1,443 research outputs found


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    Despite the growing population in the colonies throughout the eighteenth century, decreasing numbers of men chose to train for the ministry. New England Congregational clergy not only declined in number; the status, authority and influence enjoyed by their seventeenth-century forbears had drastically declined as well. Early in the century, ministerial authority was bolstered by the clergy’s educational and financial superiority, a virtual monopoly over religious sacraments and the force of localism in small covenanted communities. But the social impact of explosive population growth, a series of currency crises, and warfare throughout the eighteenth century eroded conditions supporting ministerial hegemony. In the midst of these social and economic changes, clergy faced the temptation to prostitute their ministries for the security of their positions. The loss of educational and financial superiority, their monopoly on the sacraments, and the conforming force of localism, drove eighteenth-century clergy to negotiate for more control over their own futures. Late in the century, Congregational clergy largely managed to escape the confines of a life-long tenure with one congregation, but their newfound freedom did not restore their declining prestige and authority; rather the weakened lay-clerical bond accelerated the decline of the office of the ministry. Ultimately, ministerial authority was a negotiated process between clergy and congregations throughout the colonial period. In spite of the overall decline of clerical status, the theme of negotiation remained constant as the social and economic developments altered the degree of leverage and type of negotiation each could utilize

    The Effects of Formaldehyde on the Frequency of Reversion of the white-ivory Mutant of Drosophila melanogaster

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    This study is an analysis of the effects of formaldehyde, a chemical which is both recombinogenic and mutagenic, on white-ivory (wi) a highly mutable allele of the white locus of Drosophila. Formaldehyde is shown to significantly increase the reversion frequency of wi. The results of this investigation differ from earlier observations in three respects: (1) there is a positive correlation between RNA (ribonucleic acid) concentration and reversion frequency in the presence of formaldehyde, but reversion does not appear to be totally RNA dependent; (2) female germ cells are more sensitive than those of the male; and ( 3) a cluster of revertants has been recovered. These indicate that formaldehyde-induced wi reversion may involve a different mechanism than that proposed for formaldehyde-induced sex-linked lethals. Different mechanisms have been proposed to account for the induction of sex-linked lethals and for the increase in recombination. Formaldehyde-induced reversion of white-ivory follows the parameters of recombination

    Eliminating bovine tuberculosis in cattle and badgers: insight from a dynamic model.

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    Bovine tuberculosis (BTB) is a multi-species infection that commonly affects cattle and badgers in Great Britain. Despite years of study, the impact of badgers on BTB incidence in cattle is poorly understood. Using a two-host transmission model of BTB in cattle and badgers, we find that published data and parameter estimates are most consistent with a system at the threshold of control. The most consistent explanation for data obtained from cattle and badger populations includes within-host reproduction numbers close to 1 and between-host reproduction numbers of approximately 0.05. In terms of controlling infection in cattle, reducing cattle-to-cattle transmission is essential. In some regions, even large reductions in badger prevalence can have a modest impact on cattle infection and a multi-stranded approach is necessary that also targets badger-to-cattle transmission directly. The new perspective highlighted by this two-host approach provides insight into the control of BTB in Great Britain.The work and E.B.-P.’s fellowship was funded by the EPSRC (EP/H027270/1). J.L.N.W. is supported by the Alborada Trust, the RAPIDD program of the Science & Technology Directorate, US Department of Homeland Security, the Fogarty International Center, US National Institutes of Health, the European Union FP7 project ANTIGONE (contract number 278976) and by BBSRC grant BB/I012192/1.This is the final version. It was first published by Royal Society Publishing at http://rspb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/282/1808/20150374

    The role of tropical forests in supporting biodiversity and hydrological integrity: a synoptic overview

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    Conservation of high-biodiversity tropical forests is sometimes justified on the basis of assumed hydrological benefits - in particular, the reduction of flooding hazards for downstream floodplain populations. However, the"far-field"link between deforestation and distant flooding has been difficult to demonstrate empirically. This simulation study assesses the relationship between forest cover and hydrology for all river basins intersecting the world's tropical forest biomes. The study develops a consistent set of pan-tropical land cover maps gridded at one-half degree latitude and longitude. It integrates these data with existing global biogeophysical data. The study applies the Water Balance Model - a coarse-scale process-based hydrological model - to assess the impact of land cover changes on runoff. It quantifies the impacts of forest conversion on biodiversity and hydrology for two scenarios - historical forest conversion and the potential future conversion of the most threatened remaining tropical forests. A worst-case scenario of complete conversion of the most threatened of the remaining forested areas would mean the loss of another three million km2 of tropical forests. Increased annual yield from the conversion of threatened tropical forests would be less than 5 percent of contemporary yield in aggregate. However, about 100 million people - 80 million of them in floodplains - would experience increases of more than 25 percent in annual water flows. This might be associated with commensurate increases in peak flows, though further analysis would be necessary to gauge the impact on flooding. The study highlights basins in Southeast Asia, southern China, and Latin America that warrant further study.Wetlands,Forestry,Climate Change,Drylands&Desertification,Earth Sciences&GIS

