126 research outputs found

    Applying Qualitative Approach in Business Research

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    Researchers and students in the business field are increasingly turning to qualitative methods to seek answers for complex research questions. Current literature presents a copious number of published qualitative research compared to previous decades, in which qualitative methods serve mainly as an exploratory inquiry toward more comprehensive quantitative studies. Although qualitative research is now widely adopted in both academia and practice, a dearth of germane literature that argues and discusses key challenges in applying qualitative methods continues to compound the scepticism and ambiguity of the research process. Moreover, details on the analysis process gleaned from research articles are often limited and thus offer little to learn from. Qualitative analysis thus resembles a black box, an analogy of intricacy and complexity. In this editorial, we discuss how to define the scope and goals of a qualitative study, examine current literature, and provide practical guidance for researchers in business to apply qualitative approach and methods. We also detail several steps for qualitative analysis and introduce Computer Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis (CAQDAS) software for this purpose. Finally, we draw from other disciplines to guide and encourage researchers to adopt qualitative research as part of their inquiry endeavour

    Advances in Burn Care in Hong Kong: Reflecting on a Decade of Expert Experiences from Local Practice with an International Perspective

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    The nursing implications of burn injuries extend beyond the immediate health concerns over the loss of skin integrity, the presence of scarring, and the psychological impacts on patients due to disfigurement. Non-fatal burns may lead to long-term disabilities, hence advanced nursing care may be required to prevent such outcomes. In Hong Kong, advances have been made to ensure that sophisticated nursing services and care are in place for affected patients. This chapter discusses how burn injuries are managed at different levels within a publicly funded acute care framework, explains how professional competencies regarding burn care are developed among burn care nurses, delineates the roles of medical technology in supporting wound assessment, explains the application of novel dressing materials for various burn wound conditions, and outlines how the establishment of nurse-led clinics can promote the continuity of care for patients with burn injuries. Written with an international perspective with the authors’ practice experiences in Hong Kong (China), this chapter provides evidence-based reference for registered nurses in general, specialty nurses, nurse practitioners, and nurse consultants worldwide

    Probable Secondary Infections in Households of SARS Patients in Hong Kong

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    Although severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) is highly infectious in clinical settings, SARS has not been well examined in household settings. The household and household member attack rates were calculated for 1,214 SARS case-patients and their household members, stratified by two phases of the epidemic. A case-control analysis identified risk factors for secondary infection. Secondary infection occurred in 14.9% (22.1% versus 11% in earlier and later phases) of all households and 8% (11.7% versus 5.9% in the earlier and later phases) of all household members. Healthcare workers’ households were less likely to be affected. Risk factors from the multivariate analysis included at-home duration before hospitalization, hospital visitation to the SARS patient (and mask use during the visit), and frequency of close contact. SARS transmission at the household level was not negligible in Hong Kong. Transmission rates may be greatly reduced with precautionary measures taken by household members of SARS patients

    SARS Transmission among Hospital Workers in Hong Kong

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    Despite infection control measures, breakthrough transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) occurred for many hospital workers in Hong Kong. We conducted a case-control study of 72 hospital workers with SARS and 144 matched controls. Inconsistent use of goggles, gowns, gloves, and caps was associated with a higher risk for SARS infection (unadjusted odds ratio 2.42 to 20.54, p < 0.05). The likelihood of SARS infection was strongly associated with the amount of personal protection equipment perceived to be inadequate, having <2 hours of infection control training, and not understanding infection control procedures. No significant differences existed between the case and control groups in the proportion of workers who performed high-risk procedures, reported minor protection equipment problems, or had social contact with SARS-infected persons. Perceived inadequacy of personal protection equipment supply, infection control training <2 hours, and inconsistent use of personal protection equipment when in contact with SARS patients were significant independent risk factors for SARS infection

    Breast Milk Dioxins in Hong Kong and Pearl River Delta

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    There are no previous reports from South China on chemically determined polychlorinated dibenzo-para-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), and dioxin-like poly-chlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in human breast milk expressed as World Health Organization (WHO) toxic equivalents (TEQs). In a 2002–2003 WHO exposure study, 13 pools of breast milk comprising samples from 316 primiparous women in Hong Kong in 2002 were analyzed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry for 29 PCDD/F and dioxin-like PCB congeners. Total WHO-TEQs ranged from 8.97 to 16.7 pg/g fat (weighted mean, 12.9 pg; weighted median, 13.4 pg). Variations in TEQs included positive associations with age (R(2) = 0.73, p < 0.0005), higher consumption of dairy products and seafood, and lower TEQs in overseas mothers and ever-smokers. Congener profiles indicated geographic specificity of exposure in Hong Kong, mainland China, and overseas Asian countries, including higher proportions of PCB-TEQs (overseas) and PCDF-TEQs (mainland China). The median TEQs of PCDD/Fs (8.69 pg/g fat) and PCBs (4.73 pg/g fat) in Hong Kong were highest among the five Asian Pacific countries but lower than the levels for at least half of the European countries that participated in the WHO study. However, future international studies should incorporate mother’s age in the design of the pooling strategy to allow standardization by other exposure factors and valid comparisons among different countries. The findings allow support for the WHO breast-feeding advisory. Trends in human dioxin levels in the region cannot yet be determined, and rigorous controls are needed to reduce emissions of dioxins and human exposure in mainland China

