23 research outputs found

    Ultrasonographic signs of acute ovarian torsion

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    Ovarian torsion is defined as partial or complete rotation of the ovarian vascular pedicle and causes obstruction to venous outflow and arterial inflow. Teenage patient was referred to the gynecology ward with pain located in the lower, right abdomen, after an initial misdiagnosis of a dermoid cyst. The patient was diagnosed with a torsion of the right ovarian peduncle. The patient was given diastolic drugs and was discharged in good general condition two days later after the symptoms had resolved. Final USG showed normally vasculated corpus luteum. Among the various treatment options, the wait-and-watch attitude turned out to be the best solution. It is particularly important in the case of young patients, who are planning pregnancy in the future

    Inspection of sources and evaluation of the level of pollution with heavy metals of bottom sediments of the Pradnik-Bialucha river in Cracow, for the assessment of its ecological potential

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    Zgodnie z ustawą Prawo wodne, poprzez cieki naturalne, rozumie się rzeki, strugi, strumienie oraz inne wody, płynące w sposób ciągły lub okresowy, naturalnymi korytami (Dz.U. 2005.239.2019 (U)). Cieki zurbanizowane, wg Osmulskiej-Mróz [1990], to z kolei położone w granicach miasta i drenujące tereny miejskie strumienie i rzeczki. Ich średnie dzienne natężenie przepływu nie przekracza 1,5 m3/s, a maksymalny stosunek szerokości do głębokości jest równy 20:1. Cieki zurbanizowane, często o rozwiniętej małej retencji, ulegały i ulegają w przyspieszonym tempie zanikowi, wskutek intensywnej urbanizacji lub stają się otwartymi (ewentualnie częściowo przykrytymi) kanałami transportującymi zanieczyszczenia do większych odbiorników. Szczególnie w obrębie ich zlewni dochodzi do kumulacji metali ciężkich w osadach, co może być przyczyną, razem z procesami eutrofizacji i zasolenia, degradacji potencjału ekologicznego i zaniku wrażliwych osobników roślinności wodnej. Przykładem takiego cieku w Krakowie jest rzeka Prądnik-Białucha. W celu oceny jej jakości określono wskaźniki fizykochemiczne (pH, PEW i Eh) oraz zawartość metali ciężkich w wodzie, zawiesinie i osadach dennych. W wodzie określono także stężenie chlorków, siarczanów, azotanów i fosforanów. Wyniki odniesiono do normatywów obowiązujących w Polsce i Unii Europejskiej. Obszar koryta rzeki zinwentaryzowano pod względem obecności źródeł zanieczyszczenia i występowania (ilościowość i stopień wrażliwości na stresory) roślinności wodnej w warunkach ekologicznie trudnych.As natural river-courses, according to the Act on Water Law (Dz.U. 2005.239.2019 (U)), are recognized: rivers, streams, brooks or other waters, flowing continually or periodically, in their natural river-beds. Urbanized water–courses, in turn, constitute streams and brooks, of draining character, within city areas (Osmulska- Mróz, 1990). Their average daily rate of flow is not higher than 1,5 m3/s, and maximum ratio of breadth to depth equals 20:1. The urbanized water courses, often with developed small retention, as a consequence of urbanization, either disappear or become sewers (open or partly covered), transporting pollutions to the greater rivers or water regions. Within their catchments, particularly, takes place the accumulation of heavy metals in bottom sediments. The latter process combined with eutrophisation and increased salinity, causes degradation of ecological potential and extinction of sensitive species of water plants. The Prądnik–Białucha River is an example of such water-courses. In order to assess the quality of water, its pH, EC, Eh and heavy metal contents in water, water suspension matter and bottom sediments, have been determined. The concentration of anions: chloride, sulfate, nitrate and phosphate have also been analyzed. The results obtained were referred to the standards obligatory in Poland and in EU. The area of the river–bed has been inspected in terms of sources of pollution (quantities and sensitivity to stress makers) and occurring of water plants in conditions ecologically difficult

    Effect of GA on localization and protein level of HSPs in OS 143B cells.

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    <p>OS 143B cells were treated with 4 µM GA for 6 h; the levels of Hsp60, Hsp70, total cellular Hsp90 protein were determined by immunofluorescence. <b>A</b>. GA did not change the mitochondrial localization of Hsp60, however, it decreased the mitochondrial pool of the protein. Cell nuclei were shown in blue while Hsp60, AIF immunoreactivities in green and red, respectively. Merged image of all kinds of staining (orange) was also presented. <b>B</b>. GA upregulated Hsp70 protein level. Cell nuclei were shown in blue, while Hsp70 immunoreactivity in green. Merged image of both was also presented. <b>C</b>. GA upregulated Hsp90 protein level. Cell nuclei were shown in blue while Hsp90 immunoreactivity in red. Merged image of both was also presented. Original magnification ×40. Each experiment was performed at least three times. The representative data were shown.</p

    GA affected HSPs gene expression in OS 143B cells.

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    <p>OS 143B cells were treated with GA (4 µM) for 6 h; the levels of Hsp60, Hsp70, Hsp90AA1, Hsp90AB1, Hsp90B1 transcript were then determined by means of Real Time PCR. Treatment with GA resulted in upregulation of Hsp60 (A), Hsp70 (B), Hsp90AA1 (C), Hsp90AB1 (D) transcript, however it did not impact Hsp90B1 gene expression (E). Values are mean ± SE of three independent experiments, relative mRNA levels of HSP/beta-actin are presented. The data were analyzed by Student's t-test using GraphPad Prism Software version 6.02. *P<0.01, **P<0.001 vs. control.</p

    GA affected HSPs protein levels in OS 143B cells.

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    <p>OS 143B cells were treated with 4 µM GA for 6 h; the levels of Hsp60, Hsp70, total cellular Hsp90, Hsp90AA1, Hsp90AB1proteins were determined by Western blotting. <b>A</b>. GA decreased the level of Hsp60 and induced post-translational modification of Hsp60 partially derived from the hyperacetylated isoform. <b>B–E</b>. GA upregulated Hsp70 (B), total cellular Hsp90 (C), Hsp90AA1 (D), Hsp90AB1 (E) protein levels. Each experiment was performed at least three times. The representative data are shown. Densitometric analysis of HSP/beta-actin was performed using Quantity one 4.5.2 software.</p

    The effect of GA on proliferation and induction of cell death of OS 143B cells.

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    <p><b>A</b>. GA inhibits OS 143B cell growth. OS 143B cells were treated for 24 h with serial GA dilutions (within the range of 0.8 µM–50 µM). The cell viability was then determined by means of MTT assay. Data from at least three independent experiments are presented as mean ± SE. The absence of error bar denotes a line thickness greater than the error. Data were analyzed by GraphPad Prism Software version 6.02 performing One-way ANOVA combined with Dunett's Multiple Comparison Test. *P<0.01 vs. control. <b>B–D</b>. GA induced cell death of OS 143B cells. 143B OS cells were treated with 4 µM GA for 24 h, the cells were then harvested and the percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cells was determined performing double PI-Annexin V staining. <b>B</b>. Annexin V, PI-live/dead dot plots showing apoptosis and necrosis before and after treatment with GA. Plots are representative of five individual experiments. <b>C–D</b>. Total apoptotic (C) and necrotic (D) cell number before and after treatment with GA. Data from at least three independent experiments are presented as mean ± SE. Data were analyzed using GraphPad Prism (GraphPad Software, Inc., version 6.02, USA). Significant differences between groups were determined by Student's t-test. *P<0.01, ***P<0.0001 vs. control.</p