    Dysfunctional Career Thoughts Minimization: Strategically Improving Student Outlook

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    Career practitioners have long observed that dysfunctional (negative) career beliefs contribute heavily to the difficulty many college students have in making rational career decisions. This study attempts to measure the impact that a career planning course can have on reducing dysfunctional career thoughts, and thereby increasing the ability of students to focus their career plans. The Career Thoughts Inventory (CTI) was used to assess dysfunctional career thinking before and after students’ participation in a three credit hour career planning course. Statistical analyses clearly indicate that dysfunctional career thoughts are significantly reduced through application of an effective career planning course

    New Developments at NASA's Instrument Synthesis and Analysis Laboratory

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    NASA's Instrument Synthesis and Analysis Laboratory (ISAL) has developed new methods to provide an instrument study in one week's engineering time. The final product is recorded in oral presentations, models and the analyses which underlie the models

    Od możliwości do imperatywu: historia rynku.

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    Autorka pokazuje w swoim artykule, że historia kapitalistycznego rynku nierozerwalnie wiąże się z bezprecedensowym w historii użyciem siły i przemocy. Takie konsekwentne spojrzenie na rynek pozwala inaczej interpretować przejście z porządku feudalnego do kapitalistycznego. Autorka wskazuje, że nie było ono „wyzwoleniem” spod feudalnych okowów, ale przeciwnie – wiązało się z podporządkowaniem rynkowym imperatywom produkcji kapitalistycznej, które wynikało nie tyle z technologicznego postępu czy nieomal ponadhistorycznych praw, ale z przekształceń społecznych stosunków własności między chłopami a panami w Anglii. Proponowane w artykule ujęcie kapitalistycznego rynku stawia też w innym świetle przeciwstawione mu alternatywy polityczne

    Anti-eurocentrismo eurocêntrico

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    Texto publicado por Ellen Meiksins Wood na revista Against the Current, em 2001, com introdução de um de seus editores, David Finkel. Em seu escrito, a historiadora e cientista política marxista aborda a questão do Eurocentrismo em sua relação com o capitalismo, estabelecendo críticas às recentes tentativas de autores em buscar combater a “arrogância cultural” europeia a partir de modelos explicativos que são, originalmente, expressões do próprio Eurocentrismo. Daí o título de seu artigo, Eurocentric Anti-Eurocentrism, em que Wood estabelece uma síntese de parte das reflexões de seu livro The origin of capitalism (1999) [A origem do capitalismo (2001)]. Seu principal argumento, em diálogo com os famosos debates sobre a transição do feudalismo para o capitalismo – em especial com o historiador Robert Brenner –, versa sobre como a dinâmica do sistema capitalista teria sido acionada a partir de relações de propriedade específicas no meio rural da Inglaterra. A proposta de Wood alerta para o perigo da naturalização do capitalismo e sua associação a um devir histórico inevitável para qualquer sociedade, europeia ou não; uma armadilha que enreda no Eurocentrismo mesmo aqueles que buscam criticá-lo, ao reproduzirem o seu principal fundamento: o capitalismo


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    The primary objective of this research project was to determine if dual energy x-ray absorptiometry was a valid method for non-invasively determining body composition of hybrid striped bass (Morone chrysops ♀ x. Morone saxatilis ♂). The first study utilized four dietary treatments to create a population with a broad range of body compositions. Fish were scanned using the Lunar model DPX-L dual energy x-ray absorptiometer in detailed medium and high resolution scan modes, manually analyzed for region of interest, in stacks, and scanned with a Hologic model QDR-4500A fan beam DXA. When compared to proximate analysis, results produced significant correlations and regression equations for: water and protein compared to lean, grams of fat, and ash compared to bone mineral composition. The second study utilized four dietary treatments of various energy:protein ratios to determine the ability of DXA to distinguish variations in body composition in accordance with dietary treatment. Fish were scanned with the Lunar model DPX-L DXA as well as the Lunar PIXImus DXA. The two scan values were compared to one another as well as to proximate analysis. Significant correlations and regression equations were calculated for the same comparisons as listed above. Fan beam DXA was less reliable as a predictor of body composition than pencil beam, and there was no difference between values from scan modes for the pencil beam DXA. PIXImus DXA was limited by size of the scan area, but was as successful as the larger pencil beam method for predicting certain parameters of body composition