4,937 research outputs found

    Metalloporphyrin-incorporated diphosphine ligands for metal ion-binding

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    Poster: no. P48Diphosphine ligands have been widely used in organometallic chemistry and catalysis.1 By incorporation of functional units such as metallomacrocycles, the resulting functionalized diphosphines could exhibit unusual properties or binding behavior. In this study, we prepared several examples of ruthenium porphyrin phosphine complexes [RuII(Por)(dppm)2] (1; Por = TTP, 4-MeO-TPP, F20-TPP; dppm = bis(diphenylphosphino)methane) by a similar method to that previously reported for their congeners.2 Reaction of complexes 1 with a number of metal …published_or_final_versio

    Cortical responses to natural speech reflect probabilistic phonotactics

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    Humans comprehend speech despite the various challenges of real-world environments, such as loud noise and mispronunciation. Our auditory system is robust to these thanks to the integration of the upcoming sensory input with prior knowledge and expectations built on language-specific regularities. One such regularity regards the permissible phoneme sequences, which determine the likelihood that a word belongs to a given language (phonotactic probability; “blick” is more likely to be an English word than “bnick”). Previous research suggested that violations of these rules modulate brain evoked responses such as the N400 and the late positive complex. Yet several fundamental questions remain unresolved, especially regarding the neural encoding and integration strategy of phonotactic information. Here, we used linear modelling approaches to assess the influence of phonotactic probabilities on the brain responses to narrative speech measured with non-invasive EEG. We found that the relationship between continuous speech and EEG responses is best described when the speech descriptor includes phonotactic probabilities. This provides us with a methodology to isolate and measure the brain responses to phonotactics using natural speech at the individual subject-level. Furthermore, such low-frequency signals showed the strongest speech-EEG interactions at latencies of 100-400 ms, supporting a pre-lexical role of phonotactic information

    Relationships of trace gases and aerosols and the emission characteristics at Lin'an, a rural site in eastern China, during spring 2001

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    We present measurements of trace gases and fine aerosols obtained from a rural site in eastern China during 18 February to 30 April 2001. The field program aimed to characterize the variations in aerosol and gaseous pollutant concentrations and the emission signatures from the inland region of eastern China in the spring season. The data included O3, CO, NO, NOy*, SO2, methane, C2-C8 nonmethane hydrocarbons (NMHCs), C 1-C2 halocarbons, and the chemical composition of PM2.5. The average hourly mixing ratios (±standard deviation) of CO, SO2, and NOy* were 677 (±315) ppbv, 15.9 (±14.6) ppbv, and 13.8 (±7.2) ppbv, respectively. The mean daytime ozone mixing ratio was 41 (± 19) ppbv. The most abundant NMHC was ethane (3189 ± 717 pptv), followed by ethyne (2475 ± 1395 pptv), ethene (1679 ± 1455 pptv), and toluene (1529 ± 1608 pptv). Methyl chloride was the most abundant halocarbon (1108 ± 653 pptv). The average concentrations of particulate organic matter (POM, as organic carbon, OC, times 1.4) and elemental carbon (EC) in PM2.5 were 21.5 (±7) μg/m3 and 2.5 (±0.7) μg/m3, respectively, and sulfate and nitrate levels were 17.3 (±6.6) and 6.5 (±4) μg/m3, respectively. CO showed moderate to good correlation with NOy* (r2 = 0.59), OC (r2 = 0.65), CH3Cl (r2 = 0.59), soluble potassium (r2 = 0.53), and many NMHCs, indicating contributions from the burning of biofuel/biomass. CO also correlated with an industrial tracer, C2Cl4, indicative of some influence from industrial sources. SO2, on the other hand, correlated well with EC (r2 = 0.56), reflecting the contribution from the burning of coal. Ammonium was sufficiently abundant to fully neutralize sulfate and nitrate, indicating that there were strong emissions of ammonia from agricultural activities. Silicon and calcium had poor correlations with iron and aluminum, revealing the presence of source(s) for Si and Ca other than from soil. Examination of C2H2/CO, C3H8/C 2H6, nitrate/(nitrate + NOy* , and sulfate/(SO2 + sulfate) suggested that relatively fresh air masses had been sampled at the study site in the spring season. Comparison of the observed ratios/slopes with those derived from emission inventories showed that while the observed SO2/NO y* ratio (1.29 ppbv/ppbv) in March was comparable (within 20%) to the inventory-derived ratio for the study region, the measured CO/NOy* slope (37 ppbv/ppbv) was about 200% larger. The observed slope of CO relative to NMHC (including ethane, propane, butanes, ethene, and ethyne) also indicated the presence of excess CO, compared to the ratios from the inventories. These results strongly suggest that emissions of CO in eastern China have been underrepresented. The findings of this study highlight the importance of characterizing trace gases and aerosols within source regions of the Asian continent. The springtime results were also compared with data previously collected at the site in 1999-2000 and with those obtained on the Transport and Chemical Evolution over the Pacific (TRACE-P) aircraft and from a coastal site in South China for the same study period. Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union

