314 research outputs found

    The effects of heat treatment on the electro-optical properties of (Zn, 0) doped GaP diodes

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    The effects of the low temperature annealing on the electrical and optical properties of the diodes were monitored by measuring the electroluminescent efficiency, emission spectra, juntion capacitance-voltage and the forward current-voltage characteristics of the devices

    Mirage of Police Reform

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    In the United States, the exercise of police authority—and the public’s trust that police authority is used properly—is a recurring concern. Contemporary prescriptions for police reform hold that the public would trust the police more and feel a greater obligation to comply and cooperate if police-citizen interactions were marked by higher levels of procedural justice by police. In this book, Robert E. Worden and Sarah J. McLean argue that the procedural justice model of reform is a mirage. From a distance, procedural justice seems to offer relief from strained police-community relations. But a closer look at police organizations and police-citizen interactions shows that the relief offered by such reform is, in fact, illusory. A procedural justice model of policing is likely to be only loosely coupled with police practice, despite the best intentions, and improvements in procedural justice on the part of police are unlikely to result in corresponding improvements in citizens’ perceptions of procedural justice

    Simplifying HL7 Version 3 messages

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    Abstract. HL7 Version 3 offers a semantically robust method for healthcare interoperability but has been criticized as overly complex to implement. This paper reviews initiatives to simplify HL7 Version 3 messaging and presents a novel approach based on semantic mapping. Based on user-defined definitions, precise transforms between simple and full messages are automatically generated. Systems can be interfaced with the simple messages and achieve interoperability with full Version 3 messages through the transforms. This reduces the costs of HL7 interfacing and will encourage better uptake of HL7 Version 3 and CDA

    Neuropathy Target Esterase Biosensor

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    Modeling the Risk of U.S. Offshore Oil & Gas Exploration-Well Drilling, Commercial Nuclear Plants, and Human Spaceflight

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    Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) has been applied in different industries for many years. Each industry and technology area presents varying challenges and priorities, and the risk models therefore need to be somewhat different. This paper compares aspects of risk modeling of offshore drilling, nuclear plant operation, and human spaceflight. Risk models in all three technology areas have certain high-level similarities: (1) they employ redundancy and diversity in their means to prevent or mitigate risk, including a mix of active and passive systems designed to respond to off-normal evolutions; (2) they are affected by human reliability; (3) their models require consideration of coupling between scenario structure and scenario phenomenology. But in examining the models in more detail, one sees important differences in methodology and emphasis. For purposes of comparison, this paper discusses aspects of a risk model of an offshore drilling operation in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico, focusing on where such a development differs in important ways from models of commercial U.S. nuclear plants and models developed for human spaceflight

    Developing a conformance methodology for clinically-defined medical record headings:a preliminary report.

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    Background: The Professional Records Standards Body for health and social care (PRSB) was formed in 2013 to develop and assure professional standards for the content and structure of patient records across all care disciplines in the UK. Although the PRSB work is aimed at Electronic Health Record (EHR) adoption and interoperability to support continuity of care, the current technical guidance is limited and ambiguous. Objectives: This project was initiated as a proof-ofconcept to demonstrate whether, and if so, how, conformance methods can be developed based on the professional standards. Methods: An expert group was convened, comprising clinical and technical representatives. A constrained data set was defined for an outpatient letter, using the subset of outpatient headings that are also present in the ep-SOS patient summary. A mind map was produced for the main sections and sub-sections. An openEHR archetype model was produced as the basis for creating HL7 and IHE implementation artefacts. Results: Several issues about data definition and representation were identified when attempting to map the outpatient headings to the epSOS patient summary, partly due to the difference between process and static viewpoints. Mind maps have been a simple and helpful way to visualize the logical information model and expose and resolve disagreements about which headings are purely for human navigation and which, if any, have intrinsic meaning. Conclusions: Conformance testing is feasible but nontrivial. In contrast to traditional standards-development timescales, PRSB needs an agile standards development process with EHR vendor and integrator collaboration to ensure implementability and widespread adoption. This will require significant clinical and technical resources

    Current Problems in Securities Regulation

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    This comment analyzes four areas of central significance to adequate protection for the investor: (1) qualifications of those in the securities industry who deal with the public; (2) dissemination of corporate publicity; (3) dissemination of investment advice; and (4) selling practices in the securities industry. The findings and recommendations of the Special Study are given special attention insofar as they bear upon the problems covered. In certain areas, however, recent developments in court and Commission decisions have brought about changes equally as significant as the findings and recommendations of the Special Study. Thus each section covers the background and recent developments in the designated area, as well as the Special Study itself
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