84 research outputs found

    A comparative study of the growth of the postlarval and juvenile pescadas Plagioscion squamosissimus (HECKEL) and Plagioscion monti (SOARES) in a white water lake of the Central Amazon

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    The age of 320 specimen of Plagioscion monti and 280 specimen or P. squamosissimus was determined by means of daily rings on the otoliths. The length of the fish were in the range of 0.4 - 15 cm. Within this size interval, the increase in length can be assumed to be linear, and the increase of weight to be an exponential function

    Aspects of the reproduction of two sciaenid species, the pescadas Plagioscion squamosissimus HECKEL 1864) and Plagioscion monti (SOARES 1979), Pisces, in different water types of the Central Amazon

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    The pescadas, Plagioscion squamosissimus (HECKEL) and Plagiosscion monti (SOARES), were studied in various kinds of water body in the central Amazon region to determine aspects of their reproduction. In Lago do Janauacá, P. squamosissimus reaches sexual maturity in one year at a mean standard length of 20.5 cm, while in the blackwater Lago Aruaù, the fishes require 1.5 years and average only 19 cm in length. P. monti also becomes sexually mature at an age of one year in Lago do Janauacá, and its average standard length at that time is 18 cm. The main spawning period is at the beginning of the dry season while the water level is decreasing. It was demonstrated that both species spawn repeatedly at regular intervals determinated by the phases of the moon, P. monti biweekly during the the full and new moons and P. squamosissimus monthly during the new moon. From differences in the spawning period, a second population of P. squamosissimus was identified in the blackwaters of Lago Aruaù. It enters the lake from the Rio Branco

    Autoantibodies against NMDAR subunit NR1 disappear from blood upon anesthesia

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    Anesthetics penetrate the blood-brain-barrier (BBB) and - as confirmed preclinically – transiently disrupt it. An analogous consequence in humans has remained unproven. In mice, we previously reported that upon BBB dysfunction, the brain acts as ‘immunoprecipitator’ of autoantibodies against N-methyl-D-aspartate-receptor subunit-NR1 (NMDAR1-AB). We thus hypothesized that during human anesthesia, pre-existing NMDAR1-AB will specifically bind to brain. Screening of N = 270 subjects undergoing general anesthesia during cardiac surgery for serum NMDAR1-AB revealed N = 25 NMDAR1-AB seropositives. Only N = 14 remained positive post-surgery. No changes in albumin, thyroglobulin or CRP were associated with reduction of serum NMDAR1-AB. Thus, upon anesthesia, BBB opening likely occurs also in humans

    Telemedizin in der Schlaganfallversorgung – versorgungsrelevant für Deutschland

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    Background and objective Telemedical stroke networks improve stroke care and provide access to time-dependent acute stroke treatment in predominantly rural regions. The aim is a presentation of data on its utility and regional distribution. Methods The working group on telemedical stroke care of the German Stroke Society performed a survey study among all telestroke networks. Results Currently, 22 telemedical stroke networks including 43 centers (per network: median 1.5, interquartile range, IQR, 1–3) as well as 225 cooperating hospitals (per network: median 9, IQR 4–17) operate in Germany and contribute to acute stroke care delivery to 48 million people. In 2018, 38,211 teleconsultations (per network: median 1340, IQR 319–2758) were performed. The thrombolysis rate was 14.1% (95% confidence interval 13.6–14.7%) and transfer for thrombectomy was initiated in 7.9% (95% confidence interval 7.5–8.4%) of ischemic stroke patients. Financial reimbursement differs regionally with compensation for telemedical stroke care in only three federal states. Conclusion Telemedical stroke care is utilized in about 1 out of 10 stroke patients in Germany. Telemedical stroke networks achieve similar rates of thrombolysis and transfer for thrombectomy compared with neurological stroke units and contribute to stroke care in rural regions. Standardization of network structures, financial assurance and uniform quality measurements may further strengthen the importance of telestroke networks in the future.Hintergrund und Ziel Telemedizinische Schlaganfall-Netzwerke tragen dazu bei, die Schlaganfallversorgung und insbesondere den Zugang zu zeitkritischen Schlaganfalltherapien in vorrangig strukturschwachen, ländlichen Regionen zu gewährleisten. Ziel ist eine Darstellung der Nutzungsfrequenz und regionalen Verteilung dieser Versorgungsstruktur. Methoden Die Kommission „Telemedizinische Schlaganfallversorgung“ der Deutschen Schlaganfall-Gesellschaft führte eine Umfragestudie in allen Schlaganfall-Netzwerken durch. Ergebnisse In Deutschland sind 22 telemedizinische Schlaganfall-Netzwerke aktiv, welche insgesamt 43 Zentren (pro Netzwerk: Median 1,5, Interquartilsabstand [IQA] 1–3) sowie 225 Kooperationskliniken (pro Netzwerk: Median 9, IQA 4–17) umfassen und an einem unmittelbaren Zugang zur Schlaganfallversorgung für 48 Mio. Menschen teilhaben. Im Jahr 2018 wurden 38.211 Telekonsile (pro Netzwerk: Median 1340, IQA 319–2758) durchgeführt. Die Thrombolyserate betrug 14,1 % (95 %-Konfidenzintervall 13,6–14,7 %), eine Verlegung zur Thrombektomie wurde bei 7,9 % (95 %-Konfidenzintervall 7,5–8,4 %) der ischämischen Schlaganfallpatienten initiiert. Das Finanzierungssystem ist uneinheitlich mit einem Vergütungssystem für die Zentrumsleistungen in nur drei Bundesländern. Diskussion Etwa jeder 10. Schlaganfallpatient wird telemedizinisch behandelt. Die telemedizinischen Schlaganfall-Netzwerke erreichen vergleichbar hohe Lyseraten und Verlegungen zur Thrombektomie wie neurologische Stroke-Units und tragen zur Sicherstellung einer flächendeckenden Schlaganfallversorgung bei. Eine netzwerkübergreifende Sicherstellung der Finanzierung und einheitliche Erhebung von Qualitätssicherungsdaten haben das Potenzial diese Versorgungsstruktur zukünftig weiter zu stärken
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