30,979 research outputs found

    Bounds on Cubic Lorentz-Violating Terms in the Fermionic Dispersion Relation

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    We study the recently proposed Lorentz-violating dispersion relation for fermions and show that it leads to two distinct cubic operators in the momentum. We compute the leading order terms that modify the non-relativistic equations of motion and use experimental results for the hyperfine transition in the ground state of the 9Be+{}^9\textrm Be^+ ion to bound the values of the Lorentz-violating parameters η1\eta_1 and η2\eta_2 for neutrons. The resulting bounds depend on the value of the Lorenz-violating background four-vector in the laboratory frame.Comment: Revtex 4, four pages. Version to match the one to appear in Physical Review

    Heavy Quark Interactions and Quarkonium Binding

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    We consider heavy quark interactions in quenched and unquenched lattice QCD. In a region just above the deconfinement point, non-Abelian gluon polarization leads to a strong increase in the binding. Comparing quark-antiquark and quark-quark interaction, the dependence of the binding on the separation distance rr is found to be the same for the colorless singlet QQˉQ\bar Q and the colored anti-triplet QQQQ state. In a potential model description of in-medium J/ΨJ/\Psi behavior, this enhancement of the binding leads to a survival up to temperatures of 1.5 TcT_c or higher; it could also result in J/ΨJ/\Psi flow.Comment: 8 pages, 8 Figures; invited talk at "Strangeness in Quark Matter 2008", Beijing/China, to appear in the Proceeding

    Anomalous Soft Photons in Hadron Production

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    Anomalous soft photons in excess of what is expected from electromagnetic bremsstrahlung have been observed in association with the production of hadrons, mostly mesons, in high-energy (K+)p, (pi+)p, (pi-)p, pp, and (e+)(e-) collisions. We propose a model for the simultaneous production of anomalous soft photons and mesons in quantum field theory, in which the meson production arises from the oscillation of color charge densities of the quarks of the underlying vacuum in the flux tube. As a quark carries both a color charge and an electric charge, the oscillation of the color charge densities will be accompanied by the oscillation of electric charge densities, which will in turn lead to the simultaneous production of soft photons during the meson production process. How the production of these soft photons may explain the anomalous soft photon data will be discussed. Further experimental measurements to test the model will be proposed.Comment: 19 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Physical Review

    HI-deficient galaxies in intermediate density environments

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    Observations show that spiral galaxies in galaxy clusters tend to have on average less neutral hydrogen (HI) than galaxies of the same type and size in the field. There is accumulating evidence that such HI-deficient galaxies are also relatively frequent in galaxy groups. An important question is, which mechanisms are responsible for the gas deficiency in galaxy groups. To gain a better understanding of how environment affects the gas content of galaxies, we identified a sample of six HI-deficient galaxies from the HI Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS) using HI-optical scaling relations. One of the galaxies is located in the outskirts of the Fornax cluster, four are in loose galaxy groups and one is in a galaxy triplet. We present new high resolution HI observations with the Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) of these galaxies. We discuss the possible cause of HI-deficiency in these galaxies based on HI observations and various multi-wavelength data. We find that the galaxies have truncated HI disks, lopsided gas distribution and some show asymmetries in their stellar disks. We conclude that both ram pressure stripping and tidal interactions are important gas removal mechanisms in low density environments.Comment: Accepted to MNRAS, 17 pages, 10 figures, 7 table

