13,124 research outputs found

    Hysteresis in the Mott Transition between Plasma and Insulating Gas

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    We show that hysteresis can occur in the transition between a neutral plasma and the insulating gas consisting of neutral pairs bound by Coulomb attraction. Since the transition depends sensitively on the screening length in the plasma, regions of bistability occur in density--temperature phase space. We present numerical results which indicate where these regions occur for systems such as spin-polarized hydrogen, positronium gas, and excitons in a semiconductor.Comment: 9 pages (Latex/RevTex), 6 postscript figures which are in compressed and uuencoded file, prepared using the utility "uufiles" and separately submitted. They should be automatically included with the text when it is downloaded. Figures also available in hard copy from the authors ([email protected]; [email protected]); paper submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Distributed intelligence for supervisory control

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    Supervisory control systems must deal with various types of intelligence distributed throughout the layers of control. Typical layers are real-time servo control, off-line planning and reasoning subsystems and finally, the human operator. Design methodologies must account for the fact that the majority of the intelligence will reside with the human operator. Hierarchical decompositions and feedback loops as conceptual building blocks that provide a common ground for man-machine interaction are discussed. Examples of types of parallelism and parallel implementation on several classes of computer architecture are also discussed

    Effectiveness of Tile Drainage on a Fragipan Soil in an Orchard Site

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    Orchards require a well-drained soil in order for roots to have good aeration and to function properly. The soil is unsatisfactory for orchard purposes if the water table remains within six inches to a foot of the soil surface for a week after a heavy spring rain, or within three feet of the surface for several weeks after growth starts. Poor internal water drainage is a limiting factor for many sites. In Kentucky, many orchards are on soils with a fragipan which result in perched water tables near the surface during winter and spring months. Perched water tables exist above the fragipan only during months when precipitation exceeds evapotranspiration. This often results in extended periods of water saturation of the top two to three feet of the soil. For good growth and optimum production, internal water drainage needs to be improved

    Characterizing the Hydrology of Shallow Floodplain Lakes in the Slave River Delta, NWT, Canada, Using Water Isotope Tracers

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    The relative importance of major hydrological processes on thaw season 2003 lakewater balances in the Slave River Delta, NWT, Canada, is characterized using water isotope tracers and total suspended sediment (TSS) analyses. A suite of 41 lakes from three previously recognized biogeographical zones—outer delta, mid-delta, and apex—were sampled immediately following the spring melt, during summer, and in the fall of 2003. Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions were evaluated in the context of an isotopic framework calculated from 2003 hydroclimatic data. Our analysis reveals that flooding from the Slave River and Great Slave Lake dominated early spring lakewater balances in outer and most mid-delta lakes, as also indicated by elevated TSS concentrations (\u3e0.01 g L-1). In contrast, the input of snowmelt was strongest on all apex and some mid-delta lakes. After the spring melt, all delta lakes underwent heavy-isotope enrichment due to evaporation, although lakes flooded by the Slave River and Great Slave Lake during the spring freshet continued to be more depleted isotopically than those dominated by snowmelt input. The isotopic signatures of lakes with direct connections to the Slave River or Great Slave Lake varied throughout the season in response to the nature of the connection. Our findings provide the basis for identifying three groups of lakes based on the major factors that control their water balances: (1) flood-dominated (n=10), (2) evaporation-dominated (n=25), and (3) exchange-dominated (n=6) lakes. Differentiation of the hydrological processes that influence Slave River Delta lakewater balances is essential for ongoing hydroecological and paleohydrological studies, and ultimately, for teasing apart the relative influences of variations in local climate and Slave River hydrology

    The origin and prevention of pandemics.

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    Despite the fact that most emerging diseases stem from the transmission of pathogenic agents from animals to humans, the factors that mediate this process are still ill defined. What is known, however, is that the interface between humans and animals is of paramount importance in the process. This review will discuss the importance of the human-animal interface to the disease emergence process. We also provide an overview of factors that are believed to contribute to the origin and global spread of emerging infectious diseases and offer suggestions that may serve as future prevention strategies, such as social mobilization, public health education, behavioral change, and communication strategies. Because there exists no comprehensive global surveillance system to monitor zoonotic disease emergence, the intervention measures discussed herein may prove effective temporary alternatives

    Potato variety diversity, determinants and Implications for potato breeding strategy in Ethiopia.

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    Understanding what farmers need in potato varieties and assessing available genetic resources at the farmer and district levels is important for the conservation and improvement of potato in Ethiopia. A survey was conducted in six major potato growing districts representing different agro-ecologies, cropping systems, market outlets, and levels of new variety adoption. Seventy to ninety percent of the farmers surveyed reported growing two or more potato varieties; some farmers reported growing up to five. The greatest diversity at the district level (up to 10 potato varieties) was recorded at Gumer & Geta where there is better access to new varieties while the lowest diversity was reported in districts with low access to new cultivars. The distribution of varieties differed among agro-ecologies as did the traits that farmers were most concerned with, such as drought tolerance, late blight resistance, yield potential, marketability, food value, storage quality, adaptation to low soil fertility, time to maturity and suitability for multiple harvesting. Farmers’ decision-making processes and external factors that influence potato variety diversity were also documented. The registration of predominant local varieties and use of these local varieties as a starting point for the development of improved varieties are some of the recommendations for future potato breeding in Ethiopia. Moreover, it is necessary to consider variations in agro-ecologies, cropping systems and market outlets in the process of developing varieties suitable for farmers’ and consumers’ real needs

    Evaluation of automated decisionmaking methodologies and development of an integrated robotic system simulation. Appendix A: ROBSIM user's guide

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    The purpose of the Robotics Simulation Program is to provide a broad range of computer capabilities to assist in the design, verification, simulation, and study of robotics systems. ROBSIM is program in FORTRAN 77 for use on a VAX 11/750 computer under the VMS operating system. This user's guide describes the capabilities of the ROBSIM programs, including the system definition function, the analysis tools function and the postprocessor function. The options a user may encounter with each of these executables are explained in detail and the different program prompts appearing to the user are included. Some useful suggestions concerning the appropriate answers to be given by the user are provided. An example user interactive run in enclosed for each of the main program services, and some of the capabilities are illustrated

    Phase separation and rotor self-assembly in active particle suspensions

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    Adding a non-adsorbing polymer to passive colloids induces an attraction between the particles via the `depletion' mechanism. High enough polymer concentrations lead to phase separation. We combine experiments, theory and simulations to demonstrate that using active colloids (such as motile bacteria) dramatically changes the physics of such mixtures. First, significantly stronger inter-particle attraction is needed to cause phase separation. Secondly, the finite size aggregates formed at lower inter-particle attraction show unidirectional rotation. These micro-rotors demonstrate the self assembly of functional structures using active particles. The angular speed of the rotating clusters scales approximately as the inverse of their size, which may be understood theoretically by assuming that the torques exerted by the outermost bacteria in a cluster add up randomly. Our simulations suggest that both the suppression of phase separation and the self assembly of rotors are generic features of aggregating swimmers, and should therefore occur in a variety of biological and synthetic active particle systems.Comment: Main text: 6 pages, 5 figures. Supplementary information: 5 pages, 4 figures. Supplementary movies available from httP://www.pnas.org/lookup/suppl/doi:10.1073/pnas.1116334109/-/DCSupplementa
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