
Perbedaan Tingkat Stres Mahasiswa Reguler Dengan Mahasiswa Ekstensi Dalam Proses Belajar Di Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Fakultas Kedokteran Unsrat Manado


Abstrack: The normal stres experienced by each individual and be a part unseparated in life. The responsibilities and demands of academic student life can become part of stress that usually experienced by college student. The purpose of this study was to determain the stress level difference of regular students and extension students in learning process. This study with descriptive analitic were conducted with cross sectional method, the sampling were use purposive sampling technic. Sample that are used were 50 respondents. The data were conducted with questionnaire. Analysis data with Mann-Whitney (α=0,05). The result showed 14 (56,0%) regular students with low stress level and 21 extension students with low stress level. The probability value of the stress level difference of regular students and extension students in learning process is 0,032. The conclusion of this study is there stress level difference of regular students and extension students in learning process in nursing science study program faculty of medicine university of sam ratulangi manado. The recommendation is to be able to manage an efficient learning system, thereby reducing the stressors that cause students stress

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    Last time updated on 19/08/2017