42,197 research outputs found

    Maneuvering the Dual Mode Manned/Automated Lunar Roving Vehicle, June 1969 - March 1970

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    Digital maps of hazards to movement for dual mode Lunar Roving Vehicl

    Doing business in space: How to get there from here

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    A step by step process is described through which an existing enterprise or an entrepreneurial venture can initiate and carry out a new space venture. Throughout this process the business and technical aspects must be advanced in parallel with each other. Each depends on the other for its continued success, and companies may be unable to complete the venture if one or the other is neglected. The existing NASA programs and the experience of early trailblazers provide sufficient examples and opportunities for other firms to undertake new ventures with confidence. With the introduction of NASA's Commercial Space Policy, both the opportunities and the ease with which ventures can be carried out should increase significantly

    Structure and screening in molecular and metallic hydrogen at high pressure

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    A variational wavefunction is used to express the (spin restricted) Hartree-Fock energy as reciprocal lattice sums for static lattice FCC monatomic hydrogen and diatomic Pa3 molecular hydrogen. In the monatomic phase the hydrogenic orbital range closely parallels the inverse Thomas-Fermi wavevector; the corresponding energy E has a minimum of -0.929 Ryd/electron at r sub s = 1.67. For the diatomic phase E(r sub s) is similar, but the constituent energies, screening, and bond length reflect a qualitative change in the nature of the solid at r sub s = 2.8. This change is interpreted in terms of a transition from protons as structural units (at high density) to weakly interacting models (at low density). Insensitivity of the total energy to a rapid fall in the bond length suggests association with the rotational transition where the rapid molecular orientations characteristic of high pressures disappear and the molecules rotate freely at low pressure

    Concept for a commercial space station laboratory

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    The concept of a privately owned and operated fee-for-service laboratory as an element of a civil manned space station, envisioned as the venture of a group of private investors and an experienced laboratory operator to be undertaken with the cooperation of NASA is discussed. This group would acquire, outfit, activate, and operate the labortory on a fee-for-service basis, providing laboratory services to commercial firms, universities, and government agencies, including NASA. This concept was developed to identify, stimulate, and assist potential commercial users of a manned space station. A number of the issues which would be related to the concept, including the terms under which NASA might consider permitting private ownership and operation of a major space station component, the policies with respect to international participation in the construction and use of the space station, the basis for charging users for services received from the space station, and the types of support that NASA might be willing to provide to assist private industry in carrying out such a venture are discussed

    Long-term Effects of Tillage on the Retention and Transport of Soil Water

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    Quantitative measurements were made of the physical and chemical properties of two virgin prairie soils, Crowley and Jay, that remain in their native Arkansas environments and of similar soils that had been tilled extensively. Comparisons were made of soil properties at several depths. When compared with the tilled soils the virgin soils had higher organic matter contents, saturated hydraulic conductivities and water retained at several applied pressures. Bulk densities and hydraulic resistances were lower in the virgin soils. For the Crowley silt loam, values of pH and elemental contents of the virgin soil were higher than those of the tilled soil. Determinations also were made of the effects of a 14-year addition of winter cover crops on a Dubbs-Dundee soil in continuous cotton production. In general, the winter cover crops tended to increase hydraulic conductivity~. ·porosity and organic matter content. These results indicated that the detrimental effects of long-term tillage on soil hydraulic properties could partially be overcome with the planting of these crops during the winter. However, the rate of improvement in the hydraulic properties was not dramatic

    Improved efficiency of nutrient and water use for high quality field vegetable production using fertigation

