acid, which is classified as a vitamin A derivative. The spectrum of mechanisms of isotretinoin action includes keratolytic and anti-inflammatory actions, which limit sebocyte proliferation and the propagation of Cutibacterium acnes (C. acnes). Implementation of treatment based on vitamin A derivative causes side effects during therapy, and eve after going off treatment. This study investigated the efficacy of treatment of acne vulgaris based on oral isotretinoin, and evaluation of the risk of reoccurrence of disease after finalizing the treatment. It evaluated the most frequent side effects caused by treatment and their remission after laying off the oral isotretinoin The analysis was based on responses of patients, who had suffered from acne vulgaris and were treated with oral isotretinoin. Finally, 101 patients were enrolled in this study. The data collected coincide with information obtained from scientific sources and unequivocally argue that the advantages derived from oral isotretinoin therapy outweigh the risk of disease reoccurrence, which reaches to 40,6%. Remission of symptoms occurred in 59,4% of the patients enrolled in this analysis. The majority of patients, who detected renewal of acne lesions, determined the recurrence of disease as mild compared to primary stage of acne vulgaris. Symptoms usually reoccurred upon 24 months after completing the treatment. Side effects have appeared in 97% of all respondents, and the most frequents ones during treatment were skin disfuncions, mental disorders, ocular manifestations and musculoskeletal pain. After termination of treatment, patients complained of oscular disfunctions, skin disfunctions, and mental health deterioration. Based on the responses of the respondents, it can be ascertained that isotretinoin used according to the recommendations and registered indications is an efficient drug in the fight against acne vulgaris. However, it should be remembered that it shows variability between subjects and that its use is associated with a high risk of occurrence of side effects


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    Normy ius cogens mają wyjątkowe znaczenie dla całej społeczności międzynarodowej i zajmują szczególne miejsce w hierarchii norm prawa międzynarodowego. Ich przestrzeganie gwarantuje życie w zgodzie z pożądanymi przez każdą jednostkę wartościami oraz ochronę tych wartości. Praca obejmuje swoim zakresem tematycznym takie zagadnienia, jak: czym są normy ius cogens i jak ważne jest dla społeczności międzynarodowej przestrzeganie i ochrona norm bezwzględnie obowiązujących, a także, jak bardzo istotne jest ich znaczenie i doniosłość. Praca zawiera również omówienie, jaki jest zakres przedmiotowy międzynarodowego prawa karnego oraz jakie wydarzenia zainicjowały potrzebę opracowania i stworzenia ponadnarodowego wymiaru sprawiedliwości w zakresie jurysdykcji karnej. Zaprezentowano ponadto podstawowy podział międzynarodowych trybunałów karnych oraz formy, w jakich występowały. Szczególny nacisk został położony na analizę dwóch trybunałów wojskowych, dwóch trybunałów doraźnych (ad hoc) oraz jednego stałego trybunału karnego. Przedstawiony został m. in. proces ich ustanowienia oraz istota i podstawowe kwestie związane z funkcjonowaniem tych trybunałów. Następnie szczegółowej analizie poddane zostały poszczególne trybunały międzynarodowe, ich charakterystyka, okoliczności powołania, podstawy normatywne, skład sędziowski, najważniejsze cechy, a także podstawy orzekania trybunałów oraz ich organizacja wewnętrzna. Zaprezentowano również zakres jurysdykcji trybunałów, zagadnienie wykonywania wyroków i zakres możliwych do orzekania kar. Istotnym składnikiem tej pracy jest przegląd kluczowych orzeczeń trybunałów ad hoc dotyczących zbrodni międzynarodowych. Ewolucja międzynarodowych trybunałów karnych pozwoliła odnieść wrażenie, że w XXI wieku każde państwo, które chce być częścią społeczności międzynarodowej, będzie przestrzegało zakazu użycia siły zbrojnej, zakazu interwencji w sprawy wewnętrze innych państw, zakazu zabijania jeńców wojennych, przede wszystkim zakazu ludobójstwa, zakazu handlu kobietami i dziećmi. Normy ius cogens są potrzebne międzynarodowemu prawu karnemu. Natomiast, żeby zagwarantować ich przestrzeganie i nienaruszalność potrzeba działalności międzynarodowego wymiaru sprawiedliwości.The norms of jus cogens are of exceptional importance for the entire international community and occupy a special place in the hierarchy of norms of international law. Their observance guarantees living in accordance with the values desired by each individual and the protection of these values. The work covers such issues as: what are jus cogens norms and how important it is for the international community to comply with and protect mandatory norms, as well as how important their importance and importance are. The paper also discusses the scope of international criminal law and what events initiated the need to develop and create a supranational justice system in the field of criminal jurisdiction. In addition, the basic division of international criminal tribunals and the forms in which they occurred were presented. Particular emphasis was placed on the analysis of two military tribunals, two ad hoc tribunals and one permanent criminal court. Among other things, the process of their establishment and the essence and basic issues related to the functioning of these tribunals were presented. Subsequently, individual international tribunals, their characteristics, circumstances of appointment, normative bases, composition of judges, the most important features, as well as the grounds for adjudicating tribunals and their internal organization were analysed in detail. The scope of jurisdiction of tribunals, the issue of enforcement of judgments and the scope of penalties that can be imposed were also presented. An important component of this work is a review of key ad hoc tribunal rulings on international crimes. The evolution of international criminal tribunals has given the impression that in the twenty-first century, any state that wants to be part of the international community will comply with the prohibition of the use of armed force, the prohibition of intervention in the internal affairs of other states, the prohibition of killing prisoners of war, above all the prohibition of genocide ban trafficking in women and children. The norms of jus cogens are necessary for international criminal law. However, in order to guarantee their observance and inviolability, the activities of the international justice system are needed

