1,094 research outputs found

    A cost-utility analysis for prophylactic central neck dissection in clinically nodal-negative papillary thyroid carcinoma

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    Background: Although prophylactic central neck dissection (pCND) may reduce future locoregional recurrence after total thyroidectomy (TT) for low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC), it is associated with a higher initial morbidity. We aimed to compare the long-term cost-effectiveness between TT with pCND (TT+pCND) and TT alone in the institution's perspective. Methods: Our case definition was a hypothetical cohort of 100,000 nonpregnant female patients aged 50 years with a 1.5-cm cN0 PTC within one lobe. A Markov decision tree model was constructed to compare the estimated cost-effectiveness between TT+pCND and TT alone after a 20-year period. Outcome probabilities, utilities, and costs were estimated from the literature. The threshold for cost-effectiveness was set at US50,000perquality−adjustedlifeyear(QALY).Sensitivityandthresholdanalyseswereusedtoexaminemodeluncertainty.Results:EachpatientwhounderwentTT+pCNDinsteadofTTalonecostanextraUS50,000 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY). Sensitivity and threshold analyses were used to examine model uncertainty. Results: Each patient who underwent TT+pCND instead of TT alone cost an extra US34.52 but gained an additional 0.323 QALY. In fact, in the sensitivity analysis, TT+pCND became cost-effective 9 years after the initial operation. In the threshold analysis, none of the scenarios that could change this conclusion appeared clinically possible or likely. However, TT+pCND became cost-saving (i.e., less costly and more cost-effective) at 20 years if associated permanent vocal cord palsy was kept ≤1.37 %, permanent hypoparathyroidism was ≤1.20 %, and/or postoperative radioiodine ablation use was ≤73.64 %. Conclusions: In the institution's perspective, routine pCND for low-risk PTC began to become cost-effective 9 years after initial surgery and became cost-saving at 20 years if postoperative radioiodine use and/or permanent surgical complications were kept to a minimum. © 2013 Society of Surgical Oncology.postprin

    The associations of body mass index with physical and mental aspects of health-related quality of life in Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Results from a cross-sectional survey

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    Background: This study aimed to determine the associations of various clinical factors with generic health-related quality of life (HRQOL) scores among Hong Kong Chinese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the outpatient primary care setting using the short-form 12 (SF-12).Methods: A cross-sectional survey of 488 Chinese adults with T2DM recruited from a primary care outpatient clinic was conducted from May to August 2008. Data on the standard Chinese (HK) SF-12 Health Survey and patients' socio-demographics were collected from face-to-face interviews. Glycaemic control, body mass index (BMI), chronic co-morbidities, diabetic complications and treatment modalities were determined for each patient through medical records. Associations of socio-demographic and clinical factors with physical component summary (PCS-12) and mental component summary scores (MCS-12) were evaluated using multiple linear regression.Results: The socio-demographic correlates of PCS-12 and MCS-12 were age, gender and BMI. After adjustment for socio-demographic variables, the BMI was negatively associated with PCS-12 but positively associated with MCS-12. The presence of diabetic complications was associated with lower PCS-12 (regression coefficient:-3.0 points, p < 0.05) while being on insulin treatment was associated with lower MCS-12 (regression coefficient:-5.8 points, p < 0.05). In contrast, glycaemic control, duration of T2DM and treatment with oral hypoglycaemic drugs were not significantly associated with PCS-12 or MCS-12.Conclusions: Among T2DM subjects in the primary care setting, impairments in the physical aspect of HRQOL were evident in subjects who were obese or had diabetic complications whereas defects in the mental aspect of HRQOL were observed in patients with lower BMI or receiving insulin injections. © 2013 Wong et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.published_or_final_versio

    O Serviço Social numa Comissão Social de Freguesia: uma abordagem preliminar deste novo espaço sócio ocupacional

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    Aprofundar o conhecimento do Serviço Social no âmbito das Comissões Sociais de Freguesia, refletindo sobre a prática do Serviço Social, nomeadamente na Comissão Social de Freguesia da Guia, é o objetivo deste relatório. O processo de criação e implementação do Programa Rede Social, como política social baseada nos fundamentos da descentralização de poderes e responsabilidades do Estado e a sua intensificação em parcerias entre o setor público e o setor privado, assentam numa lógica de desenho de políticas sociais neoliberais. O Serviço Social revela ser um importante recurso profissional para as autarquias, nomeadamente para as freguesias, desempenhando um trabalho de proximidade com as populações, facilitando-lhes o acesso a alguns direitos sociais e executando os seus deveres cívicos. No entanto, esta atuação de natureza assistencialista, pretende a resolução emergencial da situação de pobreza e das desigualdades sociais da população de determinada freguesia. Ora, estes fenómenos não estão circunscritos a uma pequena área territorial, são problemas estruturais e universais, como tal não podem ser tratados apenas como locais. Tendo como ponto de partida, a experiência vivenciada pela assistente social que fez parte da organização da Comissão Social de Freguesia da Guia e que desenhou o seu modelo de intervenção social, é feita uma análise a este novo espaço. Conclui-se, atestando que para a efetivação como espaço sócio profissional e que legitime a profissão, a política social que define as CSF terá que sofrer algumas alterações e melhorias, partindo ao encontro do projeto profissional do Serviço Social, ao mesmo tempo que potencia o enfrentamento à pobreza e desigualdades sociais ao nível local

