37 research outputs found

    Sustainable development and motivation opportunities from the perspective of women in the Polish science sector in the light of statistical data and surveys

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    Purpose: The main aim of the article is to evaluate and analyze the role, participation and work motivation of women and men in the science sector in Poland. Design/Approach/Methodology: Two research themes are presented during the research. The first one concerns determination of the share and role of women in the academic sector in Poland in 2008-2018 and it is a macro perspective. The second research theme includes motivation factors in research institutes in the light of the surveys’ results. Findings: According to the research results the place and role of women in obtaining higher degrees in academic career in Poland (post-doctoral degree and professor’s title) was still significantly lower than the place and role of men. Additionally, there were still some inequalities in using motivating factors between men and women. Practical Implications: Sustainable development will not be possible without gender equality and the recognition of women's work. It will also not be possible to achieve the full benefits of this development that serve present and future generations. Therefore, the elimination of diagnosed symptoms of discrimination may contribute to increasing the innovation of scientific research and, as a result, to improving the quality of life in modern world. Originality/Value: Research in this area has not yet been more widely conducted and described in the literature on the subject, therefore its results are a valuable source of information on gender equality in the Polish academic sector.peer-reviewe

    Wykorzystanie programu IBM SPSS Statistics w ocenie jakości kształcenia na kierunku językoznawstwo stosowane

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    The range of classes offered by universities is a factor specifically significant for the number of applying students during the periods of population decline. It is a common knowledge that the most effi-cient advertising is the word of mouth; in case of universities it is the students who discuss the quality of the course in their social groups. It seems therefore vital to improve the effectiveness of the surveys car-ried out among the graduates and regarding educational offer. Based on the current teaching quality supervision system the article presents a two-step survey, study course specific; in this case it regards the Applied Languages course. The survey complements the internal supervision system implemented by specific teaching units. The analysis of the survey results, especially the open-ended questions, constituted the basis for the seven-level Likert scale. The forms drawn up using this scale were then filled in by another group of students and later analysed with the IBM SPSS Statistics software

    Preliminary identification of quantitative factors determining the duration of court proceedings in commercial cases

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    Purpose: The aim of the article was to identify factors that are linear combinations of the variables under scrutiny that affect the duration of court proceedings. Design/Methodology/Approach: This research was conducted on commercial cases, based on the Principal Components Analysis (PCA). The original variables were grouped into factors that are correlated with each other. The Kaiser Criterion (own value >1) was chosen as the main criterion determining the number of factors. The conducted research was subordinated to six phases, largely linked to the data mining scheme (CRISP-DM). Seven variables of a strict numerical nature marked as (vn) were distinguished from the features describing court proceedings. Findings: Based on the analysis, two main quantitative factors characterising the examined cases were identified. The first factor groups the variables:(v4) Number of hearings in the first instance/second instance, (v5) The number of days from the first hearing to the case being settled, (v6) The judgement in the first instance (number of pages), (v7) Volume of files (number of volumes),and the second one:(v1) The court fee paid, (v2) The value of the subject matter of the dispute, (v3) The number of days to the first hearing. Further research will be conducted into the development of relations between the variables in different areas of their variability, particularly with respect to the value of the matter in dispute. Practical Implications: The identified factors can be used at the micro level, in case management by a judge, at the meso level in case management in court, as well as at the macro level the entire justice system. Originality/Value: The study identified factors that affect the efficiency of court proceedings.peer-reviewe

    Prognostic value of computed tomography derived measurements of pulmonary artery diameter for long-term outcomes after transcatheter aortic valve replacement

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    Background: An increase in pulmonary artery diameter (PAD) on multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) may indicate pulmonary hypertension. We assessed the prognostic value of MDCT-derived measurements of PAD on outcomes after successful transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR).Methods: Consecutive patients treated with TAVR from February 2013 to October 2017, with a 68.8% rate of new generation valves, underwent pre-interventional MDCT with measurements of PAD (in the widest short-axis within 3 cm of the bifurcation) and ascending aortic diameter (AoD; at the level of the PAD). The PAD/AoD ratio was calculated. Patients with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels ≤46 mg/dl and C-reactive protein levels ≥0.20 mg/dl at baseline were identified as the frail group. One-year mortality was established for all subjects.Results: Among studied 266 patients (median age, 82.0 years; 63.5% women) those who died at 1 year (n = 34; 12.8%) had larger PAD and PAD/AoD (28.9 [5.0] vs. 26.5 [4.6] mm and 0.81 [0.13] vs. 0.76 [0.13] mm vs. the rest of the studied subjects; P = 0.005 and P = 0.02, respectively) but similar AoD. The cutoff value for the PAD to predict 1-year mortality was 29.3 mm (sensitivity, 50%; specificity, 77%; area under the curve, 0.65). Patients with PAD >29.3 mm (n = 72; 27%) had higher 1-year mortality (23.6% vs. 8.8%, log-rank P = 0.001). Baseline characteristics associated with PAD 29.3 mm were a bigger body mass index, more frequent diabetes mellitus, more prior stroke/transient ischemic attacks and atrial fibrillation, and lower baseline maximal aortic valve gradient with higher pulmonary artery systolic pressure (PASP). PAD >29.3 mm and frailty, but not baseline PASP, remained predictive of 1-year mortality in the multivariable model (hazard ratio [HR], 2.221; 95%CI, 1.038–4.753; P = 0.04 and HR, 2.801; 95% CI, 1.328–5.910; P = 0.007, respectively).Conclusion: PAD >29.3 mm on baseline MDCT is associated with higher 1-year mortality after TAVR, independently of echocardiographic measures of PH and frailty