    Identification of Associations between SSR Markers and Quantitative Traits of Maize (<i>Zea mays</i> L.)

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    Microsatellite or simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers have wide applicability for genetic analysis in crop plant improvement strategies. Marker-assisted selection is an important tool for plant breeders to increase the efficiency of a breeding process, especially for multigenic traits, highly influenced by the environment. In this paper, the relationships between SSR markers and 26 quantitative traits of hybrid maize varieties (Zea mays L.) were analyzed. Association analyses were performed based on 30 SSR primers in a set of thirteen hybrid maize varieties. A total of 112 SSR markers were detected in these genotypes. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 1 to 17, with the average number of alleles per locus equal to 3.7. The number of molecular markers associated with observed traits ranged from 1 (for the number of kernels in row, ears weight and fresh weight of one plant) to 14 (for damage of maize caused by P. nubilalis) in 2016 as well as from 1 (for soil plant analysis development—SPAD, the number of grains in ear and fresh weight of one plant) to 12 (for carotenoids content) in 2017. The sum of statistically significant associations between SSR markers and at least one trait was equal to one hundred sixty in 2016 as well as one hundred twenty-five in 2017. Marker trait associations (MTAs) were found on the basis of regression analysis. The proportion of the total phenotypic variances of individual traits explained by the marker ranged from 24.4% to 77.7% in the first year of study and from 24.3% to 77.9% in 2017. Twenty-two SSR markers performed a significant effect on at least one tested trait in both years of experiment. The three markers (phi021/4, phi036/3, and phi061/2) can be a good tool in marker-assisted selection because they allow simultaneous selection for multiple traits in both years of study, such as the number of kernels in row and the number of grains in ear (phi021/4), the number of plant after germination, the number of plants before harvest, and the number of ears (phi036/3), as well as moisture of grain and length of ears (phi061/2)

    Environmental Factors as the Main Hormonal Disruptors of Male Fertility

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    Introduction and objective: Many scientific reports confirm a systematic decline in male semen parameters over the last decades. This phenomenon has been observed in all parts of the world, and its occurrence is associated, among others, with the hazardous effects of some environmental factors. The environmental factors for which the adverse effect on male fertility has been proven include water, air, and soil pollution, as well as electromagnetic fields and ionizing radiation. The aim of this article was the evaluation of the effect of selected environmental factors on male reproductive capacity based on an analysis of the current scientific reports. Review methods: A systematic literature review was carried out using three databases: PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus. The search was limited to the period from 2015 until the end of December 2023. Brief description of the state of knowledge: Environmental factors, such as heavy metals, tobacco smoke, pesticides, dioxins, furans, phthalates, and bisphenols, are well-tested substances that exert an adverse effect on male fertility. A harmful effect of electromagnetic fields and water and air pollution on reproductive functions may be expected; however, this has not been fully proven. Summary: Results obtained by many researchers published to date should evoke great concern regarding the quality of the environment in which we live, as well as fears about the effect of environmental factors not only on male fertility, but also on all aspects of human health. The majority of environmental pollutants affect the male body by causing oxidative stress and through their effect on the endocrine system

    The effect of MLS laser radiation on cell lipid membrane

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    Introduction Authors of numerous publications have proved the therapeutic effect of laser irradiation on biological material, but the mechanisms at cellular and subcellular level are not yet well understood. Objective The aim of this study was to assess the effect of laser radiation emitted by the MLS M1 system (Multiwave Locked System) at two wavelengths (808 nm continuous and 905 nm pulsed) on the stability and fluidity of liposomes with a lipid composition similar to that of human erythrocyte membrane or made of phosphatidylocholine. Material and Methods Liposomes were exposed to low-energy laser radiation at surface densities 195 mW/cm 2 (frequency 1,000 Hz) and 230 mW/cm 2 (frequency 2,000 Hz). Different doses of radiation energy in the range 0–15 J were applied. The surface energy density was within the range 0.46 – 4.9 J/cm 2 . Results The fluidity and stability of liposomes subjected to such irradiation changed depending on the parameters of radiation used. Conclusions Since MLS M1 laser radiation, depending on the parameters used, affects fluidity and stability of liposomes with the lipid content similar to erythrocyte membrane, it may also cause structural and functional changes in cell membranes