    Genetic Code Mutations: The Breaking of a Three Billion Year Invariance

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    The genetic code has been unchanging for some three billion years in its canonical ensemble of encoded amino acids, as indicated by the universal adoption of this ensemble by all known organisms. Code mutations beginning with the encoding of 4-fluoro-Trp by Bacillus subtilis, initially replacing and eventually displacing Trp from the ensemble, first revealed the intrinsic mutability of the code. This has since been confirmed by a spectrum of other experimental code alterations in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. To shed light on the experimental conversion of a rigidly invariant code to a mutating code, the present study examined code mutations determining the propagation of Bacillus subtilis on Trp and 4-, 5- and 6-fluoro-tryptophans. The results obtained with the mutants with respect to cross-inhibitions between the different indole amino acids, and the growth effects of individual nutrient withdrawals rendering essential their biosynthetic pathways, suggested that oligogenic barriers comprising sensitive proteins which malfunction with amino acid analogues provide effective mechanisms for preserving the invariance of the code through immemorial time, and mutations of these barriers open up the code to continuous change

    Jerantinine A induces tumor-specific cell death through modulation of splicing factor 3b subunit 1 (SF3B1)

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    Precursor mRNA (pre-mRNA) splicing is catalyzed by a large ribonucleoprotein complex known as the spliceosome. Numerous studies have indicated that aberrant splicing patterns or mutations in spliceosome components, including the splicing factor 3b subunit 1 (SF3B1), are associated with hallmark cancer phenotypes. This has led to the identification and development of small molecules with spliceosome-modulating activity as potential anticancer agents. Jerantinine A (JA) is a novel indole alkaloid which displays potent anti-proliferative activities against human cancer cell lines by inhibiting tubulin polymerization and inducing G2/M cell cycle arrest. Using a combined pooled-genome wide shRNA library screen and global proteomic profiling, we showed that JA targets the spliceosome by up-regulating SF3B1 and SF3B3 protein in breast cancer cells. Notably, JA induced significant tumor-specific cell death and a significant increase in unspliced pre-mRNAs. In contrast, depletion of endogenous SF3B1 abrogated the apoptotic effects, but not the G2/M cell cycle arrest induced by JA. Further analyses showed that JA stabilizes endogenous SF3B1 protein in breast cancer cells and induced dissociation of the protein from the nucleosome complex. Together, these results demonstrate that JA exerts its antitumor activity by targeting SF3B1 and SF3B3 in addition to its reported targeting of tubulin polymerization

    Should they play outside? cardiorespiratory fitness and air pollution among schoolchildren in bogotá

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    Objective This study was aimed at comparing cardiorespiratory fitness (CF), measured asVO2max, amongst school children exposed to varying levels of particulate matter (PM10), and air pollution in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods This was a cross-sectional study; it involved 1,045 children aged 7-12 attending four public schools served by different public transit routes and systems. Three schools were classified as being highly polluted (HP) and one slightly polluted (SP). The children and their parents were surveyed to collect data regarding their socio-demographic characteristics, physical activity habits and respiratory disease background. Objective measurements of weight and height were used to calculate the body mass index. VO2max was estimated using the 20-meter shuttle-run test, previously validated for Bogotá. Spirometry was performed on 435 children.Results After adjustment for covariates, no difference was found inVO2max between children attending SP or HP schools (girls SP 45.8 ml/kg/min cf HP 44.6 ml/kg/min, p=0.11;boys SP 47.2 ml/kg/min cf HP 48.2 ml/kg/min, p=0.41).Conclusions VO2max levels did not differ amongst children attending schools exposed to high compared to low levels of air pollution and PM. A longitudinal study assessing children’s VO2max levels in relation to exposure to highly-polluted areas is warranted.AbstractBackground: Promoting physical activity among children is important for disease prevention. However in Latin America there is uncertainty on the health implications of recommending physical activity to children in highly polluted environments. Objective: The objective of this study is to compare the cardiorespiratory fitness measured asVO2max among children attending schools exposed to varying levels of particulate matter (PM10), and air pollution in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: The study population consisted of 1045 children aged 7-12 attending four public schools served by different mass transit systems. Schools were classified as low (LP) or highly polluted (HP). VO2max was estimated via the 20-meter shuttle-run test. Analyses were adjusted by socio-demographic characteristics, body mass index, physical activity habits, respiratory diseases history, and lung function tests. Results: After adjustment for covariates, no difference in the VO2max was found   between the children attending LP or HP schools (girls LP: 45.8 ml/kg/min vs. HP 44.6 ml/kg/min; p =0.11, boys LP 47.2 ml/kg/min vs. HP 48. 2 ml/kg/min; p =0.41). Conclusions:  VO2max levels did not differ among children attending schools exposed to high vs. low levels or air pollution and PM. A Longitudinal assessment of children’s   VO2max levels in relation to exposure to highly polluted areas is warranted