    Reexamining brand loyalty and brand awareness with social media marketing: A collectivist country perspective

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    Purpose: This study seeks to advance the literature by examining the mediating role of brand loyalty and the moderating impact of brand awareness in the relationships between social media marketing and collectivist Chinese behavior in the hospitality service context. This exploration is grounded in brand commitment and expectancy disconfirmation theories. Methods:Empirical testing was conducted on survey data gathered from 150 collectivist Chinese customers in Hong Kong, utilizing partial least squares structural equation modeling. Results:Brand loyalty plays a partial mediating role in the relationships between social media marketing and purchase intention as well as word-of-mouth. Additionally, brand awareness exerts a negative moderating influence on social media marketing-brand loyalty link. Implications:Recommendations are provided for front-line staff tasked with addressing communication challenges by effectively managing the hotel’s social media account. They are strongly advised to steer clear of creating face-threatening situations and to demonstrate respect for the loyalty of Chinese collectivist customers. Furthermore, a negative brand awareness effect emerges when collectivist Chinese customers compare hotel brands with online travel agents

    Effects of the trawling ban on the diversity of demersal crustaceans (orders: decapoda and stomatopoda) in the marine environment of Hong Kong, South China

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    Oral PresentationFisheries & Marine Resources ManagementBottom trawling has been demonstrated to be one of the most destructive fishing methods to marine benthic communities. Since the 1970s, marine fishery resources in Hong Kong, especially large predatory species, have been overexploited by non-selective fishing gears including bottom and pelagic trawlers. This fishing down the trophic level has resulted in a benthic ecosystem primarily dominated by small herbivorous and omnivorous fishes and crustaceans. To mitigate such impacts, the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has implemented a territory-wide trawling ban in local waters since 31 December 2012. This study aims to investigate whether crustacean resources, in particular of the orders Decapoda and ...postprin

    An evaluation of the epidemiology of medication discrepancies and clinical significance of medicines reconciliation in children admitted to hospital.

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    To determine the incidence of unintended medication discrepancies in paediatric patients at the time of hospital admission; evaluate the process of medicines reconciliation; assess the benefit of medicines reconciliation in preventing clinical harm

    Spatial and seasonal variations in trophic dynamics of benthic communities of marine molluscs in Hong Kong’s Coastal Waters before and after the Trawling Ban

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    Poster presentation: P-54Fisheries & Marine Resources ManagementTo rectify the detrimental impact of overfishing and destruction of benthic ecosystems, a territory-wide trawling ban has been imposed in Hong Kong’s coastal marine waters since 31 December 2012. It is anticipated that the local benthic marine ecosystem will gradually recover after the trawl-ban. Using stable isotope analysis (SIA), this study aims to compare trophic dynamics of benthic molluscan communities of eastern, southern and western waters of Hong Kong before and after the trawling ban. The results of this study will also serve as a baseline for studying long-term ecosystem recovery. Trawling ...postprin

    Multi-Laser Powder Bed Fusion Benchmarking-Initial Trials with Inconel 625

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