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    Drip-based fertigation may improve the application efficiency of water and nutrients while maintaining or improving marketable yield and quality at harvest and post-harvest. Two plantings of lettuce (Lactuca sativa) were grown in the UK, with six N treatments and two methods of irrigation and N application. The conventional overhead irrigated treatments had all N applied in the base dressing with irrigation scheduled from SMD calculations. The closed loop treatments had nitrogen and irrigation delivered via drip automatically controlled by a sensor and logger system. The work established that water content in the root zone can be monitored in real time using horizontally oriented soil moisture sensors linked to data logging and telemetry, and that these data can be used to automatically trigger drip irrigation for commercially grown field vegetables. When the closed loop irrigation control was combined with fertigation treatments, lettuce crops were grown with savings of up to 60% and 75% of water and nitrogen respectively, compared to standard UK production systems. However, excess supply of N through fertigation rather than solid fertiliser was more detrimental to marketable yield and post harvest quality highlighting that care is needed when selecting N rates for fertigation

    Grip and muscle strength dynamometry in acute burn injury: Evaluation of an updated assessment protocol

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    External stabilization is reported to improve reliability of hand held dynamometry, yet this has not been tested in burns. We aimed to assess the reliability of dynamometry using an external system of stabilization in people with moderate burn injury and explore construct validity of strength assessment using dynamometry. Participants were assessed on muscle and grip strength three times on each side. Assessment occurred three times per week for up to four weeks. Within session reliability was assessed using intraclass correlations calculated for within session data grouped prior to surgery, immediately after surgery and in the sub-acute phase of injury. Minimum detectable differences were also calculated. In the same timeframe categories, construct validity was explored using regression analysis incorporating burn severity and demographic characteristics. Thirty-eight participants with total burn surface area 5 – 40% were recruited. Reliability was determined to be clinically applicable for the assessment method (intraclass correlation coefficient \u3e0.75) at all phases after injury. Muscle strength was associated with sex and burn location during injury and wound healing. Burn size in the immediate period after surgery and age in the sub-acute phase of injury were also associated with muscle strength assessment results. Hand held dynamometry is a reliable assessment tool for evaluating within session muscle strength in the acute and sub-acute phase of injury in burns up to 40% total burn surface area. External stabilization may assist to eliminate reliability issues related to patient and assessor strength

    The minimum free-stream wind speed for initiating motion of surface material on Mars

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    Estimates of the minimum free-stream wind speed that is required for initiating the motion of surficial material on Mars have ranged from 30 to about 200 meters per second. Thus the best value for this quantity is not well established. Graphical comparison of much of the pertinent data taken in the laboratory and in the field on Earth provides a minimum value for the Bagnold coefficient of 0.08 and this in turn provides a minimum value for the threshold friction velocity of 1.3 meters per second for initiating motion of particulate matter on Mars at low elevations where the pressure is 7 millibars. The most appropriate value of the ratio of friction velocity to free-stream velocity for putative unstable condition appears to be 0.026. Thus the minimum free-stream wind speed for initiating motion is obtained as 50 meters per second. If the surface material on Mars, however, is less cohesive than that on earth, the minimum value may be smaller

    Photometry of SN 2002ic and Implications for the Progenitor Mass-Loss History

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    We present new pre-maximum and late-time optical photometry of the Type Ia/IIn supernova 2002ic. These observations are combined with the published V-band magnitudes of Hamuy et al. (2003) and the VLT spectrophotometry of Wang et al. (2004) to construct the most extensive light curve to date of this unusual supernova. The observed flux at late time is significantly higher relative to the flux at maximum than that of any other observed Type Ia supernova and continues to fade very slowly a year after explosion. Our analysis of the light curve suggests that a non-Type Ia supernova component becomes prominent 20\sim20 days after explosion. Modeling of the non-Type Ia supernova component as heating from the shock interaction of the supernova ejecta with pre-existing circumstellar material suggests the presence of a 1.71015\sim1.7 10^{15} cm gap or trough between the progenitor system and the surrounding circumstellar material. This gap could be due to significantly lower mass-loss 15(vw/10km/s)1\sim15 (v_w/10 km/s)^{-1} years prior to explosion or evacuation of the circumstellar material by a low-density fast wind. The latter is consistent with observed properties of proto-planetary nebulae and with models of white-dwarf + asymptotic giant branch star progenitor systems with the asymptotic giant branch star in the proto-planetary nebula phase.Comment: accepted for publication in Ap