254 research outputs found


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    The Role of Immunoglobulin Superfamily Cell Adhesion Molecules in Cancer Metastasis

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    Metastasis is a major clinical problem and results in a poor prognosis for most cancers. The metastatic pathway describes the process by which cancer cells give rise to a metastatic lesion in a new tissue or organ. It consists of interconnecting steps all of which must be successfully completed to result in a metastasis. Cell-cell adhesion is a key aspect of many of these steps. Adhesion molecules belonging to the immunoglobulin superfamily (Ig-SF) commonly play a central role in cell-cell adhesion, and a number of these molecules have been associated with cancer progression and a metastatic phenotype. Surprisingly, the contribution of Ig-SF members to metastasis has not received the attention afforded other cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) such as the integrins. Here we examine the steps in the metastatic pathway focusing on how the Ig-SF members, melanoma cell adhesion molecule (MCAM), L1CAM, neural CAM (NCAM), leukocyte CAM (ALCAM), intercellular CAM-1 (ICAM-1) and platelet endothelial CAM-1 (PECAM-1) could play a role. Although much remains to be understood, this review aims to raise the profile of Ig-SF members in metastasis formation and prompt further research that could lead to useful clinical outcomes

    Storage Performance Evaluation for IoT Gateway Implementation Using Raspberry Pi 2

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    IoT gateway is a core module exists in many of the IoT architectures that plays a role to connect WSNs to the internet, or specifically to the Cloud. However, conventional internet gateway is not sufficient to be IoT gateway. One of the most critical issue faced by IoT gateway is unstable internet connection especially when using cellular network. This work proposes that IoT gateway should have temporary storage to mask network issue. The objective of this work is to find out the most efficient solution for IoT gateway with temporary storage based on the elements of hardware, scheduler and storage method including database versus flat file on Raspberry Pi and NAND flash. From our experimental results, we found that the most efficient solution for temporary storage in IoT Gateway is using 4-threaded flat file I/O with Deadline scheduler

    Cost of myopia correction: a systematic review

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    Myopia is one of the leading causes of visual impairment globally. Despite increasing prevalence and incidence, the associated cost of treatment remains unclear. Health care spending is a major concern in many countries and understanding the cost of myopia correction is the first step eluding to the overall cost of myopia treatment. As the cost of treatment will reduce the burden of the cost of illness, this will aid in future cost-benefit analysis and the allocation of healthcare resources, including considerations in integrating eye care (refractive correction with spectacles) into universal health coverage (UHC). We performed a systematic review to determine the economic costs of myopia correction. However, there were few studies for direct comparison. Costs related to myopia correction were mainly direct with few indirect costs. Annual prevalence-based direct costs for myopia ranged from 1426(USA),14-26 (USA), 56 (Iran), and 199(Singapore)percapita,respectively(population:274.63million,75.15million,and3.79million,respectively).Annually,thedirectcostsofcontactlenswere199 (Singapore) per capita, respectively (population: 274.63 million, 75.15 million, and 3.79 million, respectively). Annually, the direct costs of contact lens were 198.30-378.10whilespectaclesandrefractivesurgerieswere378.10 while spectacles and refractive surgeries were 342.50 and $19.10, respectively. This review provides an insight into the cost of myopia correction. Myopia costs are high from nationwide perspectives because of the high prevalence of myopia, with contact lenses being the more expensive option. Without further interventions, the burden of illness of myopia will increase substantially with the projected increase in prevalence worldwide. Future studies will be necessary to generate more homogenous cost data and provide a complete picture of the global economic cost of myopia.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio