5,473 research outputs found

    Weakening codetermination? Works council reform in West Germany in the 1980s

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    Codetermination (Mitbestimmung) in (West) Germany has been one of the mostcontroversial areas of political and economic conflict. When the CDU-led coalition came to power in 1982, there was a widespread expectation that the powers and privileges enjoyed by works councils (which had been significantly extended by the outgoing coalition of Social Democrats and Liberals) would be restricted. The only significant legislative assault on the institutions of Mitbestimmung, however, came inthe form of two relatively minor initiatives - to reform works council electoral law(Minderheitenrechte) and to set up representative bodies for middle managementwithin firms (Sprecherausschüsse). Despite strong backing from various elementswithin the coalition, however, these proposals, although eventually approved by Parliament, were significantly diluted in the consultative process, and in their final form have had almost no impact.This paper examines the passage of these two proposals as a way of addressing thebroader question of why neoliberalism (in particular the anti-union agenda) made solittle progress in West Germany during the 1980s. It rejects the common political science explanation that policy radicalism in Germany is inhibited by federalism and a culture of consensual policy-making. In its place, it suggests two factors that are responsible for frustrating radical change. Firstly, the complex bargaining betweencoalition partners that was required to construct a legislative majority entailed aseries of trade-offs that watered down the main thrust of the two proposals. Secondly, more significantly (and from an Anglo-American perspective more surprisingly), German employers were opposedto the very reforms that theconservative government claimed would advantage them. This opposition can onlybe understood by examining the distinctive incentives and constraints facingemployers in a co-ordinated production regime -- Unter allen wirtschaftlichen und politischen Auseinandersetzungen in Deutschland wurde von jeher der Streit um die Mitbestimmung am heftigsten geführt. Als 1982 die CDU-geführte Koalition an die Macht kam, war die Erwartung weit verbreitet, daß Einfluß und Vorrechte der Betriebsräte (die noch kurz vor ihrem Ende von der sozialliberalen Koalition beträchtlich ausgeweitet worden waren) nun deutlich eingeschränkt werden würden. Doch es kam anders: Der einzige gesetzgeberische Versuch von einiger Bedeutung gegen das Regelwerk der Mitbestimmung wurdedurch zwei nicht ins Herz der Mitbestimmung zielende Initiativen vorgetragen: die Minderheitenrechte regelnden Bestimmungen zu den Betriebsratswahlen zuverändern und als Vertretungsorgane für das Mittelmanagement sog. Sprecherausschüsse einzuführen. Trotz großer Unterstützung von seiten der Koalition wurden diese Vorschläge, obwohl vom Parlament bereits verabschiedet, im Gesetzgebungsverfahren entscheidend abgeschwächt und hatten so im Endeffekt fast keine Wirkung mehr

    A social-cognitive model of trait and state levels of gratitude.

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    Three studies tested a new model of gratitude, which specified the generative mechanisms linking individual differences (trait gratitude) and objective situations with the amount of gratitude people experience after receiving aid (state gratitude). In Study 1, all participants (N = 253) read identical vignettes describing a situation in which they received help. People higher in trait gratitude made more positive beneficial appraisals (seeing the help as more valuable, more costly to provide, and more altruistically intended), which fully mediated the relationship between trait and state levels of gratitude. Study 2 (N = 113) replicated the findings using a daily process study in which participants reported on real events each day for up to14 days. In Study 3, participants (N = 200) read vignettes experimentally manipulating objective situations to be either high or low in benefit. Benefit appraisals were shown to have a causal effect on state gratitude and to mediate the relationship between different prosocial situations and state gratitude. The 3 studies demonstrate the critical role of benefit appraisals in linking state gratitude with trait gratitude and the objective situation

    Using normalisation process theory to understand barriers and facilitators to implementing mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: To study barriers and facilitators to implementation of mindfulness-based stress reduction for people with multiple sclerosis. Methods: Qualitative interviews were used to explore barriers and facilitators to implementation of mindfulness-based stress reduction, including 33 people with multiple sclerosis, 6 multiple sclerosis clinicians and 2 course instructors. Normalisation process theory provided the underpinning conceptual framework. Data were analysed deductively using normalisation process theory constructs (coherence, cognitive participation, collective action and reflexive monitoring). Results: Key barriers included mismatched stakeholder expectations, lack of knowledge about mindfulness-based stress reduction, high levels of comorbidity and disability and skepticism about embedding mindfulness-based stress reduction in routine multiple sclerosis care. Facilitators to implementation included introducing a pre-course orientation session; adaptations to mindfulness-based stress reduction to accommodate comorbidity and disability and participants suggested smaller, shorter classes, shortened practices, exclusion of mindful-walking and more time with peers. Post-mindfulness-based stress reduction booster sessions may be required, and objective and subjective reports of benefit would increase clinician confidence in mindfulness-based stress reduction. Discussion: Multiple sclerosis patients and clinicians know little about mindfulness-based stress reduction. Mismatched expectations are a barrier to participation, as is rigid application of mindfulness-based stress reduction in the context of disability. Course adaptations in response to patient needs would facilitate uptake and utilisation. Rendering access to mindfulness-based stress reduction rapid and flexible could facilitate implementation. Embedded outcome assessment is desirable

