12,565 research outputs found

    Radar imagery - Salton Sea area, California

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    Radar imagery and geology of Salton Sea area, Californi

    Geologic evaluation of thermal infrared imagery, Caliente and Temblor ranges, southern California

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    Thermal infrared aerial photography of southern California compared with ground dat

    Geologic evaluation of radar imagery, Caliente and Temblor Ranges, southern California

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    Airborne K-band radar imagery of Caliente and Temblor range are

    Understanding the measurement of hunger and food insecurity in the elderly

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    The elderly are one of the population subgroups at greatest risk for hunger and food insecurity. To date, no accurate measures of this problem have been developed. What is needed are a thorough understanding of the phenomenon, and an assessment of how the elderly perceive and answer items commonly used to measure hunger and food insecurity in other subgroups. In-depth, open-ended interviews were conducted with forty-one low-income urban black and rural white residents of upstate New York. Results suggest a conceptual framework of food insecurity in the elderly with two significant differences from frameworks proposed for younger families: the major role of health problems and physical disabilities, and the impact of personal history on perceptions of food insecurity. In a telephone follow-up (approximately six months after the initial interviews) twenty-four respondents were asked commonly used food insecurity questionnaire items from six different sources. Results suggest that hunger and food insecurity among the elderly can be measured directly. The commonly used measures tested here will help categorize the stages of food insecurity. However, these direct measures might underestimate the prevalence of food insecurity because of a perceived reluctance to report problems with food.

    Evaluation of Ektachrome and Multiband Photography in Caliente Range, California

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    Ektachrome and multiband photography evaluation in Caliente Range of Californi

    Biotic Interactions Shape the Ecological Distributions of Staphylococcus Species.

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    Many metagenomic sequencing studies have observed the presence of closely related bacterial species or genotypes in the same microbiome. Previous attempts to explain these patterns of microdiversity have focused on the abiotic environment, but few have considered how biotic interactions could drive patterns of microbiome diversity. We dissected the patterns, processes, and mechanisms shaping the ecological distributions of three closely related Staphylococcus species in cheese rind biofilms. Paradoxically, the most abundant species (S. equorum) is the slowest colonizer and weakest competitor based on growth and competition assays in the laboratory. Through in vitro community reconstructions, we determined that biotic interactions with neighboring fungi help resolve this paradox. Species-specific stimulation of the poor competitor by fungi of the genus Scopulariopsis allows S. equorum to dominate communities in vitro as it does in situ Results of comparative genomic and transcriptomic experiments indicate that iron utilization pathways, including a homolog of the S. aureus staphyloferrin B siderophore operon pathway, are potential molecular mechanisms underlying Staphylococcus-Scopulariopsis interactions. Our integrated approach demonstrates that fungi can structure the ecological distributions of closely related bacterial species, and the data highlight the importance of bacterium-fungus interactions in attempts to design and manipulate microbiomes.ImportanceDecades of culture-based studies and more recent metagenomic studies have demonstrated that bacterial species in agriculture, medicine, industry, and nature are unevenly distributed across time and space. The ecological processes and molecular mechanisms that shape these distributions are not well understood because it is challenging to connect in situ patterns of diversity with mechanistic in vitro studies in the laboratory. Using tractable cheese rind biofilms and a focus on coagulase-negative staphylococcus (CNS) species, we demonstrate that fungi can mediate the ecological distributions of closely related bacterial species. One of the Staphylococcus species studied, S. saprophyticus, is a common cause of urinary tract infections. By identifying processes that control the abundance of undesirable CNS species, cheese producers will have more precise control on the safety and quality of their products. More generally, Staphylococcus species frequently co-occur with fungi in mammalian microbiomes, and similar bacterium-fungus interactions may structure bacterial diversity in these systems

    Effectiveness of Tile Drainage on a Fragipan Soil in an Orchard Site

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    Orchards require a well-drained soil in order for roots to have good aeration and to function properly. The soil is unsatisfactory for orchard purposes if the water table remains within six inches to a foot of the soil surface for a week after a heavy spring rain, or within three feet of the surface for several weeks after growth starts. Poor internal water drainage is a limiting factor for many sites. In Kentucky, many orchards are on soils with a fragipan which result in perched water tables near the surface during winter and spring months. Perched water tables exist above the fragipan only during months when precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. This often results in extended periods of water saturation of the top two to three feet of the soil. For good growth and optimum production, internal water drainage needs to be improved

    Preliminary catalog of pictures taken on the lunar surface during the Apollo 15 mission

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    Catalog of all pictures taken from lunar module or lunar surface during Apollo 15 missio

    The Effect of Water Deficits during Flowering and Seed Production on Cultivars of Subterranean Clover and Annual Medic

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    In improved pastures in inland southern Australia, the persistence and growth of annual pasture legumes depends in part on their ability to produce and conserve abundant seed for regeneration and production. For near-maximum seed production in spring, adequate soil water is needed for at least 70 days in subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) and medic (Medicago) species. Water deficits during spring are a common occurrence, and they appear to be increasing in frequency. The effect of relatively short periods of water deficit during reproductive development has received some attention but the findings conflict. The present experiment was conducted to examine further the responses of subterranean clover to water deficits imposed during the reproductive phase, and to compare the response of medic to that of subterranean clover. The flowering of two early strains of subterranean clover (Northam, Daglish) was synchronised with two early-flowering cultivars of annual medic (Cyprus barrel medic and Harbinger strand medic). Seed production parameters were observed on four watering treatments (nil, early, mid and late deficits during the reproductive phase). Notable differences occurred between the two genera and between the water treatments in their effect on reproductive development. A highly significant interaction favouring medic was recorded between the legumes (clover, medic) and the early deficit treatment, in that the individual seed weight of medic was slightly enhanced by water stress and clover was significantly depressed. In the mid- and late-stress treatments, a significantly lower proportion of viable seed was recorded with clover versus medic. The implications of the findings for the use of adapted annual legumes are discussed. This research was supported by a Reserve Bank Research Fellowship

    Elastic properties of cubic crystals: Every's versus Blackman's diagram

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    Blackman's diagram of two dimensionless ratios of elastic constants is frequently used to correlate elastic properties of cubic crystals with interatomic bondings. Every's diagram of a different set of two dimensionless variables was used by us for classification of various properties of such crystals. We compare these two ways of characterization of elastic properties of cubic materials and consider the description of various groups of materials, e.g. simple metals, oxides, and alkali halides. With exception of intermediate valent compounds, the correlation coefficients for Every's diagrams of various groups of materials are greater than for Blackaman's diagrams, revealing the existence of a linear relationship between two dimensionless Every's variables. Alignment of elements and compounds along lines of constant Poisson's ratio ν(,m)\nu(,\textbf{m}), (m\textbf{m} arbitrary perpendicular to ) is observed. Division of the stability region in Blackman's diagram into region of complete auxetics, auxetics and non-auxetics is introduced. Correlations of a scaling and an acoustic anisotropy parameter are considered.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, presented on The Ninth International School on Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter", 5 - 12 September 2007, Myczkowce, Polan
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