540 research outputs found

    The Ultrafast Singlet Fission Dynamics in Solution and Thin Film

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    Singlet fission (SF) is a process where two triplet charge-carriers are generated from one photoexcited singlet state. This opens up the possibility to increase the efficiency limit for single-junction solar cells by one third from 33% to 44%. In this work, the long-lasting question of the effect of competing pathways on the efficiency of SF is addressed by time-resolved spectroscopy and a novel global fit approach. This is demonstrated on two examples. First, SF is established in a new class of molecules, the tetraazaperopyrenes. Here, substituent-dependent factors, namely excimer formation as well as vibronic and spin-orbit coupling, are identified to be decisive for SF efficiency. Subsequently, solutions of (hetero-) acenes are investigated, in which comparisons between ambient conditions and deaerated solutions highlight the importance of molecular oxygen for SF: A new, sequential mechanism including atmospheric oxygen as a catalyst is resolved, which allows for a step-wise doubling of triplet states even at low chromophore concentrations. In concentrated solutions, diffusion-controlled SF outcompetes other reaction pathways resulting in triplet yields close to 200%. The absence of any intermediate species emphasises the efficiency of this process

    Rapid reviews as an emerging approach to evidence synthesis in education

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    Rapid reviews using abbreviated systematic review methods are of increasing importance for evidence-informed decision-making in education, although there is little guidance about the most suitable approach. Three recently completed rapid review reports are compared to inform discussions on the utility of this type of review in education and to highlight appropriate methods for producing evidence syntheses in a limited time frame. Rapid review methods need to be chosen to fit the needs of the review, which involves: thinking broadly about different kinds of team experience and expertise; estimating the size and nature of the literature to be reviewed; considering the review purpose and nature of the topic; choosing an appropriate synthesis method for the review purpose, evidence base and reviewers’ expertise; fully describing the review approach, and discussing the potential limitations of chosen methods; and understanding the anticipated audiences and tailoring outputs accordingly. Rapid reviews to address urgent and high-priority questions provide the benefits of timeliness and reduced resource requirements. However, it is crucial to understand caveats and limitations to the rapid conduct of evidence syntheses for decision-making purposes. This article offers guidance to support researchers, postgraduate students and commissioners who wish to conduct rapid reviews in a transparent and systematic way, addressing complex questions of relevance to evidence-informed decision-making in education

    Are We As Rational As We Think? Bringing Rationality Versus Equality Preferences into the Classroom

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    The Ultimatum Game examines the relationship between profit maximization and fairness in our decision making process. The setup: two players, a proposer and a responder divide an amount of money between them. The predicted outcome is a result where the proposer offers $1 to the responder and keeps the rest with the responder accepting the offer. The game introduces that monetary gain may not be the only force behind people’s decision making process while introducing the ideas of fairness and equality. The game results seem to disprove the theory that people behave rationally, or economically speaking in their own self-interest


