376 research outputs found

    Implementations of a model of physical sorting

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    We define a computational model of physical devices that have a parallel atomic operation that transforms their input, an unordered list, in such a way that their output, the sorted list, can be sequentially read off in linear time. We show that several commonly-used scientific laboratory techniques (from biology, chemistry, and physics) are instances of the model and we provide experimental implementations

    Implementations of a model of physical sorting

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    We define a computational model of physical devices that have a parallel atomic operation that transforms their input, an unordered list, in such a way that their output, the sorted list, can be sequentially read off in linear time. We show that several commonly-used scientific laboratory techniques (from biology, chemistry, and physics) are instances of the model and we provide experimental implementations

    Human-Centered Technologies and Procedures for Future Air Traffic Management

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    The use of various methodologies to predict the impact of future Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts and technologies is explored. The emphasis has been on the importance of modeling coordination and cooperation among multiple agents within this system, and on understanding how the interactions among these agents will be influenced as new roles, responsibilities, procedures and technologies are introduced. To accomplish this, we have been collecting data on performance under the current air traffic management system, identifying critical problem areas and looking for examples suggestive of general approaches for solving such problems. Using the results of these field studies, we have developed a set of concrete scenarios centered around future designs, and have studied performance in these scenarios with a set of 40 controllers, dispatchers, pilots and traffic managers

    Human-Centered Technologies and Procedures for Future Air Traffic Management: A Preliminary Overview of 1996 Studies and Results

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    In this project, we have been exploring the use of a general methodology to predict the impact of future Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts and technologies. In applying this methodology, our emphasis has been on the importance of modeling coordination and cooperation among the multiple agents within this system, and on understanding how the interactions among these agents will be influenced as new roles, responsibilities, procedures and technologies are introduced. To accomplish this, we have been collecting data on performance under the current air traffic management system, trying to identify critical problem areas and looking for exemplars suggestive of general approaches for solving such problems. Based on the results of these field studies, we have developed a set of scenarios centered around potential future system designs, and have conducted studies using these scenarios involving a total 40 controllers, dispatchers, pilots and traffic managers. The purpose of this report is to provide NASA with an early summary of the major recommendations that have resulted from our research under the AATT Program thus far. Recommendations 1-3 deal with general approaches that our findings suggest should be incorporated in future AATT Program activities, while Recommendations 4-11 identify some specific topics and technologies that merit research and development activities. Detailed technical reports containing supporting data, as well as the results of our still ongoing analyses, will be provided at a later date. The remainder of this report is organized as follows. Section 1 briefly describes the general design philosophy supported by our empirical studies. Section 2 presents the research methods we have used for identifying requirements for future system designs and for evaluating alternative design solutions. Section 3 discusses preliminary results from an initial set of investigations that we have conducted using these research methods. Section 4 then provides an overall summary. An outline of the rest of this preliminary project summary is provided on the following page

    Bibliography of synthesis documents on selected coastal ocean topics

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    This compilation of references to works which synthesize information on coastal topics is intended to be useful to resource managers in decision making processes. However, the utility must be understand in terms of its limited coverage. The bibliography is not inclusive of all the published materials on the topics selected. Coverage is clearly defined in the following paragraph. The time span of the bibliography is limited to references that were published from I983 to 1993, except for a last-minute addition of a few 1994 publications. All searches were done in mid- to late-1993. The bibliography was compiled from searches done on the following DIALOG electronic databases: Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Abstracts, BlOSlS Previews, Dissertation Abstracts Online, Life Sciences Collection, NTlS (National Technical lnformation Service), Oceanic Abstracts, Pollution Abstracts, SciSearch, and Water Resources Abstracts. In addition, two NOAA electronic datases were searched: the NOAA Library and lnformation Catalog and the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. Synthesis of information is not an ubiquitous term used in database development. In order to locate syntheses of required coastal topics, 89 search terms were used in combinations which required 10 searches from each file. From the nearly 6,000 citations which resulted from the electronic searches, the most appropriate were selected to produce this bibliography. The document was edited and indexed using Wordperfect software. When available, an abstract has been included. Every abstract was edited. The bibliography is subdivided into four main topics or sections: ecosystems, coastal water body conditions, natural disasters, and resource management. In the ecosystems section, emphasis is placed on organisms in their environment on the major coastlines of the U.S. In the second section, coastal water body conditions, the environment itself is emphasized. References were found for the Alaskan coast, but none were found for Hawaii. The third section, on natural disasters, emphasizes environmental impacts resulting from natural phenomena. Guidelines, planning and management reports, modelling documents, strategic and restoration plans, and environmental economics related to sustainability are included in the fourth section, resource management. Author, geographic, and subject indices indices are provided. The authors would like to thank Victor Omelczenko and Terry Seldon of the NOAA Sea Grant Office for access to and training on the NOAA Sea Grant Depository Database. We are grateful also to Dorothy Anderson, Philip Keavey, and Elizabeth Petersen who reviewed the draft document

    O6-8 Rethinking schools as a setting for physical activity promotion in the 21st Century - A position paper from the Erasmus+ 2PASS 4Health project

