187 research outputs found

    Structural Basis of Fosmidomycin Action Revealed by the Complex with 2-C-Methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate Synthase (IspC): implications for the catalytic mechanism and anti-malaria drug development

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    2-C-Methyl-D-erythritol 4-phosphate synthase (IspC) is the first enzyme committed to isoprenoid biosynthesis in the methylerythritol phosphate pathway, which represents an alternative route to the classical mevalonate pathway. As it is present in many pathogens and plants, but not in man, this pathway has attracted considerable interest as a target for novel antibiotics and herbicides. Fosmidomycin represents a specific high-affinity inhibitor of IspC. Very recently, its anti-malaria activity in man has been demonstrated in clinical trials. Here, we present the crystal structure of Escherichia coli IspC in complex with manganese and fosmidomycin at 2.5 Å resolution. The (N-formyl-N-hydroxy)amino group provides two oxygen ligands to manganese that is present in a distorted octahedral coordination, whereas the phosphonate group is anchored in a specific pocket by numerous hydrogen bonds. Both sites are connected by a spacer of three methylene groups. The substrate molecule, 1-D-deoxyxylulose 5-phosphate, can be superimposed onto fosmidomycin, explaining the stereochemical course of the reaction

    How Viral and Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens Reprogram the Metabolism of Host Cells to Allow Their Intracellular Replication

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    Viruses and intracellular bacterial pathogens (IBPs) have in common the need of suitable host cells for efficient replication and proliferation during infection. In human infections, the cell types which both groups of pathogens are using as hosts are indeed quite similar and include phagocytic immune cells, especially monocytes/macrophages (MOs/MPs) and dendritic cells (DCs), as well as nonprofessional phagocytes, like epithelial cells, fibroblasts and endothelial cells. These terminally differentiated cells are normally in a metabolically quiescent state when they are encountered by these pathogens during infection. This metabolic state of the host cells does not meet the extensive need for nutrients required for efficient intracellular replication of viruses and especially IBPs which, in contrast to the viral pathogens, have to perform their own specific intracellular metabolism to survive and efficiently replicate in their host cell niches. For this goal, viruses and IBPs have to reprogram the host cell metabolism in a pathogen-specific manner to increase the supply of nutrients, energy, and metabolites which have to be provided to the pathogen to allow its replication. In viral infections, this appears to be often achieved by the interaction of specific viral factors with central metabolic regulators, including oncogenes and tumor suppressors, or by the introduction of virus-specific oncogenes. Less is so far known on the mechanisms leading to metabolic reprogramming of the host cell by IBPs. However, the still scant data suggest that similar mechanisms may also determine the reprogramming of the host cell metabolism in IBP infections. In this review, we summarize and compare the present knowledge on this important, yet still poorly understood aspect of pathogenesis of human viral and especially IBP infections

    Tracking Lipid Transfer by Fatty Acid Isotopolog Profiling from Host Plants to Arbuscular Mycorrhiza Fungi

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    Lipid transfer from host plants to arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi was hypothesized for several years because sequenced arbuscular mycorrhiza fungal genomes lack genes encoding cytosolic fatty acid synthase (Wewer et al., 2014;Rich et al., 2017). It was finally shown by two independent experimental approaches (Jiang et al., 2017;Keymer et al., 2017;Luginbuehl et al., 2017). One approach used a technique called isotopolog profiling (Keymer et al., 2017). Isotopologs are molecules, which differ only in their isotopic composition. For isotopolog profiling an organism is fed with a heavy isotope labelled precursor metabolite. Subsequently, the labelled isotopolog composition of metabolic products is analysed via mass spectrometry. The detected isotopolog pattern of the metabolite(s) of interest yields information about metabolic pathways and fluxes (Ahmed et al., 2014). The following protocol describes an experimental setup, which enables separate isotopolog profiling of fatty acids in plant roots colonized by arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi and their associated fungal extraradical mycelium, to elucidate fluxes between both symbiotic organisms. We predict that this strategy can also be used to study metabolite fluxes between other organisms if the two interacting organisms can be physically separated

