74 research outputs found

    Lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy of the Lower Carboniferous (Mississippian) carbonates of the southern Askrigg Block, North Yorkshire, UK

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    A rationalized lithostratigraphy for the Great Scar Limestone Group of the southeast Askrigg Block is established. The basal Chapel House Limestone Formation, assessed from boreholes, comprises shallow-marine to supratidal carbonates that thin rapidly northwards across the Craven Fault System, onlapping a palaeotopographical high of Lower Palaeozoic strata. The formation is of late Arundian age in the Silverdale Borehole, its northernmost development. The overlying Kilnsey Formation represents a southward-thickening and upward-shoaling carbonate development on a south-facing carbonate ramp. Foraminiferal/algal assemblages suggest a late Holkerian and early Asbian age, respectively, for the uppermost parts of the lower Scaleber Force Limestone and upper Scaleber Quarry Limestone members, significantly younger than previously interpreted. The succeeding Malham Formation comprises the lower Cove Limestone and upper Gordale Limestone members. Foraminiferal/ algal assemblages indicate a late Asbian age for the formation, contrasting with the Holkerian age previously attributed to the Cove Limestone. The members reflect a change from a partially shallow-water lagoon (Cove Limestone) to more open-marine shelf (Gordale Limestone), coincident with the onset of marked sea-level fluctuations and formation of palaeokarstic surfaces with palaeosoils in the latter. Facies variations along the southern flank of the Askrigg Block, including an absence of fenestral lime-mudstone in the upper part of the Cove Limestone and presence of dark grey cherty grainstone/packstone in the upper part the Gordale Limestone are related to enhanced subsidence during late Asbian movement on the Craven Fault System. This accounts for the marked thickening of both members towards the Greenhow Inlier

    Mississippian reef development in the Cracoe Limestone Formation of the southern Askrigg Block, North Yorkshire, UK

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    The southern margin of the Askrigg Block around Cracoe, North Yorkshire, shows a transition from carbonate ramp to reef-rimmed shelf margin, which, based on new foraminiferal/algal data, is now constrained to have initiated during the late Asbian. A late Holkerian to early Asbian ramp facies that included small mudmounds developed in comparatively deeper waters, in a transition zone between the proximal ramp, mudmound-free carbonates of the Scaleber Quarry Limestone Member (Kilnsey Formation) and the distal Hodderense Limestone and lower Pendleside Limestone formations of the adjacent Craven Basin. The ramp is envisaged as structurally fragmented, associated with sudden thickness and facies changes. The late Asbian to early Brigantian apron reefs and isolated reef knolls of the Cracoe Limestone Formation include massive reef core and marginal reef flank facies, the latter also including development of small mudmounds on the deeper water toes of back-reef flanks. The position of the apron/knoll reefs is constrained to the south (hangingwall) of the North Craven Fault, but it is syn-depositional displacement on the Middle Craven Fault that accounts for the thick reefal development. Subsequent inversion of this structure during the early Brigantian caused uplift and abandonment of the reefs and consequent burial by the Bowland Shale Formation

    Role of dynamical particle-vibration coupling in reconciliation of the d3/2d_{3/2} puzzle for spherical proton emitters

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    It has been observed that decay rate for proton emission from d3/2d_{3/2} single particle state is systematically quenched compared with the prediction of a one dimensional potential model although the same model successfully accounts for measured decay rates from s1/2s_{1/2} and h11/2h_{11/2} states. We reconcile this discrepancy by solving coupled-channels equations, taking into account couplings between the proton motion and vibrational excitations of a daughter nucleus. We apply the formalism to proton emitting nuclei 160,161^{160,161}Re to show that there is a certain range of parameter set of the excitation energy and the dynamical deformation parameter for the quadrupole phonon excitation which reproduces simultaneously the experimental decay rates from the 2d3/2d_{3/2}, 3s1/2s_{1/2} and 1h11/2h_{11/2} states in these nuclei.Comment: RevTex, 12 pages, 4 eps figure

