15 research outputs found

    Reduced attention-driven auditory sensitivity in hallucination-prone individuals

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    Background Evidence suggests that auditory hallucinations may result from abnormally enhanced auditory sensitivity. Aims To investigate whether there is an auditory processing bias in healthy individuals who are prone to experiencing auditory hallucinations. Method Two hundred healthy volunteers performed a temporal order judgement task in which they determined whether an auditory or a visual stimulus came first under conditions of directed attention (‘attend-auditory’ and ‘attend-visual’ conditions). The Launay–Slade Hallucination Scale was used to divide the sample into high and low hallucination-proneness groups. Results The high hallucination-proneness group exhibited a reduced sensitivity to auditory stimuli under the attend-auditory condition. By contrast, attention-directed visual sensitivity did not differ significantly between groups. Conclusions Healthy individuals prone to hallucinatory experiences may possess a bias in attention towards internal auditory stimuli at the expense of external sounds. Interventions involving the redistribution of attentional resources would have therapeutic benefit in patients experiencing auditory hallucinations

    Neural correlates of the behavioral-autonomic interaction response to potentially threatening stimuli

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    Subjective assessment of emotional valence is typically associated with both brain activity and autonomic arousal. Accurately assessing emotional salience is particularly important when perceiving threat. We sought to characterize the neural correlates of the interaction between behavioral and autonomic responses to potentially threatening visual and auditory stimuli. Twenty-five healthy male subjects underwent fMRI scanning whilst skin conductance responses (SCR) were recorded. One hundred and eighty pictures, sentences, and sounds were assessed as “harmless” or “threatening.” Individuals’ stimulus-locked, phasic SCRs and trial-by-trial behavioral assessments were entered as regressors into a flexible factorial design to establish their separate autonomic and behavioral neural correlates, and convolved to examine psycho-autonomic interaction (PAI) effects. Across all stimuli, “threatening,” compared with “harmless” behavioral assessments were associated with mainly frontal and precuneus activation with specific within-modality activations including bilateral parahippocampal gyri (pictures), bilateral anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and frontal pole (sentences), and right Heschl’s gyrus and bilateral temporal gyri (sounds). Across stimulus modalities SCRs were associated with activation of parieto-occipito-thalamic regions, an activation pattern which was largely replicated within-modality. In contrast, PAI analyses revealed modality-specific activations including right fusiform/parahippocampal gyrus (pictures), right insula (sentences), and mid-cingulate gyrus (sounds). Phasic SCR activity was positively correlated with an individual’s propensity to assess stimuli as “threatening.” SCRs may modulate cognitive assessments on a “harmless–threatening” dimension, thereby modulating affective tone and hence behavior

    Self-harm in schizophrenia is associated with dorsolateral prefrontal and posterior cingulate activity

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    elf-harm, such as self-cutting, self-poisoning or jumping from height, regardless of intentions, is common among people with schizophrenia. We wished to investigate brain activations relating to self-harm, in order to test whether these activations could differentiate between schizophrenia patients with self-harm and those without. We used event-related functional MRI with a go/no-go response inhibition paradigm. Fourteen schizophrenia patients with a history of self-harm were compared with 14 schizophrenia patients without a history of self-harm and 17 healthy control participants. In addition, we used standard clinical measures and neuropsychological tests to assess risk factors associated with self-harm. The right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) and the left posterior cingulate cortex differentiated all three groups; brain activation in these regions being greatest in the control group, and the self-harm patient group being greater than in the non-self-harm patient group. In the self-harm patient group, right DLPFC activity was positively correlated with severity of suicidal thinking. In addition, both patient groups showed less activation in the right orbitofrontal cortex, left ventral anterior cingulate cortex and right thalamus. This is the first study to report right DLPFC activation in association with self-harm and suicidal thinking in patients with schizophrenia. This area could be a target for future neuromodulation studies to treat suicidal thinking and self-harm behaviors in patients with schizophrenia

    The state of tranquility: Subjective perception is shaped by contextual modulation of auditory connectivity

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    In this study, we investigated brain mechanisms for the generation of subjective experience from objective sensory inputs. Our experimental construct was subjective tranquility. Tranquility is a mental state more likely to occur in the presence of objective sensory inputs that arise from natural features in the environment. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural response to scenes that were visually distinct (beach images vs. freeway images) and experienced as tranquil (beach) or non-tranquil (freeway). Both sets of scenes had the same auditory component because waves breaking on a beach and vehicles moving on a freeway can produce similar auditory spectral and temporal characteristics, perceived as a constant roar. Compared with scenes experienced as non-tranquil, we found that subjectively tranquil scenes were associated with significantly greater effective connectivity between the auditory cortex and medial prefrontal cortex, a region implicated in the evaluation of mental states. Similarly enhanced connectivity was also observed between the auditory cortex and posterior cingulate gyrus, temporoparietal cortex and thalamus. These findings demonstrate that visual context can modulate connectivity of the auditory cortex with regions implicated in the generation of subjective states. Importantly, this effect arises under conditions of identical auditory input. Hence, the same sound may be associated with different percepts reflecting varying connectivity between the auditory cortex and other brain regions. This suggests that subjective experience is more closely linked to the connectivity state of the auditory cortex than to its basic sensory inputs

    Magnetic resonance imaging evidence for abnormally lateralised and fronto-temporally dissociated brain regions in schizophrenia

