63 research outputs found


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    Pembelajaran yang menuntut daya kritis peserta didik harus didukung dengan berbagai aspek pendorongnya. Materi, metode, media, dan evaluasi yang guru terapkan dalam menyampaikan materi akan menjadi kunci untuk meningkatkan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada proses pembelajaran. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik melalui penggunaan video kebangsaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan agar dalam pembelajaran PPKn peserta didik mampu memahami materi pelajaran secara mendalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian utama yakni kelas 8-A SMPN 16 Bandung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipilih adalah observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan perekaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam tahap perencanaan pembelajaran PPKn pada materi pokok konstitusi yang berlaku di Indonesia dengan menggunakan video meliputi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang juga memuat karakter yang diharapkan, model yang disesuaikan untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam mengemukakan pendapat, video kebangsaan yang disesuaikan dengan materi yang disampaikan, sumber dan alat pembelajaran, lembar observasi, dan lembar kerja siswa. Pada tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran PPKn pada materi pokok konstitusi yang berlaku di Indonesia dengan menggunakan video kebangsaan pada siklus I sampai dengan siklus III mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Disamping itu, penggunaan video sebagai media pembelajaran tidak akan terlepas dari berbagai kendala yang dihadapi guru. Kendala yang terjadi dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini meliputi keterbatasan alat atau sarana prasarana, adanya rasa kantuk yang dialami peserta didik, guru harus menjelaskan kembali isi dari video dan menggalinya melalui diskusi dan pertanyaan, kurangnya catatan dari peserta didik mengenai materi yang disampaikan, dan harus adanya penyesuaian materi dengan video yang akan ditayangkan. Namun kendala tersebut dapat diminimalisir melalui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam penggunaan video kebangsaan pada pembelajaran PPKn pada materi pokok konstitusi yang berlaku di Indonesia yang dilaksanakan di kelas 8-A. Upaya-upaya tersebut meliputi kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas, menjalankan segala halnya sesuai peran guru dengan baik, pemberian arahan yang jelas, menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri dan semangat peserta didik, serta kreatifitas guru dalam menghadapi segala permasalahan atau kendala yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran. Melalui upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan menjadikan peserta didik lebih mampu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada setiap siklusnya. Peningkatan berpikir kritis peserta didik tersebut dibuktikan melalui data hasil pengamatan pada siklus I kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik dapat diklasifikasikan cukup, selanjutnya pada siklus II menunjukkan klasifikasi baik, dan siklus III juga menunjukkan klasifikasi baik namun lebih meningkat lagi dibandingkan siklus II. Dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis terdapat aspek yang dirasakan sangat menonjol diantaranya kemampuan dalam memahami materi dan permasalahan yang dipelajari serta kemampuan untuk lebih berani dalam mengemukakan pendapat. ---------- Learning that demands critical power student must be supported with various aspects of the pusher. Materials, methods, media, and evaluation of teachers applied in presenting the material will be key to improving the critical thinking of student in the learning process. Therefore, this study aims to determine efforts to improve student critical thinking skills through the use of video nationality. This research was conducted in order to PPKn learning student are able to understand the subject matter in depth. This study used a qualitative approach and methods of classroom action research with the main research subject grade of 8-A SMPN 16 Bandung. The selected data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentary studies, and recording. The results showed that in learning planning PPKn the subject matter of the constitution in force in Indonesia by using video includes lesson plan which also contains the expected character, a model that adjusted by facilitate student in expressing opinions, video nationality adjusted submitted materials, resources and learning tools, observation sheets, and student worksheet. During the implementation phase of learning PPKn the subject matter of the constitution in force in Indonesia by using video nationality in the first cycle to the third cycle can improve student critical thinking skills. Besides that, the use of video as a media of learning will not be separated from the various problem faced by teacher. Obstacles that occur in the classroom action research include limitations of equipment or infrastructure, the sleepiness experienced by student, teacher should explain again the contents of the video and delve through discussion and questions, the lack of a record of the student regarding the material presented, and should any material adjustments to the video to be aired. However, this problem can be minimized through the efforts made to overcome the obstacles faced by teacher in the use of video nationality on learning PPKn the subject matter of the constitution in force in Indonesia are carried out in class 8-A. These efforts include the ability of teacher to manage the classroom, running all the appropriate role of teacher as well, giving clear direction, foster self-confidence and enthusiasm of student, as well as teacher creativity in the face of all the problems or obstacles that occur in the learning process. Through the efforts which have been made to make student better able to improve critical thinking skills in each cycle. Improved critical thinking of student proven through observation data in the first cycle of critical thinking skills of student can be classified sufficiently, then in the second cycle showed good classification, and the third cycle also shows the classification good but further increased compared to the second cycle. In the critical thinking skills to be an aspect that very prominent among them the ability to understand the material and the problems are studied as well as the ability to be more daring in expressing opinion