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    Pembelajaran yang menuntut daya kritis peserta didik harus didukung dengan berbagai aspek pendorongnya. Materi, metode, media, dan evaluasi yang guru terapkan dalam menyampaikan materi akan menjadi kunci untuk meningkatkan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada proses pembelajaran. Oleh karenanya, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui upaya meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik melalui penggunaan video kebangsaan. Penelitian ini dilakukan agar dalam pembelajaran PPKn peserta didik mampu memahami materi pelajaran secara mendalam. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode penelitian tindakan kelas dengan subjek penelitian utama yakni kelas 8-A SMPN 16 Bandung. Teknik pengumpulan data yang dipilih adalah observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, dan perekaman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dalam tahap perencanaan pembelajaran PPKn pada materi pokok konstitusi yang berlaku di Indonesia dengan menggunakan video meliputi Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) yang juga memuat karakter yang diharapkan, model yang disesuaikan untuk memudahkan peserta didik dalam mengemukakan pendapat, video kebangsaan yang disesuaikan dengan materi yang disampaikan, sumber dan alat pembelajaran, lembar observasi, dan lembar kerja siswa. Pada tahap pelaksanaan pembelajaran PPKn pada materi pokok konstitusi yang berlaku di Indonesia dengan menggunakan video kebangsaan pada siklus I sampai dengan siklus III mampu meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik. Disamping itu, penggunaan video sebagai media pembelajaran tidak akan terlepas dari berbagai kendala yang dihadapi guru. Kendala yang terjadi dalam penelitian tindakan kelas ini meliputi keterbatasan alat atau sarana prasarana, adanya rasa kantuk yang dialami peserta didik, guru harus menjelaskan kembali isi dari video dan menggalinya melalui diskusi dan pertanyaan, kurangnya catatan dari peserta didik mengenai materi yang disampaikan, dan harus adanya penyesuaian materi dengan video yang akan ditayangkan. Namun kendala tersebut dapat diminimalisir melalui upaya-upaya yang dilakukan untuk mengatasi kendala yang dihadapi guru dalam penggunaan video kebangsaan pada pembelajaran PPKn pada materi pokok konstitusi yang berlaku di Indonesia yang dilaksanakan di kelas 8-A. Upaya-upaya tersebut meliputi kemampuan guru dalam mengelola kelas, menjalankan segala halnya sesuai peran guru dengan baik, pemberian arahan yang jelas, menumbuhkan rasa percaya diri dan semangat peserta didik, serta kreatifitas guru dalam menghadapi segala permasalahan atau kendala yang terjadi dalam proses pembelajaran. Melalui upaya-upaya yang telah dilakukan menjadikan peserta didik lebih mampu dalam meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis pada setiap siklusnya. Peningkatan berpikir kritis peserta didik tersebut dibuktikan melalui data hasil pengamatan pada siklus I kemampuan berpikir kritis peserta didik dapat diklasifikasikan cukup, selanjutnya pada siklus II menunjukkan klasifikasi baik, dan siklus III juga menunjukkan klasifikasi baik namun lebih meningkat lagi dibandingkan siklus II. Dalam kemampuan berpikir kritis terdapat aspek yang dirasakan sangat menonjol diantaranya kemampuan dalam memahami materi dan permasalahan yang dipelajari serta kemampuan untuk lebih berani dalam mengemukakan pendapat. ---------- Learning that demands critical power student must be supported with various aspects of the pusher. Materials, methods, media, and evaluation of teachers applied in presenting the material will be key to improving the critical thinking of student in the learning process. Therefore, this study aims to determine efforts to improve student critical thinking skills through the use of video nationality. This research was conducted in order to PPKn learning student are able to understand the subject matter in depth. This study used a qualitative approach and methods of classroom action research with the main research subject grade of 8-A SMPN 16 Bandung. The selected data collection techniques are observation, interviews, documentary studies, and recording. The results showed that in learning planning PPKn the subject matter of the constitution in force in Indonesia by using video includes lesson plan which also contains the expected character, a model that adjusted by facilitate student in expressing opinions, video nationality adjusted submitted materials, resources and learning tools, observation sheets, and student worksheet. During the implementation phase of learning PPKn the subject matter of the constitution in force in Indonesia by using video nationality in the first cycle to the third cycle can improve student critical thinking skills. Besides that, the use of video as a media of learning will not be separated from the various problem faced by teacher. Obstacles that occur in the classroom action research include limitations of equipment or infrastructure, the sleepiness experienced by student, teacher should explain again the contents of the video and delve through discussion and questions, the lack of a record of the student regarding the material presented, and should any material adjustments to the video to be aired. However, this problem can be minimized through the efforts made to overcome the obstacles faced by teacher in the use of video nationality on learning PPKn the subject matter of the constitution in force in Indonesia are carried out in class 8-A. These efforts include the ability of teacher to manage the classroom, running all the appropriate role of teacher as well, giving clear direction, foster self-confidence and enthusiasm of student, as well as teacher creativity in the face of all the problems or obstacles that occur in the learning process. Through the efforts which have been made to make student better able to improve critical thinking skills in each cycle. Improved critical thinking of student proven through observation data in the first cycle of critical thinking skills of student can be classified sufficiently, then in the second cycle showed good classification, and the third cycle also shows the classification good but further increased compared to the second cycle. In the critical thinking skills to be an aspect that very prominent among them the ability to understand the material and the problems are studied as well as the ability to be more daring in expressing opinion

    Evaluering av Kunnskapssenter for utdanning

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    Evalueringen er spesielt bedt om å vurdere Forskningsrådets håndtering av oppdraget om etablering av Kunnskapssenter for utdanning, rådets vertskapsrolle for senteret, samt vurdere om Kunnskapssenterets virksomhet er i tråd med de føringer Kunnskapsdepartementet opprinnelig ga. I tillegg er evalueringen bedt om å innhente ulike brukergruppers erfaring med senteret, samt gi en vurdering av Kunnskapsdepartementets rolle i den løpende utviklingen av senteret

    Protter: interactive protein feature visualization and integration with experimental proteomic data

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    Summary: The ability to integrate and visualize experimental proteomic evidence in the context of rich protein feature annotations represents an unmet need of the proteomics community. Here we present Protter, a web-based tool that supports interactive protein data analysis and hypothesis generation by visualizing both annotated sequence features and experimental proteomic data in the context of protein topology. Protter supports numerous proteomic file formats and automatically integrates a variety of reference protein annotation sources, which can be readily extended via modular plug-ins. A built-in export function produces publication-quality customized protein illustrations, also for large datasets. Visualizations of surfaceome datasets show the specific utility of Protter for the integrated visual analysis of membrane proteins and peptide selection for targeted proteomics. Availability and implementation: The Protter web application is available at http://wlab.ethz.ch/protter. Source code and installation instructions are available at http://ulo.github.io/Protter/. Contact: [email protected] Supplementary Information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    Immunophenotyping without antibodies: New perspectives for lymphoma characterization