    Excavations Evaluation in Hard Coal Mine Wybierkowych Considering Criteria Incomparability

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    Głównym celem pracy jest przedstawienie możliwości uwzględniania nieporównywalności kryteriów w procedurze wielokryterialnego wspomagania decyzji z wykorzystaniem metody AHP. Praca dotyczy zastosowania metod wielokryterialnych do oceny projektów inwestycyjnych dotyczących wyrobiska wybierkowego w kopalni węgla kamiennego. Uwzględnienie nieporównywalności kryteriów związane jest z aspektami bezpieczeństwa pracy (występujących zagrożeń). Zagadnienia poruszone w pracy są konsekwencją analiz związanych z oceną w cyklu istnienia (życia) inwestycji oraz wykorzystania koncepcji dominacji ze względu na ryzyko do wspomagania decyzji przy nieporównywalności kryteriów.The main aim of this paper is to present the possibilities to take into consideration non-comparability criteria in the procedure of multi-criteria decision support using AHP method. The work concerns the application of multi-criteria methods for the evaluation of investment projects associated with excavation in hard coal mine. The inclusion of non-comparability criteria is associated with the safety aspects of work (existing threats). The issues dealt with in the work are a consequence of the investment life cycle analysis evaluation and the use of the concept of risk dominance for the decision support

    Analysis of the Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problem with Incomplete Information about Preferences Among the Criteria

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    The paper presents an overview of methods used in solving Multiple Attribute Decision Making (MADM) problems in the case of incomplete information about preferences among criteria, which are defined by explicit attributes of the problems. The paper presents the following methods: dominance, maxmin, maxmax, based on game theory, ELECTRE IV and parametric approach associated with Linear Partial Information and AHP. The presented methods focus on the problem of evaluation of investment projects in a hard coal mine

    The Concept of Risk Dominance in MADM with No Inter-Criteria Information

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    This paper deals with the analysis of a multiple attribute decision making problem with no inter-criteria information. The problem is studied as a multiplayer, non-cooperative coordination game. Each equilibrium in the game corresponds to a decision variant. To choose a variant the general theory of equilibrium selection in games is used. The relation of risk dominance, introduced by Harsanyi and Selten (1988), is applied. In the method proposed a key element is to determine the reference point (status quo situation) - the least desirable situation with respect to each criterion separately. The method proposed supports decision making as regards selection and ordering

    A use of the Cash Value Added idea in a mining company valuation

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    W artykule przedstawiono propozycję szacowania wartości przedsiębiorstwa na podstawie koncepcji gotówkowej wartości dodanej (CVA) z wykorzystaniem informacji publicznej ze skonsolidowanych sprawozdań finansowych. Ideę proponowanej metody przedstawiono na przykładzie wyznaczania wartości Grupy Kapitałowej Węgiel Lubelski „Bogdanka” S.A. (GK LW „Bogdanka” S.A.) oraz Grupy Kapitałowej Jastrzębska Spółka Węglowa S.A. (GK JSW S.A.). Szacowanie wartości przedsiębiorstwa odbywa się przez zsumowanie zainwestowanego kapitału oraz zaktualizowanych wszystkich przyszłych wartości CVA. Istotnym elementem proponowanej metody jest szacowanie wartości CVA, która jest obliczana na podstawie zainwestowanego kapitału (aktywa), średniego ważonego kosztu kapitału (WACC) oraz zwrotu gotówkowego z inwestycji (CFROI).This paper presents a proposal for estimating the value of the company based on the concept of cash value added (CVA) with the use of public information in the consolidated financial statements. The idea of the proposed method is exemplified by valuation of Lublin Coal Group „Bogdanka” SA and the JSW Group Coal Company. Estimation of the value of the company is performed by adding the invested capital and updating all future values of CVA. An important element of the proposed method is to estimate the value of the CVA, which is calculated on the basis of invested capital, the weighted average cost of capital (WACC) and cash flow return on investment (CFROI)