    Supersymmetry Breaking in the Early Universe

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    Supersymmetry breaking in the early universe induces scalar soft potentials with curvature of order the Hubble constant. This has a dramatic effect on the coherent production of scalar fields along flat directions. For the moduli problem it generically gives a concrete realization of the problem by determining the field value subsequent to inflation. However it might suggest a solution if the minimum of the induced potential coincides with the true minimum. The induced Hubble scale mass also has important implications for the Affleck-Dine mechanism of baryogenesis. This mechanism requires large squark or slepton expectation values to develop along flat directions in the early universe. This is generally not the case if the induced mass squared is positive, but does occur if it is negative. The resulting baryon to entropy ratio depends mainly on the dimension of the nonrenormalizable operator in the superpotential which stabilizes the flat direction, and the reheat temperature after inflation. Unlike the original scenario, it is possible to obtain an acceptable baryon asymmetry without subsequent entropy releases.Comment: 11 pages, requires phyzz

    Measurement invariance of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy—Colorectal quality-of-life instrument among modes of administration

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    OBJECTIVES: To test for the measurement invariance of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy—Colorectal (FACT-C) in patients with colorectal neoplasms between two modes of administration (self- and interviewer administrations). It is important to establish the measurement invariance of the FACT-C across different modes of administration to ascertain whether it is valid to pool FACT-C data collected by different modes or to assess each group separately. METHODS: A cross-sectional sample of 391 Chinese patients with colorectal neoplasms was recruited from specialist outpatient clinics between September 2009 and July 2010. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was used to test the original five-factor model of the FACT-C on data collected by self- and interviewer administrations in single-group analysis. Multiple-group CFA was then used to compare the factor structure between the two modes of administration using chi-square tests and other goodness-of-fit statistics. RESULTS: The hypothesized five-factor model of FACT-C demonstrated good fit in each group. Configural invariance and metric invariance were fully supported in multiple-group CFA. Some item intercepts and their corresponding error variances were not identical between administration groups, suggesting evidence of partial strict factorial invariance. CONCLUSIONS: Our results confirmed that the five-factor structure of FACT-C was invariant in Chinese patients using both self- and interviewer administrations. It is appropriate to pool or compare data in the emotional well-being and colorectal cancer subscale scores collected by both administrations. Measurement invariance in three items, one from each of the other subscales, may be contaminated by response bias between modes of administration

    Patient Empowerment Programme (PEP) in Primary Care Reduced All-cause Mortality and Cardiovascular Diseases in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Population-based Propensity Matched Cohort Study

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    Running title: PEP reduced death and CVD events Clinical trial number and registry: NCT01935349, ClinicalTrials.gov PEP DM CVD Manuscript 20140917 Page 1 of 15 patients treated at primary care outpatient clinics through community trained professional educators. Non-PEP participants were matched one-to-one with the PEP participants using propensity score method with respect to their baseline covariates. Cox proportional hazard regressions were performed to estimate the associations of PEP with the occurrence of first CVD event, coronary heart disease, stroke, heart failure and death from any cause, controlling for baseline characteristics. Conclusions: Enrolment in PEP was associated with reduced all-cause mortality and first CVD events among T2DM patients. The CVD benefit of PEP might be attributable to improving metabolic control through empowerment of self-care and enhancement of quality of diabetes care in primary care. Word Count: 25

    Associations of family meals with adolescent perception of family relationship and compliance with parental guidance in Hong Kong: results of a representative cross-sectional survey