    Neutrophil Extracellular Traps in COVID-19

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    In severe cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), viral pneumonia progresses to respiratory failure. Neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) are extracellular webs of chromatin, microbicidal proteins, and oxidant enzymes that are released by neutrophils to contain infections. However, when not properly regulated, NETs have potential to propagate inflammation and microvascular thrombosis - including in the lungs of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. While elevated levels of blood neutrophils predict worse outcomes in COVID-19, the role of NETs has not been investigated. We now report that sera from patients with COVID-19 (n = 50 patients, n = 84 samples) have elevated levels of cell-free DNA, myeloperoxidase(MPO)-DNA, and citrullinated histone H3 (Cit-H3); the latter two are highly specific markers of NETs. Highlighting the potential clinical relevance of these findings, cell-free DNA strongly correlated with acute phase reactants including C-reactive protein, D-dimer, and lactate dehydrogenase, as well as absolute neutrophil count. MPO-DNA associated with both cell-free DNA and absolute neutrophil count, while Cit-H3 correlated with platelet levels. Importantly, both cell-free DNA and MPO-DNA were higher in hospitalized patients receiving mechanical ventilation as compared with hospitalized patients breathing room air. Finally, sera from individuals with COVID-19 triggered NET release from control neutrophils in vitro. In summary, these data reveal high levels of NETs in many patients with COVID-19, where they may contribute to cytokine release and respiratory failure. Future studies should investigate the predictive power of circulating NETs in longitudinal cohorts, and determine the extent to which NETs may be novel therapeutic targets in severe COVID-19

    Theoretical description of deformed proton emitters: nonadiabatic coupled-channel method

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    The newly developed nonadiabatic method based on the coupled-channel Schroedinger equation with Gamow states is used to study the phenomenon of proton radioactivity. The new method, adopting the weak coupling regime of the particle-plus-rotor model, allows for the inclusion of excitations in the daughter nucleus. This can lead to rather different predictions for lifetimes and branching ratios as compared to the standard adiabatic approximation corresponding to the strong coupling scheme. Calculations are performed for several experimentally seen, non-spherical nuclei beyond the proton dripline. By comparing theory and experiment, we are able to characterize the angular momentum content of the observed narrow resonance.Comment: 12 pages including 10 figure

    Decay properties of the new isotopes 172Hg and 173Hg

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    The α decays of the two neutron-deficient nuclei 172Hg and 173Hg were observed for the first time using the 78Kr(96Ru,2n) and 80Kr(96Ru,3n) reactions, respectively. The reaction products were dispersed according to their mass-to-charge state ratios in the Argonne Fragment Mass Analyzer and implanted in a double-sided silicon strip detector, where their subsequent decays were studied using spatial and time correlations between implants and decays. A half-life of 250(+350-90) μs and an energy of 7350(12) keV were deduced for the α decay of 172Hg. In 173Hg the half-life was measured to be 0.93(+0.57-0.26) ms and the corresponding energy is 7211(11) keV. In addition, the half-life and energy of the α decay of 174Hg were measured more precisely. The reduced widths deduced for these Hg isotopes indicate that the observed decays correspond to unhindered Δl = 0 transitions. The α-decay Q values are compared with the values calculated using mass tables by Möller and Nix, and by Liran and Zeldes. The latter mass tables show better agreement with the data

    Proton and α radioactivity of 185Bi

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    Proton and α emission from 185Bi have been confirmed and measured with improved statistics. The 185Bi nuclei were produced via the 95Mo(92Mo,pn) reaction at a bombarding energy of 420 MeV. The proton decay energy from the 1/2+ intruder state in 185Bi to the 184Pb ground state was measured to be 1.598(16) MeV with a proton branching ratio bp, = 0.85(6). An α decay branch from the same state was measured, bα = 0.15(6), with an energy of 8.08(3) MeV. The state has a half-life of 50(8) μs. In addition, the α branching ratio of the ground state of 184Pb was determined for the first time to be bα = 0.23(14)

    In-beam γ-ray spectroscopy of Pt isotopes located at the proton drip line

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    In-beam g rays have been observed in the neutron-deficient isotopes 170,171,172Pt using the recoil-decay tagging technique. The yrast transition sequence proposed for 172Pt indicates that the 01 bandhead of the deformed intruder band is situated about 900 keV above the weakly deformed ground state, i.e., its excitation energy has risen by about 300 keV compared to 174Pt. The measured energy of the 21 !01 transition in 170Pt supports an even larger increase in the excitation energy of the intruder configuration with the departure from the middle of the 82–126 major neutron shell. Furthermore, a band with transition energies almost identical to those found in 172Pt has been assigned to 171Pt and was interpreted as corresponding to a rotationally aligned i13/2 neutron orbital coupled to the core excitations

    Multiparticle configurations in N=84 isotones located at the proton drip line

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    Excited states in the proton-rich N=84 isotones 72156Hf84,73157Ta84, and 74158W84 were observed using Pd102(Ni58,xp2n) reactions at 270 MeV. γ rays were detected with the Gammasphere array of Compton-suppressed Ge detectors coupled with the Argonne fragment mass analyzer and were assigned to individual reaction channels using the recoil-decay tagging method. Prompt γ-ray cascades were associated with the α decay of both the ground state and the 8+ isomeric state in Hf156, the h11/2 state in Ta157, and the 8+ isomeric state in W158. The level schemes constructed for Hf156,Ta157, and W158 are compared with these of lighter N=84 isotones and are discussed within the framework of the shell model