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    Background Schools are ideally placed to provide children and adolescents with multiple opportunities to be or learn to be physically active. However, key reviews have reported that interventions to date have largely failed to have any long-term impact on overall physical activity levels. In this position paper, greater attention to key issues is needed to realise the full potential of schools and ideal physical activity for health promotion setting. Methods This study draws on multi-author expertise to develop a position paper to advance opinion on school-based programmes. Collaborative conceptual thinking was established through various tools such as literature review, evidence synthesis and online and in person meetings. Results/Discussion The adoption of a systems approach is valuable for understanding the complexities of the school setting and to support the implementation of whole-of-school initiatives. Furthermore, we contend that the full range of physical, cognitive, emotional and social benefits that physical activity provides should be considered, rather than a narrow focus solely on physical activity levels. Interdisciplinary research questions are most useful in exploring and evaluating whole-of-school approaches. Informed by process, impact and outcome evaluation and implementation science, both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and a move beyond traditional research design are needed to advance our knowledge of what works, for whom and in what context. Case studies from several European countries will be presented to illustrate examples of systems approaches in action. This includes examples at multiple levels firstly, a national approach including a Physical Education curriculum reformation (Portugal), a regional approach such as a county council partnership with a University to support physical activity promotion (France) and a local approach at the school level i.e. a whole-of-school physical activity programme (Spain and Ireland). Conclusion From authors expertise and reflection, this paper makes recommendations on the nature of the evidence required to bridge the implementation gap, sustain and scale-up innovative approaches to whole-of-school programmes

    Results from Ireland\u27s 2014 report card on physical activity in children and youth

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) levels are a key performance indicator for policy documents in Ireland. The first Ireland Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth aims to set a robust baseline for future surveillance of indicators related to PA in children and youth. Methods: Data collected between 2003-2010 on more than 35,000 7- to 18-year-old children and youth were used and graded using a standardized grading system for 10 indicators. Results: Grades assigned for the indicators were as follows: overall physical activity levels, D-; sedentary behavior (TV viewing), C-; organized sport participation, C-: physical education, D-; active play, inconclusive (INC); active transportation, D; school, C-, community and the built environment, B; family, INC; and government, INC. Conclusions: PA recommendations exist in Ireland but this Report Card has shown that participation is still low. A number of promising policies, programs and services are in place but these require thorough evaluation and adequate resourcing. Agreement and implementation of a common framework for the systematic surveillance of indictors related to PA of children and youth is necessary to monitor change over time and ensure the impact of promising work is captured

    Results from Ireland north and south\u27s 2016 report card on physical activity for children and youth

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) is a key performance indicator for policy documents in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland. Building on baseline grades set in 2014, Ireland\u27s second Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth allows for continued surveillance of indicators related to PA in children and youth. Methods: Data and information were extracted and collated for 10 indicators and graded using an international standardized grading system. Results: Overall, 7 grades stayed the same, 2 increased, and 1 decreased. Grades were assigned as follows: Overall PA, D (an increase); Sedentary Behavior (TV), C-; Physical Education, D-; Active Play, Incomplete/Inconclusive (INC); Active Transportation, D; School, D (a decrease); Home (Family), INC; Community and the Built Environment, B+ (an increase); and Government, INC. Unlike 2014\u27s report card, different grades for the Republic (C-) and Northern Ireland (C+) were assigned for Organized Sport Participation. Conclusions: Although the grade for Overall PA levels increased to a D, this may reflect the increased quality and quantity of data available. The double burden of low PA and high sedentary levels are concerning and underscore the need for advocacy toward, and surveillance of, progress in achieving targets set by the new National Physical Activity Plan in the Republic and obesity and sport plans in the North

    Results from Ireland's 2014 Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth

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    peer-reviewedBackground: Physical activity (PA) levels are a key performance indicator for policy documents in Ireland. The first Ireland Report Card on Physical Activity in Children and Youth aims to set a robust baseline for future surveillance of indicators related to PA in children and youth. Methods: Data collected between 2003-2010 on more than 35,000 7- to 18-year-old children and youth were used and graded using a standardized grading system for 10 indicators. Results: Grades assigned for the indicators were as follows: overall physical activity levels, D-; sedentary behavior (TV viewing), C-; organized sport participation, C-: physical education, D-; active play, inconclusive (INC); active transportation, D; school, C-, community and the built environment, B; family, INC; and government, INC. Conclusions: PA recommendations exist in Ireland but this Report Card has shown that participation is still low. A number of promising policies, programs and services are in place but these require thorough evaluation and adequate resourcing. Agreement and implementation of a common framework for the systematic surveillance of indictors related to PA of children and youth is necessary to monitor change over time and ensure the impact of promising work is captured.peer-reviewe

    Results from Ireland North and South’s 2022 report card on physical activity for children and adolescents

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    BackgroundThe Ireland North and South Report Card on Physical Activity (PA) for Children and Adolescents aims to monitor progress in PA participation across a range of internationally established indicators.MethodsData were collated for 11 indicators and graded following the harmonised Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance report card process. Six representative studies (sample size range n = 898 to n = 15,557) were primarily used in the grading, with many indicators supplemented with additional studies and reports. Data collected since the implementation of COVID-19 public health measures in March 2020 were excluded.ResultsGrades were awarded as follows: ‘Overall physical activity’, C-; ‘Organised Sport and Physical Activity’, C; ‘Active Play’, INC; ‘Sedentary Behaviours’, C-; ‘Physical Fitness’, INC; ‘Family and Peers’, D+; ‘School’, C-; ‘Physical Education’, D; ‘Community and Environment’, B+ and ‘Government’, B. Separate grades were awarded for disability as follows; ‘Overall physical activity’, F; ‘Organised Sport and Physical Activity’, D; ‘Sedentary Behaviours’, C-; ‘Family and Peers’, C; ‘School’, C- and ‘Government’, B. ‘Active Play’, ‘Physical Fitness’, ‘Physical Education’ and ‘Community and Environment’ were all graded INC for disability. Since the last report card in 2016, four grades remained the same, three increased (‘Overall physical activity’, ‘School’ and ‘Physical Education’) and two (‘Family and Peers,’ and ‘Government’) were awarded grades for the first time.ConclusionGrades specific to children and adolescents with disability were generally lower for each indicator. While small improvements have been shown across a few indicators, PA levels remain low across many indicators for children and adolescents
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