7,494 research outputs found

    Spectral properties of the X-ray binary pulsar LMC X-4 during different intensity states

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    We present spectral variations of the binary X-ray pulsar LMC X-4 observed with the RXTE/PCA during different phases of its 30.5 day long third period. Only out of eclipse data were used for this study. The 3-25 keV spectrum, modeled with high energy cut-off power-law and iron line emission is found to show strong dependence on the intensity state. Correlations between the Fe line emission flux and different parameters of the continuum are presented here.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Autotrophic and Heterotrophic Growth Conditions Modify Biomolecole Production in the Microalga Galdieria sulphuraria (Cyanidiophyceae, Rhodophyta)

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    Algae have multiple similarities with fungi, with both belonging to the Thallophyte, a polyphyletic group of non-mobile organisms grouped together on the basis of similar characteristics, but not sharing a common ancestor. The main difference between algae and fungi is noted in their metabolism. In fact, although algae have chlorophyll-bearing thalloids and are autotrophic organisms, fungi lack chlorophyll and are heterotrophic, not able to synthesize their own nutrients. However, our studies have shown that the extremophilic microalga Galderia sulphuraria (GS) can also grow very well in heterotrophic conditions like fungi. This study was carried out using several approaches such as scanning electron microscope (SEM), gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS), and infrared spectrophotometry (ATR-FTIR). Results showed that the GS, strain ACUF 064, cultured in autotrophic (AGS) and heterotrophic (HGS) conditions, produced different biomolecules. In particular, when grown in HGS, the algae (i) was 30% larger, with an increase in carbon mass that was 20% greater than AGS; (ii) produced higher quantities of stearic acid, oleic acid, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs), and ergosterol; (iii) produced lower quantities of fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) such as methyl palmytate, and methyl linoleate, saturated fatty acids (SFAs), and poyliunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs). ATR-FTIR and principal component analysis (PCA) statistical analysis confirmed that the macromolecular content of HGS was significantly different from AGS. The ability to produce different macromolecules by changing the trophic conditions may represent an interesting strategy to induce microalgae to produce different biomolecules that can find applications in several fields such as food, feed, nutraceutical, or energy production

    Effects of pressure on the ferromagnetic state of the CDW compound SmNiC2

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    We report the pressure response of charge-density-wave (CDW) and ferromagnetic (FM) phases of the rare-earth intermetallic SmNiC2 up to 5.5 GPa. The CDW transition temperature (T_{CDW}), which is reflected as a sharp inflection in the electrical resistivity, is almost independent of pressure up to 2.18 GPa but is strongly enhanced at higher pressures, increasing from 155.7 K at 2.2 GPa to 279.3 K at 5.5 GPa. Commensurate with the sharp increase in T_{CDW}, the first-order FM phase transition, which decreases with applied pressure, bifurcates into the upper (T_{M1}) and lower (T_c) phase transitions and the lower transition changes its nature to second order above 2.18 GPa. Enhancement both in the residual resistivity and the Fermi-liquid T^2 coefficient A near 3.8 GPa suggests abundant magnetic quantum fluctuations that arise from the possible presence of a FM quantum critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Numerical simulation of strongly nonlinear and dispersive waves using a Green-Naghdi model

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    We investigate here the ability of a Green-Naghdi model to reproduce strongly nonlinear and dispersive wave propagation. We test in particular the behavior of the new hybrid finite-volume and finite-difference splitting approach recently developed by the authors and collaborators on the challenging benchmark of waves propagating over a submerged bar. Such a configuration requires a model with very good dispersive properties, because of the high-order harmonics generated by topography-induced nonlinear interactions. We thus depart from the aforementioned work and choose to use a new Green-Naghdi system with improved frequency dispersion characteristics. The absence of dry areas also allows us to improve the treatment of the hyperbolic part of the equations. This leads to very satisfying results for the demanding benchmarks under consideration

    Optimizing the computation of overriding

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    We introduce optimization techniques for reasoning in DLN---a recently introduced family of nonmonotonic description logics whose characterizing features appear well-suited to model the applicative examples naturally arising in biomedical domains and semantic web access control policies. Such optimizations are validated experimentally on large KBs with more than 30K axioms. Speedups exceed 1 order of magnitude. For the first time, response times compatible with real-time reasoning are obtained with nonmonotonic KBs of this size

    The RCSB Protein Data Bank: views of structural biology for basic and applied research and education.

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    The RCSB Protein Data Bank (RCSB PDB, http://www.rcsb.org) provides access to 3D structures of biological macromolecules and is one of the leading resources in biology and biomedicine worldwide. Our efforts over the past 2 years focused on enabling a deeper understanding of structural biology and providing new structural views of biology that support both basic and applied research and education. Herein, we describe recently introduced data annotations including integration with external biological resources, such as gene and drug databases, new visualization tools and improved support for the mobile web. We also describe access to data files, web services and open access software components to enable software developers to more effectively mine the PDB archive and related annotations. Our efforts are aimed at expanding the role of 3D structure in understanding biology and medicine

    Star formation history of 0.1z1.5\rm{0.1\leq\,\textit{z}\,\leq\,1.5} mass-selected galaxies in the ELAIS-N1 Field

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    We measure the specific star formation rates of \textit{K}-band selected galaxies from the ELAIS-N1 by stacking GMRT data at 610 MHz. We identify a sample of SFGs, spanning 0.1z1.5\rm{0.1\leq\,\textit{z}\,\leq\,1.5} and 108.5<M/M<1012.4\rm{10^{8.5}<\,{\textit{M}_{\star}}/{\textit{M}_{\odot}}<10^{12.4}}, using a combination of multi-wavelength diagnostics obtained from the deep LoTSS multi-wavelength catalogue. We measure the flux densities in the radio map and estimate the radio SFR in order to probe the nature of the galaxies below the noise and confusion limits. The massive galaxies in our sample have the lowest sSFRs which is in agreement with previous studies. For the different populations, we show that the sSFR-mass relation steepens with redshift, with an average slope of βAll=0.49±0.01\rm{\langle \beta_{All} \rangle\,=\, -0.49\pm0.01} for the whole sample, and βSFG=0.42±0.02\rm{\langle \beta_{SFG} \rangle\,=\, -0.42\pm0.02} for the SFGs. Our results indicate that galaxy populations undergo 'downsizing', whereby most massive galaxies form their stars earlier and more rapidly than low mass galaxies. Both populations show a strong decrease in their sSFR toward the present epoch. The sSFR evolution with redshift is best described by a power law (1+z)n\rm{(1\,+\,\textit{z})^\textit{n}}, where nALL4.94±0.53\rm{\langle \textit{n}_{ALL}\rangle\sim4.94\pm0.53} for all galaxies, and nSFG3.51±0.52\rm{\langle \textit{n}_{SFG}\rangle \sim3.51\pm0.52} for SFGs. Comparing our measured sSFRs to results from literature, we find a general agreement in the \textit{sSFR-M_{\star}} plane.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA