12 research outputs found

    Hubungan Tingkat Stres Dengan Durasi Waktu Bermain Game Online Pada Remaja Di Manado

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    : Stress is a reaction or response of body to a psychosocial stressor (mental stress or load life). Adolescence constitute to a transition, where Adolescence are usually susceptible of stress, one of the way of Adolescence to move stress is to play online games. The aim of this research is to know the correlation between stress level with the duration playing online games on Adolescence in Manado. This research based on analytic survey with cross sectional method. The samples in this research was taken with an accidental sampling technique that is 66 peoples. The instrument that used was questionnaire and interview paper. The result of this research using analysis statistic Fisher's Exact Test with a significant level α = 0,05 or 95%. The result of statistic test have gained value p = 0,024 < α = 0,05. The conclusion of this research, there is a correlation between stress level with the duration playing online games on Adolescence in Manado

    Hubungan Mekanisme Koping Dengan Kejadian Stres Pasca Bencana Alam Pada Masyarakat Kelurahan Tubo Kota Ternate

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    Abtract: Coping mechanism sapattern oftension to hold him that thre a tens (self defense/maladaptive) or to solv ethe problems faced (adaptive coping mechanisms). Stress is a condition produced by environmental change accepted as something that opposes, threat zenordestroy the balance ofone's equilibrium. Natural disasteris beyond the capacity of ecological disturbance group of living adjus tment to the environment. The purpose of research to determine the relationship of mechanism after natura ldisasters with the incidence of stress coping oncommunities in Tubo Ternate city. The study design was descriptive cross sectional with analytic approach. The research was carried outstarting from July 3th to 26th, witha total sample of 50 respondents

    Gambaran Tahapan Kehilangan Dan Berduka Pasca Banjir Pada Masyarakat Di Kelurahan Perkamil Kota Manado

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    : Loss and grieving is an integral part of life. Lost is a state of the individual part with something that previously existed, then there is no case, either in part or its entirety and grieving is the emotional response is expressed against loss manifested the feelings of sadness, anxiety, shortness of breath, insomnia and others. description of the stages of loss and grieving after the floods on communities in the Village Perkamil Manado City. This research uses descriptive survey method with cross sectional approach. Respondents in the study were neighbourhood 1 Perkamil village residents as much as 20 respondents. The result of the respondents have a positive response amounted to 63 people (67,7%) while the respondents have a negative response amounted to a 30 person (32,3%)

    Perbedaan Tingkat Stres Mahasiswa Reguler Dengan Mahasiswa Ekstensi Dalam Proses Belajar Di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat Manado

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    Abstrack: The normal stres experienced by each individual and be a part unseparated in life. The responsibilities and demands of academic student life can become part of stress that usually experienced by college student. The purpose of this study was to determain the stress level difference of regular students and extension students in learning process. This study with descriptive analitic were conducted with cross sectional method, the sampling were use purposive sampling technic. Sample that are used were 50 respondents. The data were conducted with questionnaire. Analysis data with Mann-Whitney (α=0,05). The result showed 14 (56,0%) regular students with low stress level and 21 extension students with low stress level. The probability value of the stress level difference of regular students and extension students in learning process is 0,032. The conclusion of this study is there stress level difference of regular students and extension students in learning process in nursing science study program faculty of medicine university of sam ratulangi manado. The recommendation is to be able to manage an efficient learning system, thereby reducing the stressors that cause students stress

    Hubungan Komunikasi Terapeutik Perawat Dengan Tingkat Kecemasan Orang Tua Saat Pemasangan Infus Pada Anak Di Rsup Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado

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    : Therapeutic communication is communication that is planed and carried to asmed to help the healing and recovery of the patient. Anxiety is a fear that is not pleasant and can not be justified, often accompanied by physiological symptions. The purpose to test the therapeutic nurse respondents. The result based on test spearman rho correlation therapeutic communication with value obtained in levels of anxiety (p) = 0,000 where the value of α = 0,817. Conclution of this during infusion in children in the departemen of RSUP Prof.Dr.R.D.Kandou Manado

    Hubungan Dukungan Emosional Keluarga Dengan Penerimaan Diri Pada Lansia Di Desa Watutumou III

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    : Family support is a form of servant behavior performed by the family both in the form of emotional support, awards, information and instrumental. Self-acceptance of the elderly is a high appreciation or not being cynical about self-relating to the elderly's willingness to open up or express thoughts, feelings, and reactions to others and able to accept his shortcomings as well as his ability to accept the advantages. The purpose of this study to analyze The relationship between the emotional support of the family and the self-acceptance of the elderly in Watutumou Village III. The research method is analytical descriptive with cross sectional design. The sampling technique in this study is purposive sampling with the sample number of 60 respondents.The data collection is done by using a questionnaire and interview sheet. Processing data using computer program with Pearson chi-square test with a significance level of 95% (α =, 005). The results of this study using pearson chi-square analysis showed that there was a relationship between the emotional support of the family and the self-acceptance of the elderly in Watutumou III Village (p = 0,000). Conclusion There is a relationship between the emotional support of the family with self-acceptance in the elderly in Watutumou Village III