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    Family meals are beneficial for adolescent development, but evidence from Chinese populations has been limited. This study aimed to examine the associations between family meal frequency and adolescent perception of family relationship and compliance with parental guidance in Hong Kong. During the period from October to December 2016, a stratified random sample of 3359 students were recruited from 25 secondary schools in Hong Kong. Students completed questionnaires about family characteristics, relationship quality, and meal frequency by paper-and-pencil in class. Multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the associations between family meal frequency and perceived family relationship and compliance with parental guidance overall and by subgroups. After adjusting for sociodemographic and school confounders, family breakfast and dinner frequency were significantly associated with adolescent compliance (breakfast: B = 0.07, p &lt; 0.001; dinner: B 0.07, p &lt; 0.001) and perception of family relationship (breakfast: B = 0.10, p &lt; 0.001; dinner: B = 0.25, p &lt; 0.001). Risk factors for infrequent family meals included older age, not born in Hong Kong, less educated fathers, and unmarried parents. Our findings support the associations of regular family meals with adolescent perception of high family bond and compliance with parental guidance. Interventions are needed to enhance quality family meal interactions in disadvantaged families

    Modulating the photoluminescence of bridged silsesquioxanes incorporating Eu(3+)-complexed n,n '-diureido-2,2 '-bipyridine isomers: application for luminescent solar concentrators

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    Two new urea-bipyridine derived bridged organosilanes (P5 and P6) have been synthesized and their hydrolysis-condensation under nucleophilic catalysis in the presence of Eu(3+) salts led to luminescent bridged silsesquioxanes (M5-Eu and M6-Eu). An important loading of Eu(3+) (up to 11%(w)) can be obtained for the material based on the 6,6'-isomer. Indeed the photoluminescence properties of these materials, that have been investigated in depth (photoluminescence (PL), quantum yield, lifetimes), show a significantly different complexation mode of the Eu(3+) ions for M6-Eu, compared with M4-Eu (obtained from the already-reported 4,4'-isomer) and M5-Eu. Moreover, M6-Eu exhibits the highest absolute emission quantum yield value (0.18 +/- 0.02) among these three materials. The modification of the sol composition upon the addition of a malonamide derivative led to similar luminescent features but with an increased quantum yield (026 +/- 0.03). In addition, M6-Eu can be processed as thin films by spin-coating on glass substrates, leading to plates coated by a thin layer (similar to 54 nm) of Eu(3+)-containing hybrid silica exhibiting one of the highest emission quantum yields reported so far for films of Eu(3+)-containing hybrids (0.34 +/- 0.03) and an interesting potential as new luminescent solar concentrators (LSCs) with an optical conversion efficiency of similar to 4%. The ratio between the light guided to the film edges and the one emitted by the surface of the film was quantified through the mapping of the intensity of the red pixels (in the RGB color model) from a film image. This quantification enabled a more accurate estimation of the transport losses due to the scattering of the emitted light in the film (0.40), thereby correcting the initial optical conversion efficiency to a value of 1.7%.FCT - PTDC/CTM/101324/2008COMPETEFEDE

    Impact of Vitamin D Supplementation on Arterial Vasomotion, Stiffness and Endothelial Biomarkers in Chronic Kidney Disease Patients

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    Background: Cardiovascular events are frequent and vascular endothelial function is abnormal in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We demonstrated endothelial dysfunction with vitamin D deficiency in CKD patients; however the impact of cholecalciferol supplementation on vascular stiffness and vasomotor function, endothelial and bone biomarkers in CKD patients with low 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] is unknown, which this study investigated. Methods: We assessed non-diabetic patients with CKD stage 3/4, age 17–80 years and serum 25(OH)D ,75 nmol/L. Brachial artery Flow Mediated Dilation (FMD), Pulse Wave Velocity (PWV), Augmentation Index (AI) and circulating blood biomarkers were evaluated at baseline and at 16 weeks. Oral 300,000 units cholecalciferol was administered at baseline and 8-weeks. Results: Clinical characteristics of 26 patients were: age 50614 (mean61SD) years, eGFR 41611 ml/min/1.73 m2, males 73%, dyslipidaemia 36%, smokers 23% and hypertensives 87%. At 16-week serum 25(OH)D and calcium increased (43616 to 84629 nmol/L, p,0.001 and 2.3760.09 to 2.4260.09 mmol/L; p = 0.004, respectively) and parathyroid hormone decreased (10.868.6 to 7.464.4; p = 0.001). FMD improved from 3.163.3% to 6.163.7%, p = 0.001. Endothelial biomarker concentrations decreased: E-Selectin from 566662123 to 525662058 pg/mL; p = 0.032, ICAM-1, 3.4560.01 to 3.1061.04 ng/mL; p = 0.038 and VCAM-1, 54633 to 42633 ng/mL; p = 0.006. eGFR, BP, PWV, AI, hsCRP, von Willebrand factor and Fibroblast Growth Factor-23, remained unchanged. Conclusion: This study demonstrates for the first time improvement of endothelial vasomotor and secretory functions with vitamin D in CKD patients without significant adverse effects on arterial stiffness, serum calcium or FGF-23. Trial Registration: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT0200571
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