    Conceptualizing gratitude and appreciation as a unitary personality trait

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    Gratitude and appreciation are currently measured using three self-report instruments, the GQ6 (1 scale), the Appreciation Scale (8 scales), and the GRAT (3 scales). Two studies were conducted to test how these three instruments are interrelated, whether they exist under the same higher order factor or factors, and whether gratitude and appreciation is a single or multi-factorial construct. In Study 1 (N = 206) all 12 scales were subjected to an exploratory factor analysis. Both parallel analysis and the minimum average partial method indicated a clear one-factor solution. In Study 2 (N = 389) multigroup confirmatory factor analysis supported the one-factor structure, demonstrated the invariance of this structure across gender, and ruled out the confounding effect of socially desirable responding. We conclude gratitude and appreciation are a single-factor personality trait. We suggest integration of gratitude and appreciation literatures and provide a clearer conceptualization of gratitude

    NASA Ames Institutional Scientific Collection (ISC)

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    NASA's current human space flight research is directed towards enabling human space exploration beyond Low Earth Orbit (LEO). The Space Flight Payload Projects; Rodent Research, Cell Science, and Microbial Labs, flown on the International Space Station (ISS), benefit both the global life sciences and commercial space communities. Verified data sets, science results, peer-reviewed publications, and returned biospecimens, collected and analyzed for flight and ground investigations, are all part of the knowledge base within NASAs Human Exploration and Operations Mission Directorates Space Life and Physical Sciences Research and Applications (SLPSRA) Division, specifically the Human Research and Space Biology Programs. These data and biospecimens are made available through the public LSDA website. The Ames Institutional Scientific Collection (ISC), or ARC Biobank, stores flight and ground biospecimens from Space Shuttle and ISS programs. These specimens are curated and managed by the Ames Life Sciences Data Archive (ALSDA), an internal node of NASA's Life Sciences Data Archive (LSDA). The ARC Biolbank stores over 15,000 specimens from experiments dating from 1984 to present. Currently available specimens include tissues from the circulatory, digestive, endocrine, excretory, integumentary, muscular, neurosensory, reproductive, respiratory and skeletal systems. The most recent contributions include RNA, DNA and protein extracts from Rodent Research 1 and tissues from Rodent Research 4. NASA's biospecimen collection represents a unique and limited resource. The use of these biospecimens maximizes utilization and scientific return from these unique spaceflight payload and ground control research subjects. These biospecimens are harvested following complex, costly NASA research activities to meet primary scientific objectives. Once the primary scientific objectives have been met, the remaining specimens are made available to provide secondary opportunities for complementary studies or new investigations to broaden research without large expenditures of time or resources. Innovative ways of sharing this information ultimately advances the frontiers of human space exploration as well as scientific understanding of the effects of gravity on life on earth

    An eye-tracking examination of readers’ sensitivity to pragmatic scope information during the processing of conditional inducements

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    Previous research into conditional inducements has shown that readers are sensitive after reading such conditionals to pragmatic scope differences between promises and threats; specifically, threats can be referred to as promises, but promises cannot be referred to as threats. Crucially, previous work has not revealed whether such scope effects emerge while processing the conditional itself. In the experiment reported here participants’ eye-movements were recorded whilst they read vignettes containing conditional promises and threats. We observed a reading time penalty on the conditional itself when participants read a conditional promise that was described as a “threat” (e.g., Liam threatened Perry "if you tell dad, then I'll take equal responsibility"). There was no such penalty when the word "promise" was presented before a conditional threat. These results suggest that readers are sensitive during reading of the conditional itself to pragmatic scope differences between “threats” and "promises"

    Common insect pests and diseases on vegetables in the home garden

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    Home gardeners frequently see insect pests and diseases affecting their vegetables. Usually they would have seen them in previous seasons, and the symptoms look familiar. However, there are occasions, when an unusual pest (not native to Western Australia) can occur. Exotic pests are a concern for the farming community, as they could threaten the agricultural and horticultural industries and increase the price of production and cost to the consumer. This bulletin describes the most common insect pests and diseases in home vegetable gardens.https://researchlibrary.agric.wa.gov.au/bulletins/1194/thumbnail.jp

    Partial Transcript of the 1876 Journal

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