24,118 research outputs found

    The influence of the cluster environment on the star formation efficiency of 12 Virgo spiral galaxies

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    The influence of the environment on gas surface density and star formation efficiency of cluster spiral galaxies is investigated. We extend previous work on radial profiles by a pixel-to pixel analysis looking for asymmetries due to environmental interactions. The star formation rate is derived from GALEX UV and Spitzer total infrared data. As in field galaxies, the star formation rate for most Virgo galaxies is approximately proportional to the molecular gas mass. Except for NGC 4438, the cluster environment does not affect the star formation efficiency with respect to the molecular gas. Gas truncation is not associated with major changes in the total gas surface density distribution of the inner disk of Virgo spiral galaxies. In three galaxies, possible increases in the molecular fraction and the star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas, of factors of 1.5 to 2, are observed on the windward side of the galactic disk. A significant increase of the star formation efficiency with respect to the molecular gas content on the windward side of ram pressure-stripped galaxies is not observed. The ram-pressure stripped extraplanar gas of 3 highly inclined spiral galaxies shows a depressed star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas, and one of them (NGC 4438) shows a depressed rate even with respect to the molecular gas. The interpretation is that stripped gas loses the gravitational confinement and associated pressure of the galactic disk, and the gas flow is diverging, so the gas density decreases and the star formation rate drops. However, the stripped extraplanar gas in one highly inclined galaxy (NGC 4569) shows a normal star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas. We propose this galaxy is different because it is observed long after peak pressure, and its extraplanar gas is now in a converging flow as it resettles back into the disk.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication by A&

    Non-equilibrium chemistry and dust formation in AGB stars as probed by SiO line emission

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    We have performed high spatial resolution observations of SiO line emission for a sample of 11 AGB stars using the ATCA, VLA and SMA interferometers. Detailed radiative transfer modelling suggests that there are steep chemical gradients of SiO in their circumstellar envelopes. The emerging picture is one where the radial SiO abundance distribution starts at an initial high abundance, in the case of M-stars consistent with LTE chemistry, that drastically decreases at a radius of ~1E15 cm. This is consistent with a scenario where SiO freezes out onto dust grains. The region of the wind with low abundance is much more extended, typically ~1E16 cm, and limited by photodissociation. The surpisingly high SiO abundances found in carbon stars requires non-equilibrium chemical processes.Comment: 2 pages, 1 figure. To be published in the proceedings of the conference "Why Galaxies Care about AGB Stars", held in Vienna, August 7-11, 2006; F. Kerschbaum, C. Charbonnel, B. Wing eds, ASP Conf.Ser. in pres

    Topo-Geometric Filtration Scheme for Geometric Active Contours and Level Sets: Application to Cerebrovascular Segmentation

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    One of the main problems of the existing methods for the segmentation of cerebral vasculature is the appearance in the segmentation result of wrong topological artefacts such as the kissing vessels. In this paper, a new approach for the detection and correction of such errors is presented. The proposed technique combines robust topological information given by Persistent Homology with complementary geometrical information of the vascular tree. The method was evaluated on 20 images depicting cerebral arteries. Detection and correction success rates were 81.80% and 68.77%, respectively

    Cosmic clocks: A Tight Radius - Velocity Relationship for HI-Selected Galaxies

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    HI-Selected galaxies obey a linear relationship between their maximum detected radius Rmax and rotational velocity. This result covers measurements in the optical, ultraviolet, and HI emission in galaxies spanning a factor of 30 in size and velocity, from small dwarf irregulars to the largest spirals. Hence, galaxies behave as clocks, rotating once a Gyr at the very outskirts of their discs. Observations of a large optically-selected sample are consistent, implying this relationship is generic to disc galaxies in the low redshift Universe. A linear RV relationship is expected from simple models of galaxy formation and evolution. The total mass within Rmax has collapsed by a factor of 37 compared to the present mean density of the Universe. Adopting standard assumptions we find a mean halo spin parameter lambda in the range 0.020 to 0.035. The dispersion in lambda, 0.16 dex, is smaller than expected from simulations. This may be due to the biases in our selection of disc galaxies rather than all halos. The estimated mass densities of stars and atomic gas at Rmax are similar (~0.5 Msun/pc^2) indicating outer discs are highly evolved. The gas consumption and stellar population build time-scales are hundreds of Gyr, hence star formation is not driving the current evolution of outer discs. The estimated ratio between Rmax and disc scale length is consistent with long-standing predictions from monolithic collapse models. Hence, it remains unclear whether disc extent results from continual accretion, a rapid initial collapse, secular evolution or a combination thereof.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figures, 3 in colour. Published in MNRAS. This v2 corrects wrong journal in the references section (all instances of "Astrophysics and Space Sciences" should have been ApJ). The Posti+2017 has also been updated. An erratum has been submitted to MNRA

    The N-Terminus of Apolipoprotein A-V Adopts a Helix-Bundle Molecular Architecture

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    Previous studies of recombinant full-length human apolipoprotein A-V (apoA-V) provided evidence of the presence of two independently folded structural domains. Computer-assisted sequence analysis and limited proteolysis studies identified an N-terminal fragment as a candidate for one of the domains. C-Terminal truncation variants in this size range, apoA-V(1-146) and apoA-V(1-169), were expressed in Escherichia coli and isolated. Unlike full-length apoA-V or apoA-V(1-169), apoA-V(1-146) was soluble in neutral-pH buffer in the absence of lipid. Sedimentation equilibrium analysis yielded a weight-average molecular weight of 18811, indicating apoA-V(1-146) exists as a monomer in solution. Guanidine HCl denaturation experiments at pH 3.0 yielded a one-step native to unfolded transition that corresponds directly with the more stable component of the two-stage denaturation profile exhibited by full-length apoA-V. On the other hand, denaturation experiments conducted at pH 7.0 revealed a less stable structure. In a manner similar to that of known helix bundle apolipoproteins, apoA-V(1-146) induced a relatively small enhancement in 8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid fluorescence intensity. Quenching studies with single-Trp apoA-V(1-146) variants revealed that a unique site predicted to reside on the nonpolar face of an amphipathic R-helix was protected from quenching by KI. Taken together, the data suggest the 146 N-terminal residues of human apoA-V adopt a helix bundle molecular architecture in the absence of lipid and, thus, likely exist as an independently folded structural domain within the context of the intact protein

    Radio Galaxy Zoo: Cosmological Alignment of Radio Sources

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    We study the mutual alignment of radio sources within two surveys, FIRST and TGSS. This is done by producing two position angle catalogues containing the preferential directions of respectively 3005930\,059 and 1167411\,674 extended sources distributed over more than 70007\,000 and 1700017\,000 square degrees. The identification of the sources in the FIRST sample was performed in advance by volunteers of the Radio Galaxy Zoo project, while for the TGSS sample it is the result of an automated process presented here. After taking into account systematic effects, marginal evidence of a local alignment on scales smaller than 2.5deg2.5\deg is found in the FIRST sample. The probability of this happening by chance is found to be less than 22 per cent. Further study suggests that on scales up to 1.5deg1.5\deg the alignment is maximal. For one third of the sources, the Radio Galaxy Zoo volunteers identified an optical counterpart. Assuming a flat Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology with Ωm=0.31,ΩΛ=0.69\Omega_m = 0.31, \Omega_\Lambda = 0.69, we convert the maximum angular scale on which alignment is seen into a physical scale in the range [19,38][19, 38] Mpc h701h_{70}^{-1}. This result supports recent evidence reported by Taylor and Jagannathan of radio jet alignment in the 1.41.4 deg2^2 ELAIS N1 field observed with the Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope. The TGSS sample is found to be too sparsely populated to manifest a similar signal