22 research outputs found

    Building Leaderful Organizations: Succession Planning for Nonprofits

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    Shares three approaches to planning for new leadership -- ongoing leadership development, planning for emergencies, and planning for a departure announced well in advance. Discusses the challenges nonprofits face, and lists tools and resources

    Creative Disruption: Sabbaticals for Capacity Building and Leadership Development in the Nonprofit Sector

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    Based on a survey, examines the outcomes of sabbaticals for nonprofit leaders, their organizations, leadership transitions, and sponsoring foundations, as well as lessons learned and challenges. Includes case studies

    Daring to Lead 2006

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    Presents findings from a survey that examines why nonprofit executives leave their jobs. Offers recommendations for strengthening and supporting current leadership, creating more diversity, and developing the next generation of nonprofit leaders

    Interim Executive Directors: The Power in the Middle

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    Explores the benefits and basics of using an interim executive director in a nonprofit leadership transition. Provides case studies that emphasize the growth opportunities that exist between the tenures of permanent leaders

    Impact of Supervisor's Implicit Person Theory and Commitment of Performance Management Behaviors

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)Performance management is not a new area within IO psychology research, however recently there has been growing interest with how to increase its effectiveness. Scholars are calling for more research to examine the antecedents of actual performance management behaviors that managers enact on a daily basis. The current study addresses this gap by utilizing Implicit Person Theory to understand the effect of supervisor perceptions on their behaviors that contribute towards the goal(s) of performance management. Previous research has suggested that Implicit Person Theory leads to more coaching behaviors, however, has failed to identify an explanatory mechanism. The current study relies on the three-component model of commitment to offer a mediating variable between Implicit Person Theory and differing degrees of performance management behaviors due to its more proximal relationship to the target behaviors compared to the broad antecedent of perception of others. The researchers tested this mediation using survey data from a broad sample of supervisors across the United States. Managers’ Incrementalism was positively and significantly related to discretionary performance management behaviors via affective commitment to performance management, however the relationship between Incrementalism and focal performance management behaviors via continuance commitment was non-significant. This research extends previous performance management research by providing evidence for the influence of key supervisor attitudes and implicit beliefs on varying levels of performance management behaviors. Theoretical contributions, limitations and future research directions are discussed

    Impact of Supervisor\u27s Implicit Person Theory and Commitment on Performance Management Behaviors

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    Performance management is not a new area within IO psychology research, however recently there has been growing interest with how to increase its effectiveness. Scholars are calling for more research to examine the antecedents of actual performance management behaviors that managers enact on a daily basis. The current study addresses this gap by utilizing Implicit Person Theory to understand the effect of supervisor perceptions on their behaviors that contribute towards the goal(s) of performance management. Previous research has suggested that Implicit Person Theory leads to more coaching behaviors, however, has failed to identify an explanatory mechanism. The current study relies on the three-component model of commitment to offer a mediating variable between Implicit Person Theory and differing degrees of performance management behaviors due to its more proximal relationship to the target behaviors compared to the broad antecedent of perception of others. The researchers tested this mediation using survey data from a broad sample of supervisors across the United States. Managers’ Incrementalism was positively and significantly related to discretionary performance management behaviors via affective commitment to performance management, however the relationship between Incrementalism and focal performance management behaviors via continuance commitment was non-significant. This research extends previous performance management research by providing evidence for the influence of key supervisor attitudes and implicit beliefs on varying levels of performance management behaviors. Theoretical contributions, limitations and future research directions are discussed

    Five years at Panama: the trans-isthmian canal

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    Esta publicación describe un viaje por el Canal de Panamá, después de la expedición que realizó Cristóbal Colón a su llegada por el descubrimiento

    A survey of Indiana public relations professionals on the practice of strategic corporate philanthropy

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    There is no abstract available for this research paper.Thesis (M.A.)Department of Journalis

    Cinco años en Panamá: (1880-1885)

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    Wolfred Nelson, médico cirujano y corresponsal de “The Gazette” (Montreal), expone en esta publicación las impresiones y experiencias que acumuló a lo largo de los cinco años que vivió en Panamá. El médico canadiense presenta en este título un trabajo de alto valor etnográfico por el estudio y descripción de lo rutinario y extraordinario dentro de la cotidianidad y mentalidad panameña, a pesar de la negatividad que caracterizó a las primeras impresiones causadas por el país. Resaltan también como temas los retratos de la naturaleza; el paisaje y el amplio, aunque cuestionable, seguimiento de noticias relacionadas a la construcción del Canal francés.Respecto a la importancia académica de esta publicación, se destaca la obra del autor por su “realismo, su sinceridad, su capacidad de observación, el cuidado en los detalles y el tono satírico con que describe un Panamá elemental”. Finalmente, el lector podrá encontrar en este título un testimonio costumbrista sobre las condiciones de vida propias del siglo XIX en Panamá.Estudio preliminarIntroducciónBreves noticias sobre la vida y obra del autorWolfred Nelson y el escenario istmeñoSu actitud ante lo panameñoNelson y la cuestión del canal francésValor documental de los ""Cinco años en Panamá""Semejanzas y diferencias con la edición francesaAdvertencia finalCapítulo 1 al 25Notas al Estudio preliminarNotas a Cinco Años en PanamáÍndice de ilustracione