41 research outputs found

    Classical Monopoles Configuration Of The Su (2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Field Theory.

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    Teori medan SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs telah ditunjukkan bahawa ia mempunyai penyelesaian topologi penting yang mewakili ekakutub magnet dan multiekakutub. The SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs field theory has been shown to possess important topological solutions which represents magnetic monopoles and multimonopole

    Monopole-Antimonopole Pair Dyons

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    Monopole-antimonopole pair (MAP) with both electric and magnetic charges are presented. The MAP possess opposite magnetic charges but they carry the same electric charges. These stationary MAP dyon solutions possess finite energy but they do not satisfy the first order Bogomol'nyi equations and are not BPS solutions. They are axially symmetric solutions and are characterized by a parameter, 1η1-1\leq\eta\leq 1 which determines the net electric charges of these MAP dyons. These dyon solutions are solved numerically when the magnetic charges of the dipoles are n=±1,±2n=\pm 1, \pm 2 and when the strength of the Higgs field potential λ=0,1\lambda=0, 1. When λ=0\lambda=0, the time component of the gauge field potential is parallel to the Higgs field in isospin space and the MAP separation distance, total energy and net electric charge increase exponentially fast to infinity when η\eta approaches ±1\pm 1. However when λ=1\lambda=1, all these three quantities approach a finite critical value as η\eta approaches ±1\pm 1.Comment: 20 pages, 9 figures, 2 table

    Monopole Solutions of the Massive SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory

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    Monopoles in topologically massive gauge theories in 2+1 dimensions with a Chern-Simon mass term have been studied by Pisarski some years ago. He investigated the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs model with an additional Chern-Simon mass term in the action. Pisarski argued that there is a monopole solution that is regular everywhere, but found that it does not possess finite action. There were no exact or numerical solutions being presented by Pisarski. Hence it is our purpose to further investigate this solution in more detail. We obtained numerical regular solutions that smoothly interpolates between the behavior at small and large distances for different values of Chern-Simon term strength and for several fixed values of Higgs field strength.Comment: 10, pages, 5 figure

    Half-Monopole in the Weinberg-Salam Model

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    We present new axially symmetric half-monopole configuration of the SU(2)×\timesU(1) Weinberg-Salam model of electromagnetic and weak interactions. The half-monopole configuration possesses net magnetic charge 2π/e2\pi/e which is half the magnetic charge of a Cho-Maison monopole. The electromagnetic gauge potential is singular along the negative zz-axis. However the total energy is finite and increases only logarithmically with increasing Higgs field self-coupling constant λ1/2\lambda^{1/2} at sin2θW=0.2312\sin^2\theta_W=0.2312. In the U(1) magnetic field, the half-monopole is just a one dimensional finite length line magnetic charge extending from the origin r=0r=0 and lying along the negative zz-axis. In the SU(2) 't Hooft magnetic field, it is a point magnetic charge located at r=0r=0. The half-monopole possesses magnetic dipole moment that decreases exponentially fast with increasing Higgs field self-coupling constant λ1/2\lambda^{1/2} at sin2θW=0.2312\sin^2\theta_W=0.2312.Comment: 14 pages, 3 Figure

    Electrically Charged One and a Half Monopole Solution

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    Recently, we have discussed the coexistence of a finite energy one-half monopole and a 't Hooft-Polyakov monopole of opposite magnetic charges. In this paper, we would like to introduce electric charge into this new monopoles configuration, thus creating a one and a half dyon. This new dyon possesses finite energy, magnetic dipole moment and angular momentum and is able to precess in the presence of an external magnetic field. Similar to the other dyon solutions, when the Higgs self-coupling constant, λ\lambda, is nonvanishing, this new dyon solution possesses critical electric charge, total energy, magnetic dipole moment, and dipole separation as the electric charge parameter, η\eta, approaches one. The electric charge and total energy increase with η\eta to maximum critical values as η1\eta\rightarrow1 for all nonvanishing λ\lambda. However, the magnetic dipole moment decreases with η\eta when λ0.1\lambda\geq0.1 and the dipole separation decreases with η\eta when λ1\lambda\geq1 to minimum critical values as η1\eta\rightarrow1.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.4893, arXiv:1112.149

    MAP, MAC, and Vortex-rings Configurations in the Weinberg-Salam Model

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    We report on the presence of new axially symmetric monopoles, antimonopoles and vortex-rings solutions of the SU(2)×\timesU(1) Weinberg-Salam model of electromagnetic and weak interactions. When the ϕ\phi-winding number n=1n=1, and 2, the configurations are monopole-antimonopole pair (MAP) and monopole-antimonopole chain (MAC) with poles of alternating sign magnetic charge arranged along the zz-axis. Vortex-rings start to appear from the MAP and MAC configurations when the winding number n=3n=3. The MAP configurations possess zero net magnetic charge whereas the MAC configurations possess net magnetic charge of 4πn/e4\pi n/e. In the MAP configurations, the monopole-antimonopole pair is bounded by the Z0{\cal Z}^0 field flux string and there is an electromagnetic current loop encircling it. The monopole and antimonopole possess magnetic charges ±4πnesin2θW\pm\frac{4\pi n}{e}\sin^2\theta_W respectively. In the MAC configurations there is no string connecting the monopole and the adjacent antimonopole and they possess magnetic charges ±4πne\pm\frac{4\pi n}{e} respectively. The MAC configurations possess infinite total energy and zero magnetic dipole moment whereas the MAP configurations which are actually sphalerons possess finite total energy and magnetic dipole moment. The configurations were investigated for varying values of Higgs self-coupling constant 0λ400\leq \lambda\leq 40 at Weinberg angle θW=π4\theta_W=\frac{\pi}{4}.Comment: 31 pages, 10 figures, 2 table

    Screening Solutions Of Multimonopole By Unit Charge Antimonopoles.

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    We would like to show in this paper that there exist a whole range of screening solutions of multirnonopole by unit charge antimonopoles in the SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs theory

    Exact Multimonopole Solutions Of The Yang-Mills-Higgs Theory.

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    We found some general exact static multimonopole solutions that satisfy the first order Bogomol'nyi equations and possess infinite energy. These multimonopole solutions can be categorized into two classes, namely the A2 and B2 solutions

    System of excited monopole-antimonopole pair in the Weinberg-Salam model

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    We investigate further the properties of axially symmetric monopole-antimonopole pair in the standard Weinberg-Salam model. By using a novel data sampling approach, we have obtained and analyzed 300 numerical solutions corresponding to physical Higgs self-coupling β=0.7782\beta=0.7782 and the Weinberg angle tanθW=0.5358\tan\theta_W=0.5358. We calculate the energy of these solutions and confirm that they reside in a range of 13.1690 - 21.0221 TeV. In addition, a unique pattern is shown when the data are arranged according to an algorithm based on the system's symmetry, which seems to indicate the system is oscillating. We also calculate numerically the magnetic charge of the solutions and confirm that their values are indeed ±4πesin2θW\pm\frac{4\pi}{e}\sin^2\theta_W.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2107.0488