133 research outputs found

    Utilising optimised operators and distillation to extract scattering phase shifts

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    In this investigation, we examine how the precision of energy spectra and scattering phase shifts, extracted in lattice QCD, depend upon the degree of distillation type smearing. We use the variational method to extract energy spectra for the isospin-1, JPC^{PC} = 1^{−−} channel and use the Lüscher method to compute scattering amplitudes, relevant for the ρ resonance, in ππ elastic scattering. Optimised interpolating operators for a single ground state pion are constructed and these are used to construct two pion operators. Calculations are performed on an anisotropic lattice with a pion mass of mπ_{π} = 236MeV. We provide a comprehensive comparison of energy spectra and scattering phase shifts across distillation spaces of varying rank.AW is supported by the U.K. Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). CET acknowledges support from STFC [grant ST/L000385/1]. Computations were performed at Jefferson Laboratory under the USQCD Initiative and the LQCD ARRA project. The software codes Chroma, QUDA, QPhiX, and QOPQDP were used to compute the propagators required for this project. This research was supported in part under an ALCC award, and used resources of the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC05-00OR22725. This research is also part of the Blue Waters sustained-petascale computing project, which is supported by the National Science Foundation (awards OCI-0725070 and ACI-1238993) and the state of Illinois. Blue Waters is a joint effort of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and its National Center for Supercomputing Applications. This work is also part of the PRAC “Lattice QCD on Blue Waters”. This research used resources of the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DEAC02-05CH11231. The authors acknowledge the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at The University of Texas at Austin for providing HPC resources that have contributed to the research results reported within this paper. Gauge configurations were generated using resources awarded from the U.S. Department of Energy INCITE program at the Oak Ridge Leadership Computing Facility, the NERSC, the NSF Teragrid at the TACC and the Pittsburgh Supercomputer Center, as well as at Jefferson Lab

    High-speed measurement of rotational anisotropy nonlinear optical harmonic generation using position sensitive detection

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    We present a method of performing high-speed rotational anisotropy nonlinear optical harmonic generation experiments at rotational frequencies of several hertz by projecting the harmonic light reflected at different angles from a sample onto a stationary position sensitive detector. The high rotational speed of the technique, 10310^3 to 10410^4 times larger than existing methods, permits precise measurements of the crystallographic and electronic symmetries of samples by averaging over low frequency laser power, beam pointing, and pulse width fluctuations. We demonstrate the sensitivity of our technique by resolving the bulk four-fold rotational symmetry of GaAs about its [001] axis using second harmonic generation

    Proposta de normalização da gestão de sinistros, na relação entre hospitais e fornecedores de seguros de saúde

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    Trabalho de projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Comunicação Social como parte dos requisitos para obtenção de grau de mestre em Audiovisual e Multimédia.No início do estudo da interação homem-máquina, a noção de que sistemas de computador e software deveriam ser projetados e desenvolvidos em consideração às necessidades, habilidades e preferências de seus utilizadores não era uma visão dominante. Atualmente, porém, os estudos mostraram que em um processo de desenvolvimento de sistema ou interface o impulsionador das decisões de criação e alteração devem ser os utilizadores. A usabilidade passou a ser o objetivo a alcançar. E com este objetivo fixado os sistemas de suporte de fluxo de trabalho tornaram-se comuns. Este trabalho é uma proposta que atende a esta realidade e, por preocupar-se com a usabilidade e a otimização do fluxo de trabalho, propõe a normalização dos sistemas de faturação dos seguros de saúde. O projeto pretende ser uma proposta para a interface deste sistema uniformizado, baseando-se na crença de que a indústria de faturamento de saúde é capaz de tornar-se significativamente mais eficiente ao reduzir a necessidade de intervenção humana e o recurso a processos em papel, melhorando a consistência da codificação, e que com isso irá aumentar o rendimento e diminuir o tempo de pagamento e reembolso de serviços.ABSTRACT: Early in the study of human-computer interaction, the notion that computer and software systems should be designed and developed in consideration of the needs, abilities and preferences of their users was not a dominant view. Now, however, studies have shown that in a system development process or the driver of interface design decisions and changes should be the users. The usability has become the goal to reach. And with this aim set workflow support systems have become common. This work is a proposal that meets this reality and, focusing on the usability and workflow optimization, proposes the standardization of billing systems of health insurance. The project is intended as a theoretical proposal of how to be the interface of this uniform system, based on the belief that healthcare billing industry is able to become significantly more efficient by reducing the need for human intervention and the use of paper based processes, improving the consistency of coding, and with it will increase revenue and decrease the time of payment and reimbursement of services

    Development of Peptide Based E3 Ligase Reporter

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    This dissertation describes the development of a new analytical tool capable of analyzing E3 ligase activity, a critical element in the ubiquitin proteasome system. This was accomplished through the development of a novel class of peptide-based fluorescent E3 ligase reporters which are intended to be analyzed by capillary electrophoresis (CE). These E3 ligase reporters incorporate a degradation signal, or degron, which is recognized and ubiquitinated by an E3 ligase, as well as a fluorescent tag to facilitate detection by laser induced fluorescence (LIF). In order to identify potent degrons, a library of E3 ligase reporters incorporating degrons from various sources was synthesized. These reporters were characterized in cell lysates, then optimized to produce substrates that would be efficiently ubiquitinated in cells. In addition to working with minimal degron sequences, an expanded sub-library of reporters based around the degron isolated from p53 was characterized in order to identify a compact degron element and investigate its ubiquitination kinetics and specificity. In order to circumvent peptidase-mediated degradation, a traditional weakness of peptide reporters, investigations were also carried out to develop novel degradation-resistant E3 ligase reporters incorporating β-hairpin secondary structures. Serendipitously, a β-hairpin that was both peptidase-resistant and functioned as an E3 ligase reporter was identified. Finally, electrophoretic separation conditions for the analysis of E3 ligase peptide reporters were identified, and ubiquitination of E3 ligase reporters in cell lysates was observed by CE-LIF. This dissertation lays the groundwork for future development of next generation peptide-based E3 ligase reporters.Doctor of Philosoph