23 research outputs found
Consumidor Innovador, ¿Tiene Relación Con La Lealtad A La Marca?
Consumer behavior establishes a relationship between living level and the consumer material resources with the characteristics of innovation. This, however, is considered to be of significant importance to companies based on the needs of the market and the business environment. In the field of marketing, it is essential to know the market and there is a need to investigate the behavior for the selection of clothing. A study was carried out with the Chengedzai scale in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. It is an empirical investigation which concludes on two important aspects: loyalty to the brand that makes it possible for clothing consumers to generate a measurement of reasons for the consumers of clothing for innovation and the application of products, processes, and marketing innovation in its application in distribution systems
MiPyme En el Giro Industrial : Factores de Competencia
The present study aims to determine which of the factors that considers the industrial small and medium enterprises. It makes them feel that they are better than their competitors. For this purpose, a factorial analysis of the variables was applied. These are findings which show that only two are the main factors in the industry. First, it involves what is related to internal marketing in terms of efficient processes, satisfied employees, and companies that have good performance and which are more profitable. Second, it also entails what concerns competitiveness. Here, we have the items of higher quality products, customer satisfaction, and adaptation to market changes that improves their intangible value
Endomarketing: Satisfacción Laboral Desde La Perspectiva De Género Y Edad
This paper focuses on analyzing the influence of the age and genre in the labor satisfaction of the sales professionals in the Southeastern region of Coahuila. The study makes use of a descriptive and quantitative approach. A questionnaire of 9 items was applied with Likert scale of 10 alternative answers. The study sample shows that 399 individuals were randomly selected. The findings of this study suggest that labor satisfaction is related to the genre, which shows that the samples of the men are more satisfied than the women. The recompensed salary is also a decisive factor on the feminine genre when they express their dissatisfaction with their job. In regards to the age, there are no statistically significant differences between those interviewed. In conclusion, the labor satisfaction is independent from the seller’s age
Alteración en los Hábitos del Consumidor Saltillense a Consecuencia del COVID-19
El estudio pretende indagar sobre la modificación en el comportamiento del consumidor saltillense debido a la contingencia por la epidemia del nuevo coronavirus COVID-19. El trabajo incluyó a 354 participantes adultos residentes en la Ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila, México. La muestra está conformada por 195 mujeres, es decir, un 55.1% y 159 hombres lo que constituye un 44.9%. Se realiza un trabajo de tipo Cuantitativo, exploratorio, descriptivo y transversal no experimental. Las preguntas son categóricas y la escala de respuesta es tipo Likert del 1 al 7, validando un instrumento de 25 elementos obteniendo un Alfa de Cronbach .786. Con base en las variables analizadas se infiere que los saltillenses se han vuelto consumidores más racionales, prefiriendo alimentos caseros, cuidando sus gastos, preocupándose por el futuro y extrañando la experiencia de comprar en tiendas físicas favoreciendo las ventas por internet y el servicio a domicilio. Y concluye que existe un nuevo perfil de consumidor no solo en Saltillo, sino a nivel mundial, que procura el bienestar en su salud, modificando hábitos alimenticios y conductuales adaptándose a esta nueva normalidad.
The study aims to investigate the modification in the behavior of the Saltillo consumer due to the contingency caused by the epidemic of the new coronavirus COVID-19. The work included 354 adult participants residing in the City of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. The sample is made up of 195 women, that is, 55.1% and 159 men, which constitutes 44.9%. A quantitative, exploratory, descriptive and non-experimental cross-sectional work is carried out. The questions are categorical and the response scale is Likert type from 1 to 7, validating an instrument of 25 elements obtaining a Cronbach's Alpha .786. Based on the variables analyzed, it can be inferred that the people of Saltillo have become more rational consumers, preferring homemade foods, taking care of their expenses, worrying about the future and missing the experience of buying in physical stores, favoring internet sales and home delivery. And it concludes that there is a new consumer profile not only in Saltillo, but also worldwide, which seeks the well-being in their health, modifying eating and behavioral habits, adapting to this new normal
¿Los Millennials Saltillenses Son Innovadores Como Consumidores de Ropa?
