21,064 research outputs found

    Formulating a State Approach to Professional Development

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    When viewed from the perspective of an entire state\u27s needs, the challenges of designing professional development to meet the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind legislation of 2001 are daunting. In Oklahoma, the concerns about delivering to rural and urban populations which contain a variety of underserved populations are further complicated by the differences in the way science and mathematics are structured as disciplines. We describe two model programs, one in science and one in mathematics, which take much different approaches. However, the programs have three common elements that make them highly successful. Each program engages teachers strongly, seeks to change learning by altering both teachers\u27 behavior and content knowledge, and is continuously reflective

    Assessing the climate impacts of Chinese dietary choices using a telecoupled global food trade and local land use framework

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    Global emissions trajectories developed to meet the 2⁰C temperature target are likely to rely on the widespread deployment of negative emissions technologies and/or the implementation of substantial terrestrial carbon sinks. Such technologies include afforestation, carbon capture and storage (CCS) and bioenergy with carbon capture and storage (BECCS), but mitigation options for agriculture appear limited. For example, using the Global Calculator tool (http://www.globalcalculator.org/), under a 2⁰C pathway, the ‘forests and other land use’ sector is projected to become a major carbon sink, reaching -15 GtCO2e yr-1 by 2050, compared to fossil emissions of 21 GtCO2e yr-1. At the same time, rates of agricultural emissions remain static at about 6 GtCO2e yr-1, despite increasing demands for crop and livestock production to meet the forecast dietary demands of the growing and increasingly wealthy global population. Emissions in the Global Calculator are sensitive to the assumed global diet, and particularly to the level and type of meat consumption, which in turn drive global land use patterns and agricultural emissions. Here we assess the potential to use a modified down-scaled Global Calculator methodology embedded within the telecoupled global food trade framework, to estimate the agricultural emissions and terrestrial carbon stock impacts in China and Brazil, arising from a plausible range of dietary choices in China. These dietary choices are linked via telecoupling mechanisms to Brazilian crop production (e.g. Brazilian soy for Chinese animal feed provision) and drive land and global market dynamics. ‘Spill-over’ impacts will also be assessed using the EU and Malawi as case studies

    Direct Investigation of Superparamagnetism in Co Nanoparticle Films

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    A direct probe of superparamagnetism was used to determine the complete anisotropy energy distribution of Co nanoparticle films. The films were composed of self-assembled lattices of uniform Co nanoparticles 3 nm or 5 nm in diameter, and a variable temperature scanning-SQUID microscope was used to measure temperature-induced spontaneous magnetic noise in the samples. Accurate measurements of anisotropy energy distributions of small volume samples will be critical to magnetic optimization of nanoparticle devices and media.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    On the Maximum Mass of Accreting Primordial Supermassive Stars

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    Supermassive primordial stars are suspected to be the progenitors of the most massive quasars at z~6. Previous studies of such stars were either unable to resolve hydrodynamical timescales or considered stars in isolation, not in the extreme accretion flows in which they actually form. Therefore, they could not self-consistently predict their final masses at collapse, or those of the resulting supermassive black hole seeds, but rather invoked comparison to simple polytropic models. Here, we systematically examine the birth, evolution and collapse of accreting non-rotating supermassive stars under accretion rates of 0.01-10 solar masses per year, using the stellar evolution code KEPLER. Our approach includes post-Newtonian corrections to the stellar structure and an adaptive nuclear network, and can transition to following the hydrodynamic evolution of supermassive stars after they encounter the general relativistic instability. We find that this instability triggers the collapse of the star at masses of 150,000-330,000 solar masses for accretion rates of 0.1-10 solar masses per year, and that the final mass of the star scales roughly logarithmically with the rate. The structure of the star, and thus its stability against collapse, is sensitive to the treatment of convection, and the heat content of the outer accreted envelope. Comparison with other codes suggests differences here may lead to small deviations in the evolutionary state of the star as a function of time, that worsen with accretion rate. Since the general relativistic instability leads to the immediate death of these stars, our models place an upper limit on the masses of the first quasars at birth.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Accepted ApJ letter

    The Evolution of Supermassive Population III Stars

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    Supermassive primordial stars forming in atomically-cooled halos at z∌15−20z \sim15-20 are currently thought to be the progenitors of the earliest quasars in the Universe. In this picture, the star evolves under accretion rates of 0.1−10.1 - 1 M⊙M_\odot yr−1^{-1} until the general relativistic instability triggers its collapse to a black hole at masses of ∌105\sim10^5 M⊙M_\odot. However, the ability of the accretion flow to sustain such high rates depends crucially on the photospheric properties of the accreting star, because its ionising radiation could reduce or even halt accretion. Here we present new models of supermassive Population III protostars accreting at rates 0.001−100.001 - 10 M⊙M_\odot yr−1^{-1}, computed with the GENEVA stellar evolution code including general relativistic corrections to the internal structure. We use the polytropic stability criterion to estimate the mass at which the collapse occurs, which has been shown to give a lower limit of the actual mass at collapse in recent hydrodynamic simulations. We find that at accretion rates higher than 0.0010.001 M⊙M_\odot yr−1^{-1} the stars evolve as red, cool supergiants with surface temperatures below 10410^4 K towards masses >105>10^5 M⊙M_\odot, and become blue and hot, with surface temperatures above 10510^5 K, only for rates â‰Č0.001\lesssim0.001 M⊙M_\odot yr−1^{-1}. Compared to previous studies, our results extend the range of masses and accretion rates at which the ionising feedback remains weak, reinforcing the case for direct collapse as the origin of the first quasars

    On the Rotation of Supermassive Stars

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    Supermassive stars born from pristine gas in atomically-cooled haloes are thought to be the progenitors of supermassive black holes at high redshifts. However, the way they accrete their mass is still an unsolved problem. In particular, for accretion to proceed, a large amount of angular momentum has to be extracted from the collapsing gas. Here, we investigate the constraints stellar evolution imposes on this angular momentum problem. We present an evolution model of a supermassive Population III star including simultaneously accretion and rotation. We find that, for supermassive stars to form by accretion, the accreted angular momentum has to be about 1% of the Keplerian angular momentum. This tight constraint comes from the ΩΓ\Omega\Gamma-limit, at which the combination of radiation pressure and centrifugal force cancels gravity. It implies that supermassive stars are slow rotators, with a surface velocity less than 10-20% of their first critical velocity, at which the centrifugal force alone cancels gravity. At such low velocities, the deformation of the star due to rotation is negligible

    Effects of the triaxial deformation and pairing correlation on the proton emitter 145Tm

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    The ground-state properties of the recent reported proton emitter 145Tm have been studied within the axially or triaxially deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) approaches, in which the pairing correlation is taken into account by the BCS-method with a constant pairing gap. It is found that triaxiality and pairing correlations play important roles in reproducing the experimental one proton separation energy. The single-particle level, the proton emission orbit, the deformation parameters beta = 0.22 and gamma = 28.98 and the corresponding spectroscopic factor for 145Tm in the triaxial RMF calculation are given as well.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures and 1 table. accepted by Physical Review
