13 research outputs found

    Psychometric properties of three measures of “Facebook engagement and/or addiction” among a sample of English speaking Pakistani university students

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    For researchers interested in measuring the construct of “Facebook engagement and/or addiction,” there are a number of existing measures including the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale, the Facebook Intensity Scale, and the Addictive Tendencies Scale. Currently, there is limited data on the psychometric properties of these three scales, especially among South Asian samples. The present aim was to address this shortfall. A sample of 308 English-speaking Pakistani university students completed the scales, in their original English versions, on two occasions separated by four weeks. Results demonstrated that for each of the scales, across both administrations, satisfactory psychometric properties were found, including internal reliability, temporal stability, and construct validity. Moreover, for these three scales, using confirmatory factor analysis, a one-factor structure was generally found to be a good description of the data for both male and female samples. These data provide further evidence for the reliability and validity of three scales concerned with “Facebook engagement and/or addiction.

    Problematic social media use: results from a large-scale nationally representative adolescent sample

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    Despite social media use being one of the most popular activities among adolescents, prevalence estimates among teenage samples of social media (problematic) use are lacking in the field. The present study surveyed a nationally representative Hungarian sample comprising 5,961 adolescents as part of the European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs (ESPAD). Using the Bergen Social Media Addiction Scale (BSMAS) and based on latent profile analysis, 4.5% of the adolescents belonged to the at-risk group, and reported low self-esteem, high level of depression symptoms, and elevated social media use. Results also demonstrated that BSMAS has appropriate psychometric properties. It is concluded that adolescents at-risk of problematic social media use should be targeted by school-based prevention and intervention programs

    Kursus der Makroskopischen Anatomie in Magdeburg unter Pandemiebedingungen

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    Introduction and objectives: The Covid-19 pandemic has created major challenges for university teaching. At the beginning of the summer semester 2020, teaching at the Medical Faculty in Magdeburg was almost completely online. Also the course in macroscopic anatomy had to be replaced by virtual e-learning offers. Methods: Videos and photo presentations of the preparation steps and structures to be displayed were made available online. The reactions of the students showed very quickly that the three-dimensionality, the independent preparation and the haptics of the object to be studied make up a large part of this subject. Results and conclusions: Virtual e-learning offerings are a useful supplement to, but not a substitute for, active dissecting on body donors. By changing the course offerings in compliance with hygiene and distance rules, we were able to offer a classroom course again during the semester, which was expressly welcomed by the students.Einleitung und Zielsetzung: Die Covid-19-Pandemie hat die Lehre in der UniversitĂ€t vor große Herausforderungen gestellt. Der Lehrbetrieb der Medizinischen FakultĂ€t in Magdeburg wurde zu Beginn des Sommersemesters 2020 fast vollstĂ€ndig online durchgefĂŒhrt. Auch der Kursus der makroskopischen Anatomie musste zunĂ€chst durch virtuelle E-Learning Angebote ersetzt werden. Methodik: Videos und FotoprĂ€sentationen der PrĂ€parierschritte und darzustellenden Strukturen wurden online zur VerfĂŒgung gestellt. Die Reaktionen der Studierenden zeigten sehr schnell, dass die DreidimensionalitĂ€t, das selbststĂ€ndige PrĂ€parieren und die Haptik des zu studierenden Objektes dieses Fach zum Großteil ausmachen. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerungen: Virtuelle E-Learning Angebote sind eine sinnvolle ErgĂ€nzung, aber kein Ersatz fĂŒr das aktive PrĂ€parieren an Körperspendern. Durch Umstellung des Kursangebots unter Einhaltung von Hygiene- und Abstandregeln konnten wir im Laufe des Semesters wieder einen PrĂ€senzkurs anbieten, was von den Studierenden ausdrĂŒcklich begrĂŒĂŸt wurde