15,207 research outputs found

    A sterilizable high-impact antenna

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    Rectangular cup antenna withstands indirect impacts up to 10,000g and direct impacts up to 250 ft/sec of impact velocity and provides radiation of selected polarization and beam shape. It has high radiating efficiency, and relatively broad bandwidth

    Circularly-polarized multiband telemetry tracking antenna

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    Utilize coaxial horn feed to illuminate reflector; feed has inner horn for X-band, and outer horn for S-band. Tracking error signals for servo correction are derived from measurements of relative phase and relative amplitude between two modes

    Order and coherence in the fate map of the zebrafish nervous system

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    The zebrafish is an excellent vertebrate model for the study of the cellular interactions underlying the patterning and the morphogenesis of the nervous system. Here, we report regional fate maps of the zebrafish anterior nervous system at two key stages of neural development: the beginning (6 hours) and the end (10 hours) of gastrulation. Early in gastrulation, we find that the presumptive neurectoderm displays a predictable organization that reflects the future anteroposterior and dorsoventral order of the central nervous system. The precursors of the major brain subdivisions (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain, neural retina) occupy discernible, though overlapping, domains within the dorsal blastoderm at 6 hours. As gastrulation proceeds, these domains are rearranged such that the basic order of the neural tube is evident at 10 hours. Furthermore, the anteroposterior and dorsoventral order of the progenitors is refined and becomes aligned with the primary axes of the embryo. Time-lapse video microscopy shows that the rearrangement of blastoderm cells during gastrulation is highly ordered. Cells near the dorsal midline at 6 hours, primarily forebrain progenitors, display anterior-directed migration. Cells more laterally positioned, corresponding to midbrain and hindbrain progenitors, converge at the midline prior to anteriorward migration. These results demonstrate a predictable order in the presumptive neurectoderm, suggesting that patterning interactions may be well underway by early gastrulation. The fate maps provide the basis for further analyses of the specification, induction and patterning of the anterior nervous system, as well as for the interpretation of mutant phenotypes and gene-expression patterns

    Competition of Multinationals from Different Cultural Backgrounds: Does Familiarity Breed Contempt?

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    This paper considers competition between two multinationals (U, J) who compete in a third market (K). The multinationals have similar cost structures, but differ in that J comes from a country that is "culturally similar" to K, and hence produces products that match more closely the preferences of K residents.  This similarity gives J an advantage in K’s market and, if only one firm may enter, J can earn higher profits.  However, we show: (i)K may benefit more from the entry of the dissimilar firm (U), and (ii)in a strategic competition between the two firms, the cultural similarity may be a strategic disadvantage.