    Evaluering av Kunnskapssenter for utdanning

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    Evalueringen er spesielt bedt om å vurdere Forskningsrådets håndtering av oppdraget om etablering av Kunnskapssenter for utdanning, rådets vertskapsrolle for senteret, samt vurdere om Kunnskapssenterets virksomhet er i tråd med de føringer Kunnskapsdepartementet opprinnelig ga. I tillegg er evalueringen bedt om å innhente ulike brukergruppers erfaring med senteret, samt gi en vurdering av Kunnskapsdepartementets rolle i den løpende utviklingen av senteret

    Dropout and completion in higher education in Europe: main report

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    Improving completion and reducing dropout in higher education are key concerns for higher education in Europe. This study on dropout and completion in higher education in Europe demonstrates that national governments and higher education institutions use three different study success objectives: completion, time-to-degree and retention. To address these objectives policy makers at national and institutional level apply various policy instruments. These can be categorized under three main policy headings: financial incentives; information and support for students; and organizational issues. The evidence indicates that countries that have more explicit study success objectives, targets and policies are likely to be more successful. Particularly if the policy approach is comprehensive and consistent. As such, it is important that study success is an issue in the information provision to (prospective) students, in financial incentives for students and institutions, in quality assurance, and in the education pathways offered to students. Furthermore, increasing the responsibility of higher education institutions for study success, for example in the area of selecting, matching, tracking, counselling, mentoring and integrating students in academic life is clearly effective. Finally, to support the policy debate and monitoring of study success evidence, there is a need for more systematic international comparative data and thorough analysis of the effectiveness of study success policie

    Språk, stimulans og læringslyst - tidlig innsats og tiltak mot frafall i videregående opplæring gjennom hele oppveksten

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    Policymakers in Norway have addressed dropout from upper secondary school as an increasing problem in a society, where knowledge and formal skills are gaining in importance to participate. Despite profound school reforms during the last two decades with the central aim to compensate for social inequalities, success in school is still strongly associated with family background (especially parents’ education). However, the reasons for dropping out from school are complex and they often have their roots in earlier phases of education or early childhood.This rapport draws on the assumption that dropping out from upper secondary school is a process that can start already in preschool years but also in every stage of education, especially in transition phases. The aim is to summarize research on effective prevention strategies to reduce incompletion rates, prevention strategies which address all stages of education from preschool up until upper secondary school.Students with a higher risk for dropping out comprise low achieving students, working class students, students with minority background and weak skills in Norwegian language, boys in particular those in vocational tracks with weak basic skills (e.g., reading and mathematical literacy). Prevention strategies in preschool age aim at fostering cognitive skills, especially reading and vocabulary to reduce inequalities in the long run. Research indicates a positive relation between participation in preschool facilities of high quality and later learning outcomes. Especially, vocabulary in preschool age seems to be a good predictor for reading skills later. Prevention strategies in primary school in particular address cognitive basic skills such as reading and numeric literacy to promote learning outcomes later and so indirectly prevent dropping out of high school. The research overview shows that there is a need for reading promotion activities, in particular after the first reading instruction phase. Further, the research overview reveals a need for early identifying low achieving students before implementing individualised strategies to overcome learning difficulties.During the last years most of the studies have concentrated on either preschool or elementary school or upper secondary school. Only few prevention strategies were identified for students in lower secondary school. Scholars agree that school outcomes in lower secondary school and motivation for learning are crucial factors for school completion. There is further need for research on prevention strategies addressing motivation and learning strategies in lower secondary school. In upper secondary school, students in vocational tracks make up the majority group at risk for dropping out and most prevention strategies address such students. International and national research indicate that flexible educational tracks, stronger focus on practical learning and subjects, focus on monitoring and mentoring of students at risk also in cooperation with external partners can have a positive effect on school completion rates. Furthermore, for students with minority background and a short living period in Norway, both bilingual professional training and specific training in Norwegian language are suggested

