10,560 research outputs found

    The TESLA accelerator module test facility

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    The superconducting TESLA linear accelerator will consist of about 1800 cryomodules. Before their installation in the TESLA tunnel, the acceleratorcryomodules have to be qualified after the assembly in random tests. The qualification includes the check of the general mechanical dimensions and the measurement of the cryogenic performance of all systems, in particular,the performance of the cavities. In addition, all about 21000 single cavities have to be tested before the assembly in the cryomodules at a rate of about 24 per day. The paper presents the layout of the test facility

    Tubulin subunit carboxyl termini determine polymerization efficiency

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    Cleavage of tubulin by subtilisin removes a small (Mr < 2000) fragment from the C-terminal end of both α and β subunits. The resulting protein is much reduced in negative charge. The cleaved, less acidic protein retains its competence to polymerize in a GTP-dependent and cold-, GDP-, and podophyllotoxin-sensitive manner and assembles into sheets or bundles of twisted filaments. The critical concentration for polymerization of the cleaved protein is about 50-fold lower than that for intact tubulin. It is proposed that the C termini of the subunits normally impede polymerization

    Tubulin, hybrid dimers, and tubulin S. Stepwise charge reduction and polymerization

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    Limited proteolysis of rat brain tubulin (αβ) by subtilisin cleaves a 1-2-kDa fragment from the carboxyl-terminal ends of both the α and β subunits with a corresponding loss in negative charge of the proteins. The β subunit is split much more rapidly (and exclusively at 5 ° C), yielding a protein with cleaved β and intact α subunit, called α βs, which is of intermediate charge. Further proteolysis cleaves the carboxyl terminus of the α subunit leading, irreversibly, to the doubly cleaved product, named tubulin S, with a composition α s β s. Both cleavage products are polymerization-competent and their polymers are resistant to 1 mM Ca2+- and 0.24 M NaCl-induced depolymerization. The two polymers differ in that the αβs polymer is stable to cold, GDP, and podophyllotoxin, whereas tubulin S polymer is disassembled by these agents; moreover, αβs forms ring-shaped polymers, whereas αsβs forms filaments associated into bundles and sheets. Tubulin S co-polymerizes with native tubulin yielding a mixed product of intermediate stability. The presence of low mole fractions of tubulin S leads to a marked reduction in the critical concentration for polymerization of the mixture

    A Cluster Method for the Ashkin--Teller Model

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    A cluster Monte Carlo algorithm for the Ashkin-Teller (AT) model is constructed according to the guidelines of a general scheme for such algorithms. Its dynamical behaviour is tested for the square lattice AT model. We perform simulations on the line of critical points along which the exponents vary continuously, and find that critical slowing down is significantly reduced. We find continuous variation of the dynamical exponent zz along the line, following the variation of the ratio α/ν\alpha/\nu, in a manner which satisfies the Li-Sokal bound zcluster≥α/νz_{cluster}\geq\alpha/\nu, that was so far proved only for Potts models.Comment: 18 pages, Revtex, figures include

    Structure and Mechanism of Ergothionase from Treponema denticola

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    Ergothioneine is a sulfur-containing histidine derivative that emerges from microbial biosynthesis and enters the human body through intestinal uptake and regulated distribution into specific tissues. Although the proteins involved in biosynthesis and uptake are well characterized, less is known about the degradative pathways of ergothioneine. This report describes the crystal structure of the active form of ergothionase from the oral pathogen Treponema denticola complexed with the substrate analogue desmethyl-ergothioneine sulfonic acid. This enzyme catalyzes the 1,2-elimination of trimethylamine from ergothioneine and ergothioneine sulfonic acid by using a unique mode of substrate activation combined with acid/base catalysis. This structural and mechanistic investigation revealed four essential catalytic residues, which are strictly conserved in homologous proteins from common gastrointestinal bacteria and numerous pathogenic bacteria, suggesting that bacterial activity may play an important role in determining the availability of ergothioneine in healthy and diseased human tissue

    Scaling Analysis of the Site-Diluted Ising Model in Two Dimensions

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    A combination of recent numerical and theoretical advances are applied to analyze the scaling behaviour of the site-diluted Ising model in two dimensions, paying special attention to the implications for multiplicative logarithmic corrections. The analysis focuses primarily on the odd sector of the model (i.e., that associated with magnetic exponents), and in particular on its Lee-Yang zeros, which are determined to high accuracy. Scaling relations are used to connect to the even (thermal) sector, and a first analysis of the density of zeros yields information on the specific heat and its corrections. The analysis is fully supportive of the strong scaling hypothesis and of the scaling relations for logarithmic corrections.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figures. Published versio

    QCD as a Quantum Link Model

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    QCD is constructed as a lattice gauge theory in which the elements of the link matrices are represented by non-commuting operators acting in a Hilbert space. The resulting quantum link model for QCD is formulated with a fifth Euclidean dimension, whose extent resembles the inverse gauge coupling of the resulting four-dimensional theory after dimensional reduction. The inclusion of quarks is natural in Shamir's variant of Kaplan's fermion method, which does not require fine-tuning to approach the chiral limit. A rishon representation in terms of fermionic constituents of the gluons is derived and the quantum link Hamiltonian for QCD with a U(N) gauge symmetry is expressed in terms of glueball, meson and constituent quark operators. The new formulation of QCD is promising both from an analytic and from a computational point of view.Comment: 27 pages, including three figures. ordinary LaTeX; Submitted to Nucl. Phys.

    Quality Control and Calibration of the Dual-Polarization Radar at Kwajalein, RMI

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    Weather radars, recording information about precipitation around the globe, will soon be significantly upgraded. Most of today s weather radars transmit and receive microwave energy with horizontal orientation only, but upgraded systems have the capability to send and receive both horizontally and vertically oriented waves. These enhanced "dual-polarimetric" (DP) radars peer into precipitation and provide information on the size, shape, phase (liquid / frozen), and concentration of the falling particles (termed hydrometeors). This information is valuable for improved rain rate estimates, and for providing data on the release and absorption of heat in the atmosphere from condensation and evaporation (phase changes). The heating profiles in the atmosphere influence global circulation, and are a vital component in studies of Earth s changing climate. However, to provide the most accurate interpretation of radar data, the radar must be properly calibrated and data must be quality controlled (cleaned) to remove non-precipitation artifacts; both of which are challenging tasks for today s weather radar. The DP capability maximizes performance of these procedures using properties of the observed precipitation. In a notable paper published in 2005, scientists from the Cooperative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies (CIMMS) at the University of Oklahoma developed a method to calibrate radars using statistically averaged DP measurements within light rain. An additional publication by one of the same scientists at the National Severe Storms Laboratory (NSSL) in Norman, Oklahoma introduced several techniques to perform quality control of radar data using DP measurements. Following their lead, the Topical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Satellite Validation Office at NASA s Goddard Space Flight Center has fine-tuned these methods for specific application to the weather radar at Kwajalein Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, approximately 2100 miles southwest of Hawaii and 1400 miles east of Guam in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. This tropical oceanic location is important because the majority of rain, and therefore the majority of atmospheric heating, occurs in the tropics where limited ground-based radar data are available
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