71 research outputs found

    Sharp Error Bounds on Quantum Boolean Summation in Various Settings

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    We study the quantum summation (QS) algorithm of Brassard, Hoyer, Mosca and Tapp, that approximates the arithmetic mean of a Boolean function defined on N elements. We improve error bounds presented in [1] in the worst-probabilistic setting, and present new error bounds in the average-probabilistic setting. In particular, in the worst-probabilistic setting, we prove that the error of the QS algorithm using M1M - 1 queries is 3π/(4M)3\pi /(4M) with probability 8/π28/\pi^2, which improves the error bound πM1+π2M2\pi M^{-1} + \pi^2 M^{-2} of Brassard et al. We also present bounds with probabilities p(1/2,8/π2]p\in (1/2, 8/\pi^2] and show they are sharp for large MM and NM1NM^{-1}. In the average-probabilistic setting, we prove that the QS algorithm has error of order min{M1,N1/2}\min\{M^{-1}, N^{-1/2}\} if MM is divisible by 4. This bound is optimal, as recently shown in [10]. For M not divisible by 4, the QS algorithm is far from being optimal if MN1/2M \ll N^{1/2} since its error is proportional to M^{-1}^.Comment: 32 pages, 2 figure

    Probabilistic setting of information-based complexity

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    We study the probabilistic (E, b)-complexity for linear problems equipped with Gaussian measures. The probabilistic (E, S)-complexity, comp@“˜(e, 6), is understood as the minimal cost required to compute approximations with error at most e on a set of measure at least 1 - 6. We find estimates of comp@(e, 6) in terms of eigenvalues of the correlation operator of the Gaussian measure over elements which we want to approximate. In particular, we study the approximation and integration problems. The approximation problem is studied for functions of d variables which are continuous after r times differentiation with respect to each variable. For the Wiener measure placed on rth derivatives, the probabilistic comp@(e, S) is estimated by ,((~/,)“(r+~)(ln(~/~))(d-“˜“r+““r‘+~‘), where a = 1 for the lower bound and a = 0.5 for the upper bound. The integration problem is studied for the same class of functions with d = 1. In this case, compPmb(e,6 ) = @((m/E)“@““˜)

    Tractability of multivariate analytic problems

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    In the theory of tractability of multivariate problems one usually studies problems with finite smoothness. Then we want to know which ss-variate problems can be approximated to within ε\varepsilon by using, say, polynomially many in ss and ε1\varepsilon^{-1} function values or arbitrary linear functionals. There is a recent stream of work for multivariate analytic problems for which we want to answer the usual tractability questions with ε1\varepsilon^{-1} replaced by 1+logε11+\log \varepsilon^{-1}. In this vein of research, multivariate integration and approximation have been studied over Korobov spaces with exponentially fast decaying Fourier coefficients. This is work of J. Dick, G. Larcher, and the authors. There is a natural need to analyze more general analytic problems defined over more general spaces and obtain tractability results in terms of ss and 1+logε11+\log \varepsilon^{-1}. The goal of this paper is to survey the existing results, present some new results, and propose further questions for the study of tractability of multivariate analytic questions