    Metabolic host responses to infection by intracellular bacterial pathogens

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    The interaction of bacterial pathogens with mammal an hosts leads to a variety of physiological responses of the interacting partners aimed at an adaptation to the new situation. These responses include multiple metabolic changes in the affected host cells which are most obvious when the pathogen replicates within host cells as in case of intracellular bacterial pathogens. While the pathogen tries to deprive nutrients from the host cell, the host cell in return takes various metabolic countermeasures against the nutrient theft. During this conflicting interaction, the pathogen triggers metabolic host cell responses by means of common cell envelope components and specific virulence-associated factors. These host reactions generally promote replication of the pathogen. There is growing evidence that pathogen-specific factors may interfere in different ways with the complex regulatory network that controls the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of mammalian cells. The host cell defense answers include general metabolic reactions, like the generation of oxygen- and/or nitrogen-reactive species, and more specific measures aimed to prevent access to essential nutrients for the respective pathogen. Accurate results on metabolic host cell responses are often hampered by the use of cancer cell lines that already exhibit various de regulated reactions in the primary carbon metabolism. Hence, there is an urgent need for cellular models that more closely reflect the in vivo infection conditions. The exact knowledge of the metabolic host cell responses may provide new interesting concepts for antibacterial therapies

    Toward a Systemic Understanding of Listeria monocytogenes Metabolism during Infection

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne human pathogen that can cause invasive infection in susceptible animals and humans. For proliferation within hosts, this facultative intracellular pathogen uses a reservoir of specific metabolic pathways, transporter, and enzymatic functions whose expression requires the coordinated activity of a complex regulatory network. The highly adapted metabolism of L. monocytogenes strongly depends on the nutrient composition of various milieus encountered during infection. Transcriptomic and proteomic studies revealed the spatial–temporal dynamic of gene expression of this pathogen during replication within cultured cells or in vivo. Metabolic clues are the utilization of unusual C2- and C3-bodies, the metabolism of pyruvate, thiamine availability, the uptake of peptides, the acquisition or biosynthesis of certain amino acids, and the degradation of glucose-phosphate via the pentose phosphate pathway. These examples illustrate the interference of in vivo conditions with energy, carbon, and nitrogen metabolism, thus affecting listerial growth. The exploitation, analysis, and modeling of the available data sets served as a first attempt to a systemic understanding of listerial metabolism during infection. L. monocytogenes might serve as a model organism for systems biology of a Gram-positive, facultative intracellular bacterium

    Pramipexole Extended Release: A Novel Treatment Option in Parkinson's Disease

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    Pramipexole, the most commonly prescribed dopamine agonist worldwide, meanwhile serves as a reference substance for evaluation of new drugs. Based on numerous clinical data and vast experiences, efficacy and safety profiles of this non-ergoline dopamine agonist are well characterized. Since October 2009, an extended-release formulation of pramipexole has been available for symptomatic treatment of Parkinson's disease. Pramipexole administration can be cut down from three times to once a day due to the newly developed extended-release formulation. This is considerable progress in regard to minimizing pill burden and enhancing compliance. Moreover, the 24 h continuous drug release of the once-daily extended-release formulation results in fewer fluctuations in plasma concentrations over time compared to immediate-release pramipexole, given three times daily. The present study summarizes pharmacokinetics and all essential pharmacological and clinical characteristics of the extended-release formulation. In addition, it provides all study data, available so far, with regard to transition and de-novo administration of extended-release formulation for patients with Parkinson's disease. It further compares efficacy and safety data of immediate-release pramipexole with the extended-release formulation of pramipexole

    Analysis of carbon substrates used by Listeria monocytogenes during growth in J774A.1 macrophages suggests a bipartite intracellular metabolism

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    Intracellular bacterial pathogens (IBPs) are dependent on various nutrients provided by the host cells. Different strategies may therefore be necessary to adapt the intracellular metabolism of IBPs to the host cells. The specific carbon sources, the catabolic pathways participating in their degradation, and the biosynthetic performances of IBPs are still poorly understood. In this report, we have exploited the technique of C-13-isotopologue profiling to further study the carbon metabolism of Listeria monocytogenes by using the EGDe wild-type strain and mutants (defective in the uptake and/or catabolism of various carbon compounds) replicating in J774A.1 macrophages. For this goal, the infected macrophages were cultivated in the presence of [1, 2-C-13(2)]glucose, [U-C-13(3)]glycerol, [U-C-13(3)]pyruvate, [U-C-13(3)]lactate, or a mix of [U-C-13]amino acids. GC/MS-based isotopologue profiling showed efficient utilization of amino acids, glucose 6-phosphate, glycerol, and (at a low extent) also of lactate but not of pyruvate by the IBPs. Most amino acids imported from the host cells were directly used for bacterial protein biosynthesis and hardly catabolized. However, Asp was de novo synthesized by the IBPs and not imported from the host cell. As expected, glycerol was catabolized via the ATP-generating lower part of the glycolytic pathway, but apparently not used for gluconeogenesis. The intermediates generated from glucose 6-phosphate in the upper part of the glycolytic pathway and the pentose phosphate shunt likely serve primarily for anabolic purposes (probably for the biosynthesis of cell wall components and nucleotides). This bipartite bacterial metabolism which involves at least two major carbon substrates-glycerol mainly for energy supply and glucose 6-phosphate mainly for indispensible anabolic performances-may put less nutritional stress on the infected host cells, thereby extending the lifespan of the host cells to the benefit of the IBPs