    Språk, stimulans og læringslyst - tidlig innsats og tiltak mot frafall i videregående opplæring gjennom hele oppveksten

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    Policymakers in Norway have addressed dropout from upper secondary school as an increasing problem in a society, where knowledge and formal skills are gaining in importance to participate. Despite profound school reforms during the last two decades with the central aim to compensate for social inequalities, success in school is still strongly associated with family background (especially parents’ education). However, the reasons for dropping out from school are complex and they often have their roots in earlier phases of education or early childhood.This rapport draws on the assumption that dropping out from upper secondary school is a process that can start already in preschool years but also in every stage of education, especially in transition phases. The aim is to summarize research on effective prevention strategies to reduce incompletion rates, prevention strategies which address all stages of education from preschool up until upper secondary school.Students with a higher risk for dropping out comprise low achieving students, working class students, students with minority background and weak skills in Norwegian language, boys in particular those in vocational tracks with weak basic skills (e.g., reading and mathematical literacy). Prevention strategies in preschool age aim at fostering cognitive skills, especially reading and vocabulary to reduce inequalities in the long run. Research indicates a positive relation between participation in preschool facilities of high quality and later learning outcomes. Especially, vocabulary in preschool age seems to be a good predictor for reading skills later. Prevention strategies in primary school in particular address cognitive basic skills such as reading and numeric literacy to promote learning outcomes later and so indirectly prevent dropping out of high school. The research overview shows that there is a need for reading promotion activities, in particular after the first reading instruction phase. Further, the research overview reveals a need for early identifying low achieving students before implementing individualised strategies to overcome learning difficulties.During the last years most of the studies have concentrated on either preschool or elementary school or upper secondary school. Only few prevention strategies were identified for students in lower secondary school. Scholars agree that school outcomes in lower secondary school and motivation for learning are crucial factors for school completion. There is further need for research on prevention strategies addressing motivation and learning strategies in lower secondary school. In upper secondary school, students in vocational tracks make up the majority group at risk for dropping out and most prevention strategies address such students. International and national research indicate that flexible educational tracks, stronger focus on practical learning and subjects, focus on monitoring and mentoring of students at risk also in cooperation with external partners can have a positive effect on school completion rates. Furthermore, for students with minority background and a short living period in Norway, both bilingual professional training and specific training in Norwegian language are suggested

    Forskning på straffesakskjeden 2006–2018 : En forenklet kunnskapsoppsummering («rapid review»)

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    På oppdrag fra Norges forskningsråd har NIFU utført en forenklet, men systematisk kunnskapsoppsummering av forskning på straffesakskjeden, nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Hovedhensikten har vært å belyse omfanget og den tematiske fordelingen av forskning i justissektoren nasjonalt fra 2006 til 2018. En annen hensikt med oppdraget har vært metodeutvikling, med spesiell vekt på styrker og svakheter ved metoden forenklet kunnskapsoppsummering (på engelsk "rapid review")

    The impact of mergers in higher education on micro-level processes – a literature review

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    Amidst increased research on mergers in higher education, studies addressing micro level processes are scarce and fragmented across disciplines: our aim is to systematically review existing studies, providing implications for research and practice. We grouped 21 studies from different countries under four themes: academic identity and self-image; cultural integration; staff reaction; teaching and research. Timing, status of institutions and staff, and disciplinary cultures apparently affect post-merger micro-level processes. Policy reforms might indirectly address micro-level processes following a merger, for example in a change of academic identities. Few studies investigated the impact of mergers on teaching and research activities. Studying merger consequences for academic core activities is complex, requiring a longer perspective involving students, staff and quantitative indicators. Longitudinal design in further studies might investigate changes from different angles and for different staff groups and students, exploring country differences in micro-level processes, applying a comparative design. Despite limitations, our review might inform the planning of merger processes regarding reactions at micro level

    Digital technologies for primary education in disadvantaged contexts: An explorative review

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    Particularly in ‘early’ or ‘major’ adopting countries of digital technologies research on digital transformation in schools has been expanding. Such research, however, is fragmented for ‘late’ adopting countries with a disadvantaged context for digitalization. Identifying and summarizing this research, this article presents the results of an explorative review of studies on the implementation of digital technologies in compulsory schools in countries with a disadvantaged context for digitalization. Our aim is to understand the specific contextual constraints met by these countries when adopting digital technologies in their education system
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