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    SIGLEAvailable from British Library Document Supply Centre-DSC:DXN026516 / BLDSC - British Library Document Supply CentreGBUnited Kingdo

    Higher or lower? The functional anatomy of perceived allocentric social hierarchies

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    The perception and judgement of social hierarchies forms an integral part of social cognition. Hierarchical judgements can be either self-referential or allocentric (pertaining to two or more external agents). In psychiatric conditions such as dissocial personality disorder and schizophrenia, the impact of hierarchies may be problematic. We sought to elucidate the brain regions involved in judging allocentric social hierarchies. Twenty-two healthy male subjects underwent three fMRI scans. During scanning, subjects answered questions concerning visually-presented target pairs of human individual's relative superiority within a specific social hierarchy or their perceived degree of social alliance (i.e., whether they were "friends or enemies"). Subjects also made judgements relating to target pairs' age, gender and fame to control for confounding factors and performed a baseline numerical task. Response times increased in line with hypothesized ascending executive load. Both social hierarchy and social alliance judgements activated left ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (VLPFC), left dorsal inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) and bilateral fusiform gyri. In addition, social alliance judgements activated right dorsal IFG and medial prefrontal cortex. When compared directly with social alliance, social hierarchy judgements activated left orbitofrontal cortex. Detecting the presence of social hierarchies and judging other's relative standing within them implicates the cognitive executive, in particular the VLPFC. Our finding informs accounts of 'normal' social cognition but our method also provides a means of probing the dissocial brain in personality disorder and schizophrenia where executive function may be dysfunctional. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    fMRI and cognitive dysfunction in schizophrenia

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    Despite being one of the most prevalent psychiatric conditions, SCHIZOPHRENIA is still poorly understood, with no clear objective biological marker. The advent of neuroimaging has enabled in vivo investigations to complement older techniques, and has revealed important insights. fMRI provides a means to assess the neurobiological theory that schizophrenia is caused by abnormal fronto-temporal lobe connections. In studies of language abnormalities, fMRI can explicitly assess the hypothesis that the normal lateralization of language is reversed in schizophrenia. Longitudinal fMRI studies, and studies examining the effects of medication, suggest that the technique has further potential to advance our understanding of this complex disorder

    Neural response to emotional prosody in schizophrenia and in bipolar affective disorder

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests a reversal of the normal left-lateralised response to speech in schizophrenia. AIMS: To test the brain's response to emotional prosody in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. METHOD: BOLD contrast functional magnetic resonance imaging of subjects while they passively listened or attended to sentences that differed in emotional prosody. RESULTS: Patients with schizophrenia exhibited normal right-lateralisation of the passive response to 'pure' emotional prosody and relative left-lateralisation of the response to unfiltered emotional prosody. When attending to emotional prosody, patients with schizophrenia activated the left insula more than healthy controls. When listening passively, patients with bipolar disorder demonstrated less activation of the bilateral superior temporal gyri in response to pure emotional prosody, and greater activation of the left superior temporal gyrus in response to unfiltered emotional prosody. In both passive experiments, the patient groups activated different lateral temporal lobe regions. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder may display some left-lateralisation of the normal right-lateralised temporal lobe response to emotional prosody

    A new dissimilarity measure for finding semantic structure in category fluency data with implications for understanding memory organization in schizophrenia

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    The ordering of words in category fluency lists is indicative of the semantic distance between items in conceptual memory. Several studies have concluded from structural analyses of such data, using cluster analysis or multidimensional scaling, that the semantic memory of patients with schizophrenia is more disorganized than that of controls. Previous studies have based their analyses on a measure of average inter-item dissimilarity devised by Chan et al. (1993). Here we derive a new and improved method of determining dissimilarity and show that when this measure is applied to the fluency lists of patients with schizophrenia the average pattern of organization for the animal category has similar structure to that of controls, but with greater variability between individuals

    The neural response to emotional prosody, as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Prosody is an important feature of language, comprising intonation, loudness, and tempo. Emotional prosodic processing forms an integral part of our social interactions. The main aim of this study was to use bold contrast fMRI to clarify the normal functional neuroanatomy of emotional prosody, in passive and active contexts. Subjects performed six separate scanning studies, within which two different conditions were contrasted: (1) "pure" emotional prosody versus rest; (2) congruent emotional prosody versus 'neutral' sentences; (3) congruent emotional prosody versus rest; (4) incongruent emotional prosody versus rest; (5) congruent versus incongruent emotional prosody; and (6) an active experiment in which subjects were instructed to either attend to the emotion conveyed by semantic content or that conveyed by tone of voice. Data resulting from these contrasts were analysed using SPM99. Passive listening to emotional prosody consistently activated the lateral temporal lobe (superior and/or middle temporal gyri). This temporal lobe response was relatively right-lateralised with or without semantic information. Both the separate and direct comparisons of congruent and incongruent emotional prosody revealed that subjects used fewer brain regions to process incongruent emotional prosody than congruent. The neural response to attention to semantics, was left lateralised, and recruited an extensive network not activated by attention to emotional prosody. Attention to emotional prosody modulated the response to speech, and induced right-lateralised activity, including the middle temporal gyrus. In confirming the results of lesion and neuropsychological studies, the current study emphasises the importance of the right hemisphere in the processing of emotional prosody, specifically the lateral temporal lobes