The objective of this research work is to analyze the behavior of young people belonging to generation Y known as millennials, regarding the purchase of clothing. According to Kotler and Keller (2012), a generation is a group of persons whose ages are similar and who lived in the same era. This study is considered as a descriptive and exploratory investigation. It is based on a sample of 261 persons from 21 to 36 years of age in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. A questionnaire was applied with the scale 'Type of consumers of clothes of Chengedzai' according to the study of Manillall and Lawrence (2014). Using Pearson's chi square and an answer percentage comparison with the IBM SPSS software, the findings suggest that with regard to the innovative factor, the interviewees do not consider themselves as an innovative buyer when they buy clothes. This is because the answers concerning the variables that suggest this have a low score
Los Valores en Los Consumidores Millennials de la Ciudad de Saltillo, Coahuila
This study makes a descriptive analysis of the clients profiles that belong to the Y or Millenial generation in the city of Saltillo, Coahuila. The study was performed using the Values List Scale (LOV) attributed to Khale (Khale, Beatty, & Homer, 1986) quoted by Irene Ramos Soler (2008). This scale was used for the investigation of market segmentation and in identifying target markets. It is a work that has to do with the field of marketing. This study however is considered as an exploratory, descriptive, quantitative, and transversal investigation. Using Pearson’s chi square analysis and an answer percentage comparison with the IBM SPSS software, they show us that the more important values are self-completion and selfesteem. A stratification sample was used. It also uses age variable and it applies a questionnaire instrument to 261 people that belong to Y generation in Saltillo, Coahuila
El Género Y El Consumo Hedonista En Saltillo, Coahuila
In the marketing context, it is essential to know the market. That is why there is a necessity to investigate its behavior in regards to clothes purchase. The aim of this study is to develop a model from the conceptual perspective of the shopper typology scale (Chengedzai, Manillall & Lawrence, 2014) in its factor: Hedonist consumer. The study included 250 adult participants (59.2% women and 40.8% men) living in the City of Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. A discriminate analysis was performed to get a membership model of the gender of the variables of Hedonist trend consumer. The results of the findings show meaningful differences between men and women. Women enjoy more shopping, and they have fun while doing it. They also spend more time in this activity
Caracterización mercadológica de las microemprendedoras locales de bienes y servicios en Hidalgo
The characterization of female micro-entrepreneurship involves an innovative and creative activity undertaken by women seeking economic independence. They self-generate employment opportunities and improve their quality of life, often operating in the informal sector and utilizing social media platforms. The objective is to analyze the marketing strategies employed by these micro-entrepreneurs and propose suitable strategies based on the identified profiles. The research is applied, cross-sectional, deductive, and of mixed methodology, presenting quantitative results from 264 surveys conducted.
The study determines their entrepreneurial and marketing profiles, examining market strategies, differentiation, point of sale, pricing, advertising, promotion, distribution, and delivery. It proposes marketing strategies tailored to their profile.El microemprendimiento femenino es una actividad innovadora y creativa realizada por mujeres que buscan independencia económica, autogenerando empleos y mejoran su calidad de vida; generalmente se desarrolla en la informalidad y usando las redes sociales como plataforma. El objetivo es analizar las estrategias de mercadotecnia que utilizan las microemprendedoras, proponiendo estrategias adecuadas para el perfil encontrado. La investigación es aplicada, transversal, deductiva y de metodología mixta, se presentan resultados cuantitativos de 264 encuestas aplicadas.
Se determina su perfil emprendedor y mercadológico, se estudian las estrategias de mercado, diferenciación, punto de venta, precio, publicidad, promoción, distribución y entrega que llevan a cabo; proponiendo estrategias de mercadotecnia adecuadas a su perfil
Compradores compulsivos en la Ciudad de México
Buying behavior constitutes an essential activity of individuals in contemporary society. Buying behavior occurs in response to a complex phenomenon normally preceded by what has been termed “previous activity” and does not end with satisfying some need. Once purchasing occurs the individual experiences a series of feelings and thoughts of satisfaction or frustration related to the purchased object or service (Fischer & Espejo, 2011). The objective of the present study was to determine compulsive buying levels from the conceptual standpoint proposed by Valence, D’Astous & Fortier which incude three factors: tendency to spend, buying sense of urgency, and feelings of guilt (Valence, 1988). The present study was the third of a series and used qualitative-explanatory methodology. A total of 1,385 adult residents of Mexico City’s metropolitan area: 60.1% females and 39.9% males participated. Results showed that most participants engaged in mild compulsive buying
In the everyday life, shopping is a routine act the consumer performs to meet their needs, but there are abnormal or pathological behaviors such as compulsive buying, which can become an addiction. This quantitativeexplanatory study (second one from three studies) was made to determine the levels of compulsive buying behavior from the Faber’s - O'Guinn phenomenological perspective and the factors they proposed of self-esteem, materialism and use of credit. The study included 1,385 participants living in Mexico City’s metropolitan area, 60.1% women and 39.9% men, the results show that the population interviewed has characteristics of compulsive shopper