11 research outputs found

    Expression and localization of lung surfactant protein A in human tissues

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    Lung surfactant protein A (SP-A) is a collectin produced by alveolar type II cells and Clara cells. It binds to carbohydrate structures on microorganisms, initiating effector mechanisms of innate immunity and modulating the inflammatory response in the lung. Reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction was performed on a panel of RNAs from human tissues for SP-A mRNA expression. The lung was the main site of synthesis, but transcripts were readily amplified from the trachea, prostate, pancreas, and thymus. Weak expression was observed in the colon and salivary gland. SP-A sequences derived from lung and thymus mRNA revealed the presence of both SP-A1 and SP-A2, whereas only SP-A2 expression was found in the trachea and prostate. Monoclonal antibodies were raised against SP-A and characterized. One of these (HYB 238-4) reacted in Western blotting with both reduced and unreduced SP-A, with N-deglycosylated and collagenase-treated SP-A, and with both recombinant SP-A1 and SP-A2. This antibody was used to demonstrate SP-A in immunohistochemistry of human tissues. Strong SP-A immunoreactivity was seen in alveolar type-II cells, Clara cells, and on and within alveolar macrophages, but no extrapulmonary SP-A immunoreactivity was observed. In contrast to lung surfactant protein D (SP-D), which is generally expressed on mucosal surfaces, SP-A seems to be restricted to the respiratory system.<br/

    Structural and functional differences among human surfactant proteins SP-A1, SP-A2 and co-expressed SP-A1/SP-A2: role of supratrimeric oligomerization

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    SP-A (surfactant protein A) is a membrane-associated SP that helps to maintain the lung in a sterile and non-inflamed state. Unlike SP-As from other mammalian species, human SP-A consists of two functional gene products: SP-A1 and SP-A2. In all the functions examined, recombinant human SP-A1 invariably exhibits lower biological activity than SP-A2. The objective of the present study was to investigate why SP-A2 possesses greater biological activity than SP-A1 and what advantage accrues to having two polypeptide chains instead of one. We analysed structural and functional characteristics of recombinant baculovirus-derived SP-A1, SP-A2 and co-expressed SP-A1/SP-A2 using a wide array of experimental approaches such as analytical ultracentrifugation, DSC (differential scanning calorimetry) and fluorescence. We found that the extent of supratrimeric assembly is much lower in SP-A1 than SP-A2. However, the resistance to proteolysis is greater for SP-A1 than for SP-A2. Co-expressed SP-A1/SP-A2 had greater thermal stability than SP-A1 and SP-A2 and exhibited properties of each protein. On the one hand, SP-A1/SP-A2, like SP-A2, had a higher degree of oligomerization than SP-A1, and consequently had lower Kd for binding to bacterial Re-LPS (rough lipopolysaccharide), higher self-association in the presence of calcium and greater capability to aggregate Re-LPS and phospholipids than SP-A1. On the other hand, SP-A1/SP-A2, like SP-A1, was more resistant to trypsin degradation than SP-A2. Finally, the importance of the supratrimeric assembly for SP-A immunomodulatory function is discussed