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    Aims: Accurate classification of haematological malignancies is a prerequisite for their correct diagnosis, prognosis and therapy. Clear classification of lymphomas is often hindered by the limited number of available cell surface protein markers that are suitable for immunophenotyping. A systematic and quantitative analysis of cell surface proteins is thus required to identify new protein markers on lymphoma subtypes in an unbiased and discovery-driven approach. Methods: Nine Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin B cell lines of diffuse large cell type and mediastinal type were investigated by cell surface capture (CSC) technology, a mass spectrometry-based method to identify cell surface glycoproteins. Selected proteins are verified by antibody-based methods, including flow cytometry and immunohistochemistry on cell line arrays. Results: A total of 747 predicted transmembrane proteins were identified from all cell lines, including 142 CD (cluster of differentiation) annotated proteins. A group of differentially expressed cell surface glycoproteins between Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin B cell lines was revealed via quantitative CSC technology. In addition to classical and expected CD molecules such as CD20 and CD30, less frequently expressed molecules such as CD2 on Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) cell lines were identified by CSC and verified by immunohistochemistry in cell lines and primary lymphoma tissue. A panel of CSC-identified differentiation glycoprotein candidates is currently under investigation on tissue microarrays (TMAs) from patient sample

    Decoding Functional High-Density Lipoprotein Particle Surfaceome Interactions

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    High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is a mixture of complex particles mediating reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) and several cytoprotective activities. Despite its relevance for human health, many aspects of HDL-mediated lipid trafficking and cellular signaling remain elusive at the molecular level. During HDL's journey throughout the body, its functions are mediated through interactions with cell surface receptors on different cell types. To characterize and better understand the functional interplay between HDL particles and tissue, we analyzed the surfaceome-residing receptor neighborhoods with which HDL potentially interacts. We applied a combination of chemoproteomic technologies including automated cell surface capturing (auto-CSC) and HATRIC-based ligand-receptor capturing (HATRIC-LRC) on four different cellular model systems mimicking tissues relevant for RCT. The surfaceome analysis of EA.hy926, HEPG2, foam cells, and human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs) revealed the main currently known HDL receptor scavenger receptor B1 (SCRB1), as well as 155 shared cell surface receptors representing potential HDL interaction candidates. Since vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) was recently found as a regulatory factor of transendothelial transport of HDL, we next analyzed the VEGF-modulated surfaceome of HAEC using the auto-CSC technology. VEGF-A treatment led to the remodeling of the surfaceome of HAEC cells, including the previously reported higher surfaceome abundance of SCRB1. In total, 165 additional receptors were found on HAEC upon VEGF-A treatment representing SCRB1 co-regulated receptors potentially involved in HDL function. Using the HATRIC-LRC technology on human endothelial cells, we specifically aimed for the identification of other bona fide (co-)receptors of HDL beyond SCRB1. HATRIC-LRC enabled, next to SCRB1, the identification of the receptor tyrosine-protein kinase Mer (MERTK). Through RNA interference, we revealed its contribution to endothelial HDL binding and uptake. Furthermore, subsequent proximity ligation assays (PLAs) demonstrated the spatial vicinity of MERTK and SCRB1 on the endothelial cell surface. The data shown provide direct evidence for a complex and dynamic HDL receptome and that receptor nanoscale organization may influence binding and uptake of HDL

    Identifizierung VHL-assoziierter Veränderungen im klarzelligen Nierenzellkarzinom: Anwendung von kombinierten Genom- und Expressionsanalysen

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    Zusammenfassung: Das sporadische Nierenzellkarzinom (NZK) ist ein heterogener solider Tumor, der traditionell basierend auf morphologischen Kriterien in weitere Subtypen unterteilt wird. In den letzten Jahren konnten unter Anwendung molekularer Hochdurchsatzanalysen genetische, transkriptionelle und translationale Alterationen identifiziert werden. Diese Marker eignen sich zum einen für die molekulare Klassifizierung des NZK und haben zum anderen prognostische Wertigkeit. Die isolierte Betrachtung genetischer, transkriptioneller und translationaler Veränderungen verhindert jedoch ein tieferes Verständnis für die komplexen Vorgänge der Karzinogenese. Wir fassen hier aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse zur molekularen Charakterisierung des NZK zusammen und stellen ein systembiologisches Konzept zur Identifizierung neuer Tumormarker vor. Diese könnten zukünftig Einsatz in der Diagnostik und Therapie des sporadischen NZK finde