    Elucidation of novel biosynthetic pathways and metabolite flux patterns by retrobiosynthetic NMR analysis

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    The labelling patterns of metabolites from experiments with stable isotope-labelled precursors can be determined by NMR spectroscopy. Complex isotopomer mixtures are found when general metabolites such as glucose are used as stable isotope-labelled precursors which are diverted to all branches of intermediary metabolism. The complex results can be interpreted by a pattern recognition approach based on comparison between the labelling patterns of secondary metabolites and primary metabolites such as amino acids and ribonucleosides. The isotope labelling patterns of intermediates in central metabolic pools such as carbohydrate phosphates, dicarboxylic acids, and acetyl CoA can be obtained by biosynthetic retroanalysis. Biosynthetic pathways as well as metabolite flux patterns can be determined from these data. The method is illustrated using the classical mevalonate pathway and the more recently discovered deoxyxylulose pathway of terpenoid biosynthesis as examples. Applications of the retrobiosynthetic method of the biosynthesis of molybdopterin and of riboflavin are also discussed. Stable isotope experiments monitored by NMR spectroscopy have also been shown to be a powerful tool for the elucidation of metabolic flux in microorganisms with unusual lifestyles and in fermentation processe

    To Eat and to Be Eaten: Mutual Metabolic Adaptations of Immune Cells and Intracellular Bacterial Pathogens upon Infection

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    Intracellular bacterial pathogens (IBPs) invade and replicate in different cell types including immune cells, in particular of the innate immune system (IIS) during infection in the acute phase. However, immune cells primarily function as essential players in the highly effective and integrated host defense systems comprising the IIS and the adaptive immune system (AIS), which cooperatively protect the host against invading microbes including IBPs. As countermeasures, the bacterial pathogens (and in particular the IBPs) have developed strategies to evade or reprogram the IIS at various steps. The intracellular replication capacity and the anti-immune defense responses of the IBP's as well as the specific antimicrobial responses of the immune cells of the innate and the AIS depend on specific metabolic programs of the IBPs and their host cells. The metabolic programs of the immune cells supporting or counteracting replication of the IBPs appear to be mutually exclusive. Indeed, recent studies show that upon interaction of naive, metabolically quiescent immune cells with IBPs, different metabolic activation processes occur which may result in the provision of a survival and replication niche for the pathogen or its eradication. It is therefore likely that within a possible host cell population subsets exist that are metabolically programmed for pro-or anti-microbial conditions. These metabolic programs may be triggered by the interactions between different bacterial agonistic components and host cell receptors. In this review, we summarize the current status in the field and discuss metabolic adaptation processes within immune cells of the IIS and the IBPs that support or restrict the intracellular replication of the pathogens

    Link Between Antibiotic Persistence and Antibiotic Resistance in Bacterial Pathogens

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    Both, antibiotic persistence and antibiotic resistance characterize phenotypes of survival in which a bacterial cell becomes insensitive to one (or even) more antibiotic(s). However, the molecular basis for these two antibiotic-tolerant phenotypes is fundamentally different. Whereas antibiotic resistance is genetically determined and hence represents a rather stable phenotype, antibiotic persistence marks a transient physiological state triggered by various stress-inducing conditions that switches back to the original antibiotic sensitive state once the environmental situation improves. The molecular basics of antibiotic resistance are in principle well understood. This is not the case for antibiotic persistence. Under all culture conditions, there is a stochastically formed, subpopulation of persister cells in bacterial populations, the size of which depends on the culture conditions. The proportion of persisters in a bacterial population increases under different stress conditions, including treatment with bactericidal antibiotics (BCAs). Various models have been proposed to explain the formation of persistence in bacteria. We recently hypothesized that all physiological culture conditions leading to persistence converge in the inability of the bacteria to re-initiate a new round of DNA replication caused by an insufficient level of the initiator complex ATP-DnaA and hence by the lack of formation of a functional orisome. Here, we extend this hypothesis by proposing that in this persistence state the bacteria become more susceptible to mutation-based antibiotic resistance provided they are equipped with error-prone DNA repair functions. This is - in our opinion - in particular the case when such bacterial populations are exposed to BCAs