    X-ray Observations of Parsec-Scale Tails behind Two Middle-Aged Pulsars

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    Chandra and XMM-Newton resolved extremely long tails behind two middle-aged pulsars, J1509-5850 and J1740+1000. The tail of PSR J1509-5850 is discernible up to 5.6' from the pulsar (6.5 pc at a distance of 4 kpc), with a flux of 2*10^{-13} erg s^{-1} cm^{-2} in 0.5-8 keV. The tail spectrum fits an absorbed power-law (PL) model with the photon index of 2.3\pm0.2, corresponding to the 0.5-8 keV luminosity of 1*10^{33} ergs s^{-1}, for n_H= 2.1*10^{22} cm^{-2}. The tail of PSR J1740+1000 is firmly detected up to 5' (2 pc at a 1.4 kpc distance), with a flux of 6*10^{-14} ergs cm^{-2} s^{-1} in 0.4-10 keV. The PL fit yields photon index of 1.4-1.5 and n_H=1*10^{21} cm^{-2}. The large extent of the tails suggests that the bulk flow in the tails starts as mildly relativistic downstream of the termination shock, and then gradually decelerates. Within the observed extent of the J1509-5850 tail, the average flow speed exceeds 5,000 km s^{-1}, and the equipartition magnetic field is a few times 10^{-5} G. For the J1740+1000 tail, the equipartition field is a factor of a few lower. The harder spectrum of the J1740+1000 tail implies either less efficient cooling or a harder spectrum of injected electrons. For the high-latitude PSR J1740+1000, the orientation of the tail on the sky shows that the pulsar is moving toward the Galactic plane, which means that it was born from a halo-star progenitor. The comparison between the J1509 and J1740 tails and the X-ray tails of other pulsars shows that the X-ray radiation efficiency correlates poorly with the pulsar spin-down luminosity or age. The X-ray efficiencies of the ram-pressure confined pulsar wind nebulae (PWNe) are systematically higher than those of PWNe around slowly moving pulsars with similar spin-down parameters.Comment: 14 pages, 16 figures and 5 table

    A In-Depth Analysis of The Federal Tax System

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    The HI - Star Formation Connection: Open Questions

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    We show data from the Survey of Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG) and Survey of Ultraviolet emission in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SUNGG) which survey the star formation properties of HI selected galaxies as traced by H-alpha and ultraviolet emission, respectively. The correlations found demonstrate a strong relationship between the neutral ISM, young massive stars, and the evolved stellar populations. For example the correlation between R band surface brightness and the HI cycling time is tighter than the Kennicutt-Schmidt Star Formation Law. Other scaling relations from SINGG give strong direct confirmation of the downsizing scenario: low mass galaxies are more gaseous and less evolved into stars than high mass galaxies. There are strong variations in the H-alpha to UV flux ratios within and between galaxies. The only plausible explanations for this result are that either the escape fraction of ionizing photons or the upper end of the IMF varies with galaxy mass. We argue for the latter interpretation, although either result has major implications for astrophysics. A detailed dissection of the massive star content in the extended HI disk of NGC2915 provides a consistent picture of continuing star formation with a truncated or steep IMF, while other GALEX results indicate that star formation edges seen in Halpha are not always apparent in the UV. These and other recent results settle some old questions but open many new questions about star formation and its relation to the ISM.Comment: To appear in AIP Conference Proceedings, "The Evolution of Galaxies through the Neutral Hydrogen Window", Feb 1-3 2008, Arecibo, Puerto Rico, eds. R. Minchin & E. Momjian. 7 page

    The influence of the cluster environment on the star formation efficiency of 12 Virgo spiral galaxies

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    The influence of the environment on gas surface density and star formation efficiency of cluster spiral galaxies is investigated. We extend previous work on radial profiles by a pixel-to pixel analysis looking for asymmetries due to environmental interactions. The star formation rate is derived from GALEX UV and Spitzer total infrared data. As in field galaxies, the star formation rate for most Virgo galaxies is approximately proportional to the molecular gas mass. Except for NGC 4438, the cluster environment does not affect the star formation efficiency with respect to the molecular gas. Gas truncation is not associated with major changes in the total gas surface density distribution of the inner disk of Virgo spiral galaxies. In three galaxies, possible increases in the molecular fraction and the star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas, of factors of 1.5 to 2, are observed on the windward side of the galactic disk. A significant increase of the star formation efficiency with respect to the molecular gas content on the windward side of ram pressure-stripped galaxies is not observed. The ram-pressure stripped extraplanar gas of 3 highly inclined spiral galaxies shows a depressed star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas, and one of them (NGC 4438) shows a depressed rate even with respect to the molecular gas. The interpretation is that stripped gas loses the gravitational confinement and associated pressure of the galactic disk, and the gas flow is diverging, so the gas density decreases and the star formation rate drops. However, the stripped extraplanar gas in one highly inclined galaxy (NGC 4569) shows a normal star formation efficiency with respect to the total gas. We propose this galaxy is different because it is observed long after peak pressure, and its extraplanar gas is now in a converging flow as it resettles back into the disk.Comment: 34 pages, 24